Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1003

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’1‘OGOLANDa- M;ANDATZE+é-GREAT.-‘BRITADl ·F.¢»BUam?» 10l<1925;§ 2433; ._l· · . Oonvegibn b7e&wee1J1é.thc United States a1;_d t¢;ic1;·uights

 ·· 0 l lint . ldd? ,5. I wif .‘ , I 7:  
 tL¢i;»S’min{d;i Mardv.=1¤§, LQBG; érattfddrby the Preéiglent,

Mcrdt !3,i1926;·-mt£jiad»H3»Gua¢¢Bruai B0 1926; rattfica» tions exchanged dLonJmt,JuZyt 8;:1:.926; `_ _ 12, 1926.

‘ -·-Z,¤i>:;2¢.··· 1 - lw -¢·l   ( z»::·Q $$5: {Vi In ,  E .7 ’

Ew iz .B!§*rH1¤ Bansmn1~r·1·.0r;*¤¤u Umzmm Srxrzs. or Aumuca.


··.re·rZ¢:l 'L·1 <;··Qi‘ *;£<;:·= ?·=,= * e ’ 3 · WHERE#S;é_aGCHWQ@$l9K¢r;llpitedrStates_ of America Gggpggggygljégh ¢*·¤€l·J3I¤6B¤l*#¤¤¤·¢` MMQBW ¤QQ!w6¤1l¤%¢h6. lights o£.theuz.resfpect1ve to nga; in routing nimqnalsrmsthatipert of the .former· emau-nretzpetorqte <>_ Tirigq- "‘l·‘;.ms¤e. land over which a mandate was conferred upon His Britanmc a]- estylowas concluded and signed bi theirrespective Plenipotentiaries at ndon on the tenth day of F ruary one thousand mne hundred an%;t£venty»Bve, the original oiwhlch tlonwutieu. 1s·word_fo1· word ° 0 lll, !x·r:Q;..·.¤ ¤'1i ·';.:T .€.1:.· "·•;»vi {7 ,:‘Ej‘i a§WHr::ss·His ¤Bwitauui¢;M¢¥]esty.<has aecgted na mandate fer. the T°“"‘°"“"""’* administration of part of t e .3fet·mer~ rman ‘pr0tect4•ratg of Togoland., theterms of w*hiehth•ve.been-definedifby the Council of theI;e•gueof·Natioins‘as,fo1lows:;·»g-;’( . . r _ ‘`‘' 1 "_#+4f»·i&ze1;i "i nterritoiyitor which mandate is conferred I ,.His Britannic Majesty comprises that {part of Togoland which lies to the west of the line laid down in_ the Declaration signed on the ·-10th.J91y’;19J19, of wlunh awpgau qnnexed herptnw · ,:’. _ . fffifhis. line may,. lgowewjerr _ ,;¤1¢gb11y·»-modified by mutual r geement»between· Hnsrliutanmo Mayestyk Government, and the · vemment of-the Frencb.·Bepub1gp- where an exernmptaon of - ·the;l9c•.lities;shews,that<it is {undesirable, either in the mtéerasts wet-tl1e·i¤b¤b¤t•nts or bysreepon-of anymsccuragies sn , map ¤·.Spg=15ade»21t.20§1,000; •nne¤•d·» tu: {tlqe‘¤·Deelam¤on,»i·»¤>¤e adhere strict y to the line la1d down therem. _ i _I r»·~ L — : aj :? ery; . ’~ Z é :??»'I}1e¤dellmi&qti0n» on the-_sp0t4 of: tlualxne slnalhbecamaed out M .Z maocondsnee with the(g¤rons1orig,ef1the Sll$l»l)0(!]§I'§1Sl0D»;· -— .r?*.'L‘be;6ngl1 . thedllxmd Qomnussnon-shell Eve. the = i exact desc; txomof the¤beuMary;lane»a¤ traced cnet spot; ?¤¥¤ps2signell{.by.the Cqmmsswmreqrsluall .bevamm1ed;to the

 jweperh.-r-This report; mnthzrits: annexes,   in

triplicate- one .0 these shall be deposited in the archives 5 the ~ ..League~pf.}Ietiqns,‘one sbalhbmkegohy His Britannia M;jesty’s »· irégcuvexgfpmt,-,y·and¤ one by the , i vemment otqthe ¤ rench ` Pu w· n · if- ‘ 2.: ·. :··· " ri · -'1·;HL‘·il‘—>·» -l!$- , i [2e ·%;;‘ lin 2,, >··-··:;»" ii‘·‘1l1f’¥·»f·· ? wl; wv lf·¢1· {wl? iw ef .: •:,, Z M ·‘lZI`berMe rl halkbe, nsibkxf .th peace,. nd d


J ·aut·|R0$${Qf§t·l1¤[I¤%IBPi$g1 amino amllvbemg. iP¤‘¤8·

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 ·~¤ Milssi Handntmzy shall net. establish; in »tbe‘tévritery..»•¤q mi1i·

tary or naval bases, nor erect any fortifications, nor organise any 4¤3892°——27—r•r3162