Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1051

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CONSULAR CONVENTION--CUBA. APRIL 22, 1926. 2481 occasion no expense of any kind, de ninguna class, excepto los que except such as may be caused by se ocasionen por las operaciones the operations of salvage and the de salvamento y la conservacién preservation of the goods saved, de las mercancias salvadas ade- together with such as would be mas de aquellos en que pudieran incurred under similar circum- haber incurrido en circunstancias stances by vessels of the nation. analogas los buques ds la Nacién. Aivrrcnn XVIII. ARTICUL0 XVIII. Consular oihcers shall cease in Los funcionarios consulares u_§§’°°‘°“ °' ‘“”‘·` the discharge of their functions: cesarau en el desempeno de sus cargos: , I _ 1. By virtue of an oiiicial com- 1.—En virtud de una comuni- ;,,§3E§$`Z;§`$§$p°`”°` munication from the Government cacion oficial del Gobierno (aus which ap ointed him addressed los hubiere nombrado al que o to the (government which re- hubiera recibido dando por ter- ceived him, advising that his minadas sus funciones. functions have ceased, or 2. By virtue of a request of the 2.-Por solicitar el Gobierno ,,°$E$°l”°m°°° °' 8“°` Government which appointed que lo hubiere nombrado que se him that an exequatur be issued otorgue un "exequatur" a un to a successor, or sucesor; y _ Wim I I 3. By withdrawal of the exe- 3.-Por el retiro del "exequa- .,.,.,,,,,,,’“§‘,Z“ G‘Z,v.,S§Z quatur granted him by the Gov- tur" concedido por el Gobierno m°¤’¤’¤¤“¤¤· ernment of the Nation in which del pais en que desempefie sus he discharges his duties. funciones. ARTICLE XIX. Azvricuno XIX. The resent convention-shall be El presents Convenio sera rati- ,,E§§)§f‘”“° °‘ ”°‘°` ratifiedp by the High Contracting ficado por las Altas Partes Contra- Parties in accordance with their tantes de acuerdo con sus leyes respective laws, and the ratiiica- respectivas, canjeandose las rati- tions thereof shall be exchanged ficaciones en la Ciudad de la' in the City of Havana as soon as Habana tan pronto como sea possible. It shall take effect posible, y empezara a regir desde D‘"°"°°i§ rom the day of the exchange of el cambio de las ratificaciones, ratiiications and shall thereafter permaneciendo en vigor en lo remain in force until one year adelante hasta un ano después que after either of the High Contract- cualquiera de las Altas Partes hg Parties has given notice to the Contratantes haya dado aviso a 0 er of its desire to terminate it. la otra de su deseo de terminarlo. Simms, In witness whereof, the above En testimonio de lo cual, los ' mentioned Plenipo tentiaries have lsnipo tenciarios arriba menciona- signed the two originals of the gos han firmado los dos originales present Convention and have del presents Convenio iijandoles thereunto affixed their seals. sus sellos personales. , Done in two copies of the same Hecho en dos ejemplares de un text and legal force, in the En- mismo texto y fuerza legal en los glish and S anish lan ages, in idiomas in lés y espanol, en la · the City of Il-Iavana, tgih twenty Ciudad de Ia Habana a veintidés second day of April in the year de Abril de milnovscientos viente one thousand nine hundred and y seis. twenty·six. ` [sun.] Euocu H. Cnownnn [snai.] Carmos MANUEL nn Cfzsrmms AND wnnnms the said cemmeen has been any ratified on ¤¤?$g%?°“"°°“ °‘ both parts, and the ratifications of the two Governments were ex- changed in the citgr of Habana on the first day of December, one thousand nine hun ed and twenty-six; 43892°-27-me--65