Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1058

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2488 ranoni. rosr ooNvEN*r1oN-Nnrnnanauns. d(gg¥§g?lugm$;&§ 7. No resplonsibility will be admitted for registered or insured bility Zdoiiaoo. parcels whie can not be accounted for in consequence of the destruc- tion of odicial documents through causes beyond control. 0,{;?;g;:§;‘g*,€;Qs jg? 8. In case the sender, addressee, or owner of a registered or insured ` ' parcel, or his representative, shall, at any time knowingly allege the contents to be above their real value, or whenever any false, ficti- tious, or fraudulent evidence is knowingly and wilfully introduced, the administration res onsible for the indemnity reserves the right without any refund of) fee or postage to decline to pay indemnity or to pay such indemnity as may in its discretion be considered equitable in the light of the evidence procured. The enforcement o this rule shall not prejudice any legal proceedings to which such _ _ fraudulent evidence may have rendered the claimant liable. .,‘§§r,§“'{$°'Q,°,l§§":§¤d.,,{,’l .9. When a registered or insured article has been lost, rided, or my W“"‘¤°Y°°’· damaigsd, the Administration of origin shall pay, indemnity to the right l claimant as soon as possib e and at t e latest within a period of one year counting with the da; following that on which the ap lication is made, which payment s all be ma e on account of the Adininistration of destination, if that Administration is respon- sible for the loss, riding, or damage and has been duly notified. D°'°"“‘“ "“"m°““· 10. However, the Administration of origin may, in the cases indi- cated in the foregoing paragralph, exceptionally defer payment of indemnity for a longer period t an that sti ulated if, at the expira- tion of that period, it has not been able to determine the disposition made of the article in question or the responsibility incurred. P¤¥*¥¤¤e¤bY·=¤¤¤¢*Y 11. Except in cases where payment is exceptionally deferred as of O;1[IlXi if c0untry_ of . . . . . . destination delays moo provided in the foregoing para raph, the country of origin is m°““”· authorized to pay indemnity on b5ialf of the country of destination if that country has, after being duly informed of the application for indemnity, let nine months pass without settling the matter. C°¤¤”Y'°SP°¤s“’*°· 12. The obligation of paying the indemnit shall rest with the country to which the mailing odice is subordinate. That country can make a claim on the country responsible, that is to say, a ainst the administration on the territory or in the service of whiiii the loss, riding, or damage took place. ,,;,‘;Q”;§,;f’°‘*° °°““‘ 13. The country responsible for the loss riding, or damage and on whose account payment is made is bound to repay to the country making payment on its behalf, without delay an within not more thgn nine moxghs after receiving notice of payment, the amount of in emnit ai . · g0}$,‘f"““"'S°m°“" lu 14. Refinliursement for indemnity from one country to the other shall be made on the gold basis. M°°“"° b° ““d‘ 15. Repayments are to be made free of cost to the creditor country by means of either a money order or a draft, in money valid in the creditor country, or by suc other means as may be mutually agreed upon by correspondence. ce§,$g1;°;*,j§§]Q;§,Yug{,,j;; 16. Until the contrary is proved, responsibilitg for a registered or morrow disposition. insured parcel rests with the country which aving received the parcel without making any observation and being furnished all réecessary particulars for inquiry is unable to show its proper isposition. D°SP¤**g***¤¤°’*?°°**§ 17. Res onsibilit for loss ridin , ordamave of a re 'stered or Zigi ifi)iiooii$iililiff1°olo. insured pgrcel maigzd in the lInitedgStates of Almerica or {isn insured parcel mailedin the Kingdom of The Netherlands, discovered by the receiving odice of exchange at the time of opening the receptacles and duly notified to the despatching odice of exchange b bulletin of verification shall fall upon the administration to which tlie despatch- ing office of exchange is subordinate unless it be proved that the loss,