Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/529

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SIK'I`Y·NINTH GONGBESS. I. Ge. 277. im. 489 sgupactmon of physical ` voements, $1 500, which available for the‘eenetrueEon $12 700w I 0 i · {Park,  »¤dmin3t,2i·;3io;1, pac- “"°"°"”·°°‘°·

 <op9i~o.tion,* and   e and
   rene use of the sepee-
   iwithwgenbral park work,

$89,560; ~"f¤f"· ei 'jjhggiehlfp . $32,750 ino1u&i§ not·exeeeding'$12,000‘.for econstmctiou of buildings, oi whichy 500 shell be avoilcbldfor s conimunityliouse, and ,500 for end thereof, and in-

 exoediling 05%, for inc ' water supply; in all,

Mount*McKin1cy- »mem1 Park, For’adminietration,i1i.'iix°`ii’i “°"""°"· protectionigln-Adimlirmvexiiont, $18,700. · 0 - i · ‘ Mount er· ¢tienhlfPu·k;‘·V\'qshington: For;•du1inistrat.ion, w’§,§}""‘ “""‘°’· ¥rotection,*_f¤bid including not exceeding $1,600 or thei and repair o motor- driwen vehicles; or the of the su ‘ rintendent ¢nd‘employeee· in comiedion-with" gmail ‘ rk work, for construction, of physical $,5700, including not exceeding $18,500 =ior— theoonstruetion of buildings, of whiclrnot

 $10,000"ehsll be available for a community building,

$3,lXi00 forjof _ for employees? cott•ge,»v.nd @·°°°`f<>¤¤20 i*¤h¤¤"¤¤ •ll·‘m¥·°°°£ g » ’.0 · 0 A . ‘ M Ou. t.»·Q1m,,Nuien$‘ administration, protection, ’ ‘ r¤~¤*¤¤¤¤¤¤·0¤ ’~im§r¢•v¢¤¤¤t , 4** ~ ‘ o n Rm mm _ Mountain atione1_Pa.rk, Colorado: For administration, ¤¤i<>- Y M mm protecueuy gnot exceeding $10,500 for the pdfohusé, maintenance, ·operitiou;"erid repair ”of0motor—driven passenger-canying vehicles for the use of the superintende11t" and employees iu: connection withf génerqljpurk wor§E · $74,500; con- etructmm of 0ph§éc¤11 improvements; $12,1500, g` ` d5xig‘ u¤e.pmea·· mg for t e cunstructicnof buildingg·,·o‘;! which ‘not=`éxceedgg $2900 uhall bejvnilableifor querters· for employees; M l¢!l,§$87, J

 Sequoia; Na¢ie¤•1.P¤»·k,c.·Gati&o;ni¤:·FFoi¤eam1nistratieu;,>   “°"“°‘°· °"“·

tion, ond; msintenance, ino1i&¤gu not- =exceediég~$1,,5000 foihtge phr- chuse, mdi*ntenonce·operaticn,nnd‘repcir ofmbtio " ' ‘ `-Q csrryxngwebiclee for the uee*of—thei·ei1£g’ ’ ’iiite11Qi:W ” in copnectionwyith general ark_work,>· _;85Q;¤¥or_?cenbtrnction;of PhY$*°¤·ll¤¤P¥°'°!¤°¤i8; $}1·.4Ii>9» ‘¤iw1¤8ir$£¥¤¤§‘i&ve¤s1i¤g$®,9¤U‘ for the - construction oi ’bu1ldings,* of which not-exceeding $10,600 shall géagailabldfor an addition to ’the§ _;‘ inall, wana caveimzeeei Peak, seam mkegggg -¤&¤i1m¤me1¤¤, wm °°"°·“·"“"· protection, maintenance, an im proveznient, _ J * #00' · · { _ Yelkwstone Pork,zi$yoming:— For ud;ninist1·stlon,i;pio-. Y°u°”k°°°‘ F"` tection, m•intenmree,~i=nc1nding*not;=exceedin§ $6,600 jim- the

   _opei·¤.tion, ind P$¥\l1fi`0f’   and

IDOt0‘l'—il'I‘lY€Il "V\3l1l(?l$· orlthe of the super- intendent an em loyees in connection with gené1‘¤:l~pa1·k work,

   foransintenencé bf  r6i•.d“in the forest

reserve _le¤ding< $>ut;of<d1e psrkfroiii the·eKst;¥io1indiry, not exceed- ing»-M,600·for—:d¤inten¤nee*ioi*»the*i·oad0einltlie iemst lead- ingaout.ofr·th.:§foa~k·¢romi the soutlrboundtry, mii*in<£udi feed for infuse ·•thez·* fend-00sqia1*iee‘”*of $buE§Id iizlgepers, $69,8905dor construction of includ- ing»¤ot!exceeding·*$17,500»* ¤¤~ext¤n¤ic¤Zctf·eewer¤- a*m:l_7ssnita1·y‘ systems and garbage-dispoanl £acilities,0*not‘3sxcéeding $10,000 for