Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1001

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EAST AFRICE¢MANDATE·i·4GR'EAT·BRITXINla· .Fiaiaa‘oxi¤¥r 10, 1925Zi “The mid-stream of`=the >Kagera River from the Uganda ’f°t';d°*°§2$°“°d· boundary to the point where the Kagera River meets the west- A ” W ' p` ' ·>»£’ -:6g·¤2b(jundg§{»fBugu§%;  :·- mr., - _' _ · . .V ‘ -».»?~¤~.·*=·<t* Thenee , his-1 boundary “¤t6·’itS junction with the‘“ eastern boundary of Urundi; · · “ Thenoe the eastern ”and/southern boundary of Urundi to 1·¤k¤ '1‘¤;¤s¤¤yik¤> "; and , ,, , _ p _. . rg*6*;°¤*"*h*YG°*¤f¤¤' “` °6f“Hi¤ZBiitahrii§. Kaifajew andQt1ie"Gcv- ¤··¤¤··=¤¤·= mm e“ "V 6f‘the‘ United`, esdfj _ erica; are desirousfof reaching, a défiriiia 'iiiiééistanws Q L "¢¤ the Tshfé. <>f their fspeetive. .Gs>v¤r¤: . mentslandoff their nat1onalsi'nthe’sa,id“tei’r1tory‘:'_, · ', J Q5 , . ‘ S “1'he*Preside1it of’tlie‘United `of America apdj¥is_Britanni;; Majesty have decided to ednclu _ aiconvention to this ,e ect, and have named*as tliéir‘plenipotentiaries:4— " " ' ` ’ " The President of thepaited =$t5t§§_e£ America; _ j V rr·¤u>·>=·¤=¤·=¤»» Hi;dExceé1ency eneneueugaiiignn B. Keliogg, or xtraordmary' an 'poteutiary _. o ‘t `e s ni

.. ,StatuatL0ndon:, . -. » y =   —y-V ._

His Majesty the Kin§ of, the nearest Kingdom of Great Britain api Igeland and of the ritish Domrinions beyond the Seas, Eiriperot 0 ul·:‘,. · .

 _1 'I‘he   ht neepuiésiepzqwegeizrausau Chamberlain M. P.,

— · S I§‘_§4ai¤¤ty’¤ Pri¤¢i1>¤L , wry ,<>f Stefe f¤¤‘.·`F¤¤¤iss

  • 1*8* d .1, · ; t. .

whc,1uftexr·havi¤g communicated to each. other their respective full powers, found in good and due .form,;ha'v•fagreed ras followsY:——-

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,;.,;Y.;r-i fj`- . , g . 'I;. - Subject to the ,pr¤;iaions of t}ie·»;{;·esent. convention, the United d,I:§°°'°m°° °"'""' Stat? op?¤prits,tg_the administration y His Britannic Majesty, pur- suan to he aforesaid mandate of the former German, tem·it,or§;de- Am D m, scribed in article 1 of the mandate, hereinafter called. the man ated ' ` ` territory. ‘ 3 1 . ,r Amicus 2. X The United States and its nationals shall have and enjoy all the m1{}g§*{_ga°$;g$°’°°d rights and benefits secured under the terms of articles 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 of the mandate to Members of the League of Nations and their nationals, notwithstandinalthe fact that the United States is not a member of the League of ations. Amucmz: 3. Vested United States propert ri hts in the mandated terr`to V¤=*·d g;s¤¤_·*¤ shall be respected and in no wayyimgaired. 1 ry "m°°°b° °°`t°d` ARTICLE 4. A duplicate of the annual report to be made by the Mandatory j:;¤“’;fl•;°· lépdg article 11 of the mandate shall be furnished to the United ’°' ' a s. Aivrxcnm 5. Nothin contained in the present conventi n shall be afected b §§°§*"°°“°"° °’ my modécation which may be made in theoterms of the mandatz :¤¢21tiiil‘i;)<i°§i¤t¤;=i8. as recited above, unless suc modification shall have been aasented to by the United States.