Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/103

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SIXTY-NINTH ·CONGRESS.· ?*S¤se.i I. Cn. 605. 1926. 1535 pay of monthin lieu of that she

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pay, per month' in lieu of that she

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 `Vof   Pedrick, late §2:g:P°d”°*·

of C:`rnlpa¤;<H,*Sev‘§x1·th5 _ _ Volunteer Infan-

 1     Regnnent=Pehnsylvania·Mihua

In!ant1•y,·an *a~pension=at therate of $0 per month. · name p rgb?. Flowers,The£less;and°dependent son of °•¤*¥•°·F*¤*·¤- Samuel}!. mowers; 0ofComm y and ninety- iifth Regiment Pen;;?lvania‘V _ ‘ I and pay him a

   $20   appointed

· m. ~. »,; ‘ g `_r 4} ` V V ·' guThe name of Nan•3hE. Hammon, widow of L. Hammon, gumammm. late of Couipany_B, e hundred·¤;nd·tenth Regiment Pe lvania "‘°’ L H"'““°“ Volunteer _ fantry,·and gayherla pension at the rate per month in lieu of that she: _ now recexvmg. » — · _ . ‘ The nameaof Mary J. widow of John B. Miller late of Mmmmusr. Company M, Twenty-first Regiment Pengglvania Volunteer C;3;·l1£y;h pay axenaion at therate of Y per month in lieu o is nowlrecen nz. I ’ ’ ` . 'Ihe nude of Hinbeth Downs, widowiof H. 'Downs, late m“”°“‘ D°‘"”· of Company G, Twentyeighth Reiipient- Pennsylvania Volnmteer I;1ftalplt;·yL°and=pay her a paion at t_ rateof $50 per month in lieu o· e is now recen . “ - _ rum. kghefname of widow oftJ1<;hn~ Van Crripan, “""V"‘°'“""· o Company z ven y-mn Regi- me n ‘ vama o un- teerlnfm andp herapensionatth mnth. The naugyocf Shaver, widow 0% rlgaviiil E. Shaver? late E"“°°"‘ S“"°’· of Compan K,_Two·hundred and second Regiment P lvania Volntnilteer infantry, and pay her a pension at the rate°;I?%0 per The name of Indiana Grant, widow of William J. Grant, late of mmm °"‘“"· Company) A, Seventy-erxth Regiment Indiaiia Volunteer Infantry, and pay er a attlie rateof $30 permonth. · o igumxmaaa The name o ·Mary Al Redd, widow of Mordecai Redd late of ’A'R°°°‘ (bmpany I, 'l‘hirty~tliird< Regiment Volunteer Infantry, g pay her a at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that snowreceivingp. -* · A The name of Mary A. Crane, widow of John A. Crane, late of M‘”"°""* Company A, .Eighty·-fourth` Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, andpay her a pemion at·the rate of·$40 per month in lieu of that no receiving. · ~?I'i; navrheof~Eliaabetha Oswald, widow of Charles Oswald, late of “‘°"°“"‘ °"'“ Company H, Sixteenth Regiment Illinois Volunteer Cavalry, and ping; er apecnsion at the rate of $50 per month in lieuof that she n recei . y p Tl]; nzhe ofgyel Tucker, widow of John 0. Tucker, first-class °¤·*'*`¤¤'¤*· boy, United States Navy, Civil War, andpay her a pension at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that she is now Pension. The name of Jennie Hall, widow of Carr Hall, late o Company J°°°i° Hm' H, Fourtee:lgi¥]ieé8gix;1e;t:;:0Iom Vgltihinteer Infantry, and pay her a pen .0II Ii} 0. 111 . ` on ncrenaed. The namelof Julia B. Jones widow of William D. Jones, late of }>‘2‘?B·§°““· Company C, Third Regiment New York Volunteer Light gpay her a penrgsgonat the rate of·$50»per’month in lieu of that ‘1s·DOW,‘l‘e¤8 ie i U =· “ “ ` A