Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1517

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INDEX. XH Army-Continued. hn- Aasiniboine 1ndiam~·—Continued. hn- vetersn of, who served in the Civil expenses allowed for mite of tribal · · Wu to be appointed on com- delegates to Weshlngtnn, from mission to insgeet, etc., battle trust funds ................... . 498 field of Pea Ri ge, Ark ........ 715 Aniston! Attorney General in Customs battle fields in the State of Georgia- - 588 Cam, Army Band, · A appropriation for---·- ............. 342, 1193 allowance to, for quarts! and sub- Assistant Auvrsuqya, uistence while deh in hospital, appropriation for, in special cues; cr absent from station on • pay — foreign oqunscl ............. 846,1196 status .............. 1 ........ 257 A pzycmstrictncn. .... 2 ........ ·.tu3;46, 1196 Arm WarC0lle9c existant us¢od1}am,etc. •e•Opern’g ep’{>mpriation ’for instruction ex- _ Force, Public Buidlings). nses .................... , 256, 1108 Ascsslagu Seadamg the Navy, Arrcars o})ePay, etc., Civil War, appoxntment au orized ol additional, deficiency appropriation for- 190,193, 883,886 to aid in loeterlngnnavnl nero- Arsemln and Armvriu, Army, ¤¤¤¤<>§, etc .... - .............. 767 appropriation for manufacture of arms _sa1s.ry dutxes, eine personnel ...... 767 at, for issue ,.............. 275, 1125 Assistant of War, for repairs, improvement, etc .... 276, 1126 appoxntment 0 additional, guthorised deficiency appropriation for repairs- - - 1260 to aid in fostering mihtsry nero- rehsbilitation of Picutinny, N. J., nautice; compensation ........ , 784 authorised ................... 1397 Assistant lo the Attorney General, Arsphenaminc, approprution for .... - -1 .......... 341, 1192 appropriation for regulating propega- Association of International Road " Gon- tion sale, etc., of .......... 148, 1039 _ ’ grasses, Permanent, Artcsian Welle, deiiczeneg appropriation for member- . ap ro risticn for investigating, etc- 487, 962 ¤h¤p expenses .......... -. .... ; 867 Artijgiaf Limbs for Disabled Soldiers, etc., acceptance of membership in; amount ap ropriation for furnishing ....... 290, 1141 _ jnuthorisedfor an expenses .... 754 degciency appropriation for .......... 1260 Asaocsalson Sicrvaa do I1 aria, money commutation for, increased .... 1086 land in Sen Juan P. R., conveyed to, Ashes, etc., D. C. for hospital extension- ......... 4 1178 appropriation for removing; etc .... 429, 1310 Associations of Agricultural Producers, not available for hote , etc .... 429, 1310 provisions of Act nutmmot modi- Asheville, N. C. fied orrepealed, y perstxve terms of court st- ....... n. ........... 1340 _ Marketing Act .... -· ....... ~ .... 8 03 Asia, _ _ Astoria, Oregz, % V appropriation for tuition of ofheers appropriation for quarantine station, assigned to language study in-- 1181 repairs .... - ....... ; .......... 1041 Asiatic Beetle, issue of Army stores for relief of suterera appropriation for preventing spread of 519, 994 from fire at, in· 1922, uigproved,- 1097 Assay Ojices (see Mints and Assay 0Eees) . sale authorized of old custo ouse at- - 246 Assessment and Permit Work D. C., Astrophysical Observatory , ‘ appropriation for streets, avenues appropriation for maintenance of--- 316, 1080 etc _____,____,... , ........ 424, 1304 Athens, Ga., ` for sewers _.................... 428, 1309 terms ol court nt; ...._....... V .,.... 6 71 deficiency appropriation for streets, etc- 165 Athens, Tenn. » ’ . for sewers _._...... - .............. 168 pubhc building euthorizetion for ...... A 682 Aaeeumeeg 45 )Taze.s, D. C. (sea Taxes, Ada deikglezncy-appropriation [01*.--; .... 869 . . . nta, ., . ‘ ’ Assessor'; Ojioe D. C. appropriation for ‘penitsntia.ry, mein- sp ro rietioni for salaries ..... - .... 419, 1298 bemmce ................. ,- 348, 1198 Ear ¥urnishing copies of wills, etc., to- 423 amount for drainage, 1eappr0# deficienc appropriation for sa.l1u·ies--- 1250 prieted ......... ,--; ......... 348 board ofynsexstant assessors to consist for power house"-; .....- 1 ---..... 348 of six members .-... - -...---... 833 working capital fund" resppro- . three for real estate, and three for printed; amount for a. textile personal -....-.-...-.-....-.. 833 mill building- .-............ 348, 1 198 all members, with assessor as chair- denciency appreariation for penitenti-. ma.n,to constitute board of equal- ary, main nance .....--....-. 859 ization and review of real estate terms of court a.t-..-n .......-.------.- 671 assessments .....--.-.-....--- 833 Atlantic Coast, A board of personal tax appeals -.-- 833 a.ppr0pria.ti0n·f0r surveys of, and out- employees in, eligible for retirement gin; islands-; .......... ,-; 361, 1212 under general Act ............. 906 Atlantic oast Line Railroad Compa1&; Assiniboina Induma, ' may bridge Wmcemnw River, at u- all claims cf, against United Stews, way, S. C ............. ,--,’ .... 975 growing out of Fort Laramie Atlantic Ocean, · ` A ·‘ reety, to be determined by pier into, at Rehoboth Beech, Del., Court of Claims; ............. 1263 _ r legalized .................... i 321 pmcedtire, etc .................... 1263 Atmospheric Phenomemrw _ decree to be a full settlement, can- appropriation for eathex Burequ _ " oelling all other clsixns ......... 1264 investigations of .. ........ _--- 504, 981