Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1042

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1002 SIXTY-NINTH‘CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cn. 89. 1927. Arizona, or any other State, and to providemeans for the extermi- nation of this insectin. California, Arizona, or elsewhere. in the ”***•°°°**“*°“· Umm sims, as wpmses witlithe sam cmsmee,s1s,coo. “'°°“'°l"°‘ I A Q““"§‘°“‘° ‘°' ""’ Sem A-  » ,ofA qA` iulture to aquarantine v¤`>:g1g.(`8¤4- to {gev io?tbs,T§;xil1$beria weevil, under the Federal Plant Quewifine Act ‘¤f QA¤s¤s¤»20,;1Q12. as ar¤¤nd<>%i¤<=ludi¤s theemplogient of persons mea in the citH of ashington and elsevg rgomoperatwn with the Sfates, , and-a_ A other necessary in M W °xii,.¤s1,’ s§é,1g$¢1¢o£t£»§g1'.is¢;»5¤;,i iiiepio, or which @013: ,,,,,_ nottqiex y 1 _. may experi zipper servicesm I District o Columbia. - ,,§§§’§_ "‘° °"?°*' OF QPACKEBS `STOCKYABDS AC’I‘ ,_¤,,,¤_··¥=·=···¤* •==·L To s A the Secretaryof Al ieulture us wry inuijeseet the v¤1.42,p. iss. Ymyiggglglgf th5‘P8,CkB1:S and §§ockyards Act, aggsoved August 5,01 0 , $429,000, of which amount not to exceed r _ ,000 may be %,mm I expeggidv forpersonal services in the Distr,1cto,f$`Jo1umb1a: Provided, mmm. That the Secretary of Agriculture may reqmre reasonable- bonds from every market agency and dealer, under such rules and regu- lations as he may prescribe to secure performance of their obligations, and whenever, atter due notnce and hearing, the Secre- taryiinds. any registrant xs insolvent or has violated any provision m§&¤¤¤¤¤*°¤’°' '*°’* of said Ant he may issue an order suspending such registrant for a ' re•sonahle·‘speci6ed* ordeii of suspension shagétggg ifect `thiniotl tan ays,unesssuspendedor¢m ip gr b;the of Agriculture or a court of competent

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°*·*¤’¤**=*···*°*· Enroncmmnr or THE GRAIN FUrUsEs’Ac·1‘ E"'f"°°“‘°°° °" T Secrets 0fA iculture to carry into effect the m;;:¤.p.•¤s. rogisizrlgs of the ·G~rain2l?i1tures got, ap roved September 21, 1922 m*§'*°°' in °°° m' ¥135,000, oi which amotulngs 1132: to iexfeee<lC0l$2%,000»msy be expended for persona services in ` ` trict o » um ia. » F°°°‘ A FOOD {AND. INQSECTICIDE ADMINISTRATION seeticide A s ·s . __ “°°°"'°"’°”°°“· .3 ` ` saunms AND,GENl!B.AL_1XI’ENSEB “"°"“"’°°*°°°‘ ll F A t nses, ’f r chemical apparatus chemicals and supp{ieh§' 3 gratus, %s, electric current, <;&cia1_ traveling 6X9¤¤S6§’,, Péliglglph. wd ` telgp one, service, exprem and ‘ freight charges, for A employmentltotjsuch assistants, _clerks, and ot er pgarsons ssfthe ,Agtl§1Cl1¥ZI$, may consideéj nmq for t u sesnam m e ci oy ,ash1ngto,,n,,an e I Gere ru coiidl:1ctr1Ii10g` investigtiorisi collecting, reporting, and iilustratingjthe customs:. results of such investig_at1ons,;' and for rent outside of the District of’COIum’bia goxhicarrymg out the investigations and work herem authorizedasoows; . VW V { e ¤ ¤<¤¤i¤*¤¤·· ece] F `f‘ ser tiv purposes, Esigiégfmmwwm incliig ni the s?la1?;%?ih§ef (iff élhliiniistrgtion andgotlihr persona servicelgln the`D”istrict of Columbia, $98,000. ` m£2h:n¤{:g;<:¤“*¤ For collaboration with other departments of the Government ` desirin chemical inveshgations and whose heads request the Secre- tary ofg A iculture for such assistance, and for other miscellaneous work, $15§%5. “ ‘ ‘ ‘