Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1283

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INDEX. 2690 Chase, Mary L. (widow), P•|•· Chemistry and Soils Bureau, Department Pm. pension increased- ...........,...... 1579 of Agriculture, Chase, Nannie McC. (widow), appropriation for salaries and expenses- 991 pension increased- ........---..-.--- 1816 for Chief of Bureau and omcc per- (jhose, Rosina (widow), sonnel ..-....--..-......-.... 991 pension increased .....-.-.....-..-.. 1853 for biological food and drug investi- Chase, Ursula (widow), gations ..--...... :--. ....-. _.- 991 pension increased -.-.--........... -- 1948 cooperation with scientific socie- Chauahoochee River t es, etc .-....---- - ............ 991 bridge authorized across, at Neals Land- for utilizing raw materials for color- ing, Ga .......-....--........ 706 ants, etc.; cooperative expen- Chattanooga National Cemetery, Tenn., ments, etc -----.-.-.......--. 991 portion of, may be used by Chatta- for table and sweet sirup investiga- nooga for city pound,.etc., out- tions .-....--.-.--.-......... 992 side of cemetery inclosure ...... 1404 for insecticide and fungicide investi- Federal title, etc., retained -.......- 1404 gations .--.------.-..--.--... 992 Chatteron, F. Joseph, for developing methods for prevent- payment to, for personal injuries- ....- 1497 ing plant dust explosions and Checks, fires .......................... 992 uncertilied, receivable for other than for nava.l stores investigations and stamp taxes ...-.....-.--..--- 120 demonstrations ...-......-..-- 992 Checks and Warrants, Government for soil chemical, etc., investigations, 992 destruction authorized of paid, issued for physical investigations of soil eight years prior to date thereof - 761 productivity {properties ...-.... 992 after all unpaid have been listed as for investigating ertilizers --.-....- 992 outstanding --...- - --..-.-.... 761 for cooperative investigation of soils, preservation, if deemed necessary, etc., mapping, etc -.....-.-.....-.- 992 or of historical interest, etc ..... 761 for soil bacteriology and plant nu- claims on account of apparently pdd, trition investigations .--..-.-.. 992 ’ barred if not (presented within cultures for legumes .....--... ---- 992 _ six years after ate of issue ..-- - 761 publication of tests, etc ........... 992 Cheesman, George, for soil fertility investigations .-.- -- - 992 pension ...---..-....--.....-.-..-.. 1937 Chemistry Bureau, Department of Agri- Cheesman, Joseph R., and Clijord A. culture, Anderson, appropriation for Chief of Bureau, and may bridge Delaware River between odice and field personnel ...-... - 515 Burlington, N. J., and Bristol, for biological food and drug investi- Pa ..-.-....--..--...--.....- 588 gations .-.......---.......... 515 acquisition authorized of, after com- for collaborating with other depart- pletion, by New Jersey, Penn- ments, ew --................. 515 sylvania, etc .-.- - ....-....-..- 589 for utilizing raw materials for color- name of Clifford L. Anderson substi- ants, etc.; cooperative experi- tuted for Cllford A. in Act for ments, etc -.-.-........-.---- 515 bridging Delaware River by .... 1069 for table sirup, etc. investigations -- 515 time extended for construction ..-.- 1069 for executing %ure iood law ........ 515 Chemawa Indian School, Salem, Oreg., revision o harmacopceia -.....- 516 appropriation for support, etc -.--.. 470, 950 examining foreign tests of Ameri- reatriction on admitting Alaska can food products ..-....-..... 516 natives -.....-.........-.-..- 470 for expenses preventing importation Chemical Analyses, o impure tea, etc -..-. - .....-.. 516 appropriation for standard materials for insecticide and fungicide investi- for checking, etc -.-.......- 359, 1210 gations .....--.-......-.--..- 516 Chemical Warfare Service, Army, for developing methods for prevent- appropriation for gases, gas masks, ing plant dust, etc., explosions ...- 516 etc .....-. - .-.-...-......-. 277, 1127 for naval stores investigations and for plants, buildings, machinery, demonstrations ....---.....-.. 516 etc ...... - ................. 277, 1127 deficiency appropriation for general ex- for civilian employees .......-.. 277, 1128 lgenses .....-...----...-...-.. 882 for organizing, etc.,special gas troops, Cheney, ae H. (widow), etc .....-. - .-.....--.-.---- 277, 1128 pension ..---.-..--..---------....-. 1947 for current expenses .......- - -.-. 277, 1128 Cherokee Indians, N. C., Eastern Band of, amount for agricultural experi- appropriation for expenses, closing ments in exterminating cotton affairs of .......- . .-....-.-- 461, 941 boll weevil ..-...--.-.-......- 277 Cherokee I ndians, Okla. (see also Five for civilian personnel, office of Chief Civilized Tribes), of, War Department .-..... 277, 1128 appropriation for common schools--- 471. 951 chemists, etc., in Department suit of, in Court of Claims may be _ Oilice. ...-..--....----.--. 278, 1128 brought singly, or separately on deficiency appropriation for ...--..... 190 one or more claims ...--.... - - - 568 balances of appropriations for, covered Cherokee, N. C., in .............-.-...... - .... 296 appropriation for Indian school at- -- 509, 949