Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1035

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convnmiou-ssraxu. ramen: 10,19264 2465 Uenvention- between. tlw-United States aad'S 'nl or the·‘pwventum' _ F•bQg10,19¤6· gf smuggling, of intoxicating gguors. at ashington, ebruwry 10, 1.926,1 ra.t2Z/ication fvieed by the Senate March 3, 1.926*; rati/fed by the Premklent, M arch 30, 1926; ratified b Sparta, July 20, 1.926; mtifioatimw exchanged at Washington., Nlbvember 17, 1926; proclaimed, November 17, 1926. BY- rum Pamsmmnr or rum Uurrnn Srurns or- Aumzicar A PROCLAMATION. -3 WHEREAS a Convention between the United States of America S ¤¤¤:;¤¤¤¤ ying and His Catholic Majesty the Kin of Spain to prevent the smug- ;K$l°i¤$°l§°:i¤g°mxi·i- gling of alcoholic liquors into the United States was concluded and §&'f“° "‘° U‘“‘°‘ signed by their respective Plenipotentiaries at Washington on the rmmma tenthtday of February, one thousand nine hundred andtwenty-six, ` ‘ the original of which Convention, being in the English and $P¢mish languages, is word for word as follows: ; . The President of the United ._Deseando el Presidente de los °°”°"°““€ *’°"°" States of America and His Estados Unidos de América `y Su Catholic Magesty the King · of Majestad Catolica el Rey de Spain being esirous of avoiding Eslpaia evitar cualquier dili- any diiiicul ies which might arise cu tad que entre ellos pudiera; between them, in connectionwith suscitarse , en relacion con las the_laws in force in the United le es vigentes en los Estados. States on the subgect of alcoholic Uliidos acerca de las bebidas al- beverages have ecided to con- cohélicas, han resuelto concluir clude a Convention for that plur- un Convenio a tal efecto y han gose, and have appointed as t eir nombrado sus Plenipotenciariosz lenipotentiaries: V V - The President of the United El Presidente de los Estados Plcnlpmntiariw- States of America; the Honor- Unidos de América el Honorable able Frank B. Kellogg, Secretary Frank B. Kellogg, Secretario de of dState of the V United States; Estado de los Estados Unidos; yy an _. His Catholic Ma'esty the King Su Majestad Catélica el Rey of Spain; Don Iuan Riafno y de Espana a Don Juan Riafio y Gayangos, .His Ambassador Ex- Gayangos, Su Embajador Ex- traordinary and Plenipotentiary traordinario y Pleniizotenciario at Washington, Knig t Grand en Washington, Caba lero Gran Cross of the Royal and Distin- Cruz de la Real y Distinguida guished Order of Charles III, Orden de Carlos I I, Gran Cruz Grand Cross of Isabel the Catho- de Isabel la Catéliea, Gran Cruz lic, Grand Cross of the Military del Mérito Militar Gran Cruz Merit, Grand Cross of the Naval del Merito Naval, Gran Placa de Merit Grand Star of Honor of Honor de la Cruz Roja Espanola, the Spanish Red Cross, Gold Medalla de Oro del Puente San Medal of the San Payo Bridge Payo, Gran Cruzlde la Ordeude Grand Cross of the Order oi Cambodje de Danebrog de Dina- Cambodge, Danebrog of Den- marca, de San Olafde,Ngruega, mark and Saint Olaf of Norway Comendlador de la Legion ide Commander of the Legion oi Honor de Francia, Caba ero cle Honor of France, Knight of Leopoldo de Bélgica, de la Con- Leopold of Belgium, of the Con- cepcion de Villav1eiosa `de Portu- 4sso2°-27-m- s-64