Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/117

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SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sass. I. CH. 605. 1926. 1549 teer Infant and a her ai .pens1_ 'on atthe rate of $50 per month inlieu of thraitshe ispngw receiving; ` ‘ V ` _, " N I mmm Theingnel of Nano; Strick d, wiillowls; of Sgieikland, "'°’ ‘ l _o ,m _ _ y—_ end ,vama 0 _r

   apension attthe rate of gw per month in

lieu Q@$l7;Sli01§l10€Y rem . I I ‘· , Y I · " "' Am M Gm `The name of ’ Annie M. Goss, widow of Richard Goss, late of ° ' Troop I,`Sixtl1‘Regiment United States Cavalry, and pay a pension at the rate ot $50 per month lieu 0 that s e is now 1'0061VlDg. ` l M ` Pension. The name of Joseph Alters, alias Joseph Alter, late of Company ,,,§,,°§,‘}§",{,,’,§,’f°"· ‘"“ I, t Penpgglyania Volhunteer Infantry, and a Y ' api `onat erateo A ermont V Pennonlncnaaed. P The name of Harriet J. fWebber? widow of Walter J., Webber, H"“°°"w°°*’°" late of Fourteenth Independent Battery, Ohio Volxmteer Light Artille , and pay her a pension at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that she is now receivi . J A rum. The name of Patrick H. Bnligxnell, also known asPatrick Bushell, §{"§"§,,u’?°’}* late of Company H, One hundred and ninety·fourth Regiment New York Volunteer Infantry and pay a pension at the rate of $50 month. ~ ” ` Y 5 ‘ ’ rggtume of Joey ·1S. meta, widow of rm name, late of com- ’°•”· "*°‘*‘·‘~ pany A, Eighty-mnth Regiment New, York Volunteer Infantry, and ay her a nsion at the rate of $30 per month. · I Bahn mm Tg; name ofgarah L. Heintzman, he pless and dependent daugh- ter of J aeob Heintzman, late of Company F, Ninety-eighth Regiment New York Volunteer Infantgyi andpay her a pension at the rate of $2%per month through a leg y appointed guardian. e name of Lottie J. Heintzman, helpless and dependent daugh- I‘°°°°’·H°*““”‘°“· ter of Jacob Heintzman, late of Com any F, Ninety-eighth Regiment Ee; York Volplntier pay he; a peénfion at the rate 0 Oper mont t rou a ya pointe ` ar 'an. The name of Dorthuga E.ESmith_,Iiavidow· ofljlohn R. Smith., late D°"°°)'E‘smi°°‘ of Company G, Twenty-third Regiment Iowa Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rate_o $30 per month. I ‘ The name of Marg L. Young, widow of George Yonmg, lateof M"” I" Y°““g· · Oompuanies K and , Thirty-first Regiment Massachusetts Volun- teer fantry, and pay her a pension at the rate of,$30 per month. omni C , _ _t The name for Came A. ,Cl1D1’1l11gh ` widow of Nason B. Cun- mm. ` nmgham, late of Company E, Sixthulllegiment Maine Volunteer Infantry, and Fiery her a Ypension at the 1:&l$B:0I $30 per month; _ _The mm 0 som .a Hamilton, helpless and de `ndent son or ,.,£i·“" W- Hm Richard S. Hamilton, late of Company I, Eighty-gflth Regiment $I;giana Volglnteer Infantry, and pay h1m a pension at the rate of r mon . V Tl}: name of Agnes Rayburn, widow of William H. Rayburn, ·*¤“R”"“'°· late of Company I, Fourth Igegiment Iowa Volunteer Infantry, and· pa{_bl;er a pension at the rate $30 per month. A . name of Maggie Brown, helpless and dependent dau hter of M"“'° B'°"“· Anderson Brown, late of Company D,~Fiftiet Regiment indiana Volngilteer Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $20 per IIIOD ` Pensionincreaaed. The name of Mary D. Smith, widow of Channin Smith, late of M"’ D' S'“"“‘ Company A, One hundred and sixteenth Regiment Iqew York Vol-

   and pay her_a_pension at the rate of $50 per month

in IGHIO a s e is I10W’I'00€1V1I1g. · » · p,,,,,,,,,,_ The name of Theodore E. Eisenbart, widow of Casper A. Eisen- b_'f{j°°d°¤ E- E*’°¤· bart, also known as Anton Eisenbart late of Compan D, Twenty- seventh Regiment Enrolled Missouri ,Mi1itia, and pay lier a pension at the rate of $30 per month.