Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1763

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mnnx. cclxvii Treasu De rlment-Continued. P•¢¤- Trusts (see also Fiduciaries), P100- tranger oimgéiblic building and site at income of, subject to income tax ...... 32 Key est, Fla., to Department Truxton Canyon Agency, Ariz., site fof C0mme·ri;:1e-i1- --iw-%.W_- H- 563 appropgllgtion tfor support, etc., of In£74, 953 ornewma e osp a nn- usa-- ................. mill Point, Detroit, Mich., in Truxton Canyon, Ariz., exchange for transfers ......... 564 appropriation for Indian school at- - - 469, 948 liospiillrl ta\;thorlsed at Yimiimilé Trwdon ganyon Indian Camp Hospital, n rom proceeds 0 sae 0 nz. T ]§troEt propgrtiyiég _,.......... 564 appropriatidn for maintenance, etczm 951 rsasury epartment u nga 0 .......... - .............. , a propriation for operating fdrce, Treas- Tubercular Children, D. C., P ury, Libert Loan and Registers appropriation for schools for ...... 434, 1313 Annex Buil¥lings, Madison Place or trangportation ............ - 434, 1313 Annex, and other ...... ».--- 137, 1028 Tuberculin, erums, etc., v for cash rooméimprovements ..... ih lxé approplrlagion for investigating anigos 982 or repairs an preservation ..... , 1 ·· ........ ; .............. , for mechanical equipment ...... - 152, 1042 Tuberoulosisk _ Trees, _ t_ f t d f dis f appropriation If0r_ prevention of, etczn 951 appropria ion or s u y 0 eases 0 among ndmns ............. , including chestnut tree bark; Tuberculosis,_D. C., _ etc- ......... ..-1---- ..... _-- 509, 985 appropriation for preventing spread for seeding and planting, in national of- ....................... 438, 1319 forests ..................... 514, 990 for dispensaries for treating ..... 438, 1319 Trees and Parking Department, D. C., deficiency appropriation for dispensa- appropriation for salaries, etc ...... E8 Tub uhries for trzatizgl. - - - .......... 848 or expenses ................. -- erc sis etc. ni , part of Anacostia Park transferred to _ appropriation for preventing spread of, the District for tree nursery .... 405 from one State to another--- - 505, 982 Trent River, N. C., _ payment for animals destroyed- improvement of, authorized .......... 1011 limit ...................... 505, 983 Trenton, N. J., Tuberculosis Hospital, D. C., terms of court at ............... - .... 561 appropriation for salaries ......... 444, 1325 Trinidad Avenue NE., D. C., _ or contingent expenses ......... 444, 1325 deficiency appropriation for paving, for repairs, etc ................ 445, 1325 T to Queen Streets ......... 166 controli) egg, %f,lfput igidér Board of 2 'n 'troto u 'c e are . .......... 09 raippropriation for distributing, etc.,_sur- Tucson, Ariz., ’ plus war, for clearing agncul— deficiency a propriation for replacing tural lands 521 996 magngtic observatory near 853 Trophies, {ntf., Worlgg Er]; _E&?r0· ’ lease oliilagds to, for municipal aviation es and vices ap . e ......................... 241 Tropical Ilglants, free use by Government aircraft .... 241 appropriation for acclimatizing, etc-- 509, 986 sum authorized for completing road T foggnvestigating insects affecting-- 518, 993 firom, to Ajo,twithin Papago In- 62 roy is. ian Reserva ion ............. 7 preference right of, to purchase, for Tug Fork of Big Sandy River, park purposes, lands formerlg bridge authorized across, at Devon, surveyed as in area of Boot W. Va ....................... 1244 T wk C Lake ........................ 230 Tu: nlegar Vglliamsoghl Va ........... 135 r ro s, s e wer ency, 1 . appropriation for investigating diseasegog 986 appropgitilontfor support, etc., of In—7 0 ................... - ..... ` n ................... 4 4, 953 for investigating affecting, including , Tullahoma, Tzra., T kw-Cstored products, etc ...... if -- 517, 993 déiiciencyi:1.p&ropriation fgr appraisers, wc arson rrigation ` ` , ev. pos 0 cesite 191 ........... 858 reimbursement to, for operating irrige— Tulsa, Okla., »· ’ C tion drains for Piute Indian » terms of court at .... · ............... 409 lands under Newlands project- - 771 Turkey, Truckee River, _ appropriation for ambassador to- -- 331, 1180 appropriation for surveying headwaters available for minister should ap- of,_ for_ reservoir sites, N ewlands pointment be made to that T k muon project, Nev- -..--- ~-- 959 f grids ...- }.--§ --.-.----. Qi 331, 1180 "’*·¤¤» c or ui ion 0 0 cers assi excepted frdm tax on automobile chassis, language study in ----.. Eli ---.. 332 Bic ...............-.........- 93 for rent of quarters, Foreign Service T"§L"f.‘§” f‘.`i°"2”>".§’.;.1;Z',}‘°2;.,.......·...·...... of °€”§°” “““‘““°" ‘°’ 1“““““§§2, rm S ll ---..-4-. .... - ..... ..-..- may construct overhead viaduct for laungli for embassy, Constanti- ncroes Mahomng River, at Gi- nople ............-........ 332, 1811 a. rand- ..-------- - --.-...-.-.-- 696 living quarters, heat, household equip- ¤t Niles-, -....... - --.......---.- 780 ment, etc., furnished Foreign Tfueses for Soldiers, Service personnel, etc., in Govern- Sppropnation for furnishing --...-- 290, 1141 ment burldmgs in ..-..---.. 333, 1182