Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1323

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INDEX. 2735 .· ’~. ' . r ‘ M. I ·· , District qf Columbia-Continued. Dv- District ofC'oLu1;•bio-—(}o in;ed,, : . ‘· Q · Fw- appropriation for streets, etc.; restricted appropriation for cleaning streets,. to specified improvements-- .... 426 removin aupw ietc-----.¤-i.-V 428, 1310 assessments in accordance , with for etc-. ..... ,;-429, 1310 existing law .................. 426 for wbage _ Vuctionvplant, Prince for widening H Street NW., from illisnrllounty, a,..--.--1.-.;----· ‘1310 Seventeenth to Hghteenth for publig_playFroi;nds_,,..c.-,--- 429, 1310 Streets- , , ............1,..... 1306 public schoc ,.-vaqatmn;»swh¤¤¤i¤;‘g° for ruurfacing Highway Bridge ap- it pool supplies---------; .... , 1310 preach ...... - ....... ,. ........ 1307 _- bathingpools------,-» ....... 429,;1310 for widening Connecticut Avenue, for electrical department ...... ·-.,— (29,1311 Dupont Circle to Florida Ave- for lighting expenses-.- ...... V ----430,‘1311 nue ......................... 1307 contract requirements- ..... .·-, 430, 1311 for widening Twelfth Street NW., for fire alarmgsyqrn- ........ .. .... y 430 E Street to Pennsylvania Ave- forundergrpund oat? ..... ..-----,- -· 430 nue ......................... 1307 forpolice patrol sign _ system, N o. 13 for widening Thirteenth Street NW., station housed- .... --_----.,-- -— 430 I Street to Massachusetts Ave- forpolice patrdsignalbystem, 14 nue ......................... 1307 —. station house-- ..._ --..--- ..... 1311 for widening Fifteenth Street NW., _ for alterationqpohcespatrols stem-- 1311 _ I Street to Massachusetts Ave- for additicmtpelectrieal Vousa--- 1311 ‘ Due- - -,- ,....... -,~ ....,... .---- 1307 for public B¢h0Q1§;,;..-,...,,‘4 ;.-,.-, 430,‘].312 assessment of 40 per cent of cost vacation . schools Q and pla ,-·. V of widening, etc., against abut- e grounds-. .... -....4+--._--... 131,1312 _ ting property---- .... - ........ 1307 retiredpay-, -1-., ....... ..5, ,431,51312 for minor changes in roadways, etc-, 1307 for .X1|·$1!#,§(¥11001;-,4,;;-y»··‘·,-seg/{431q 1312 for curbs., gutters, etc- _,_.,..... -.,- 1307 for instruction Bf deaf, ¢1umb,_,$nd egtension of paving Thirty-fourth · bling1...-g--,..;-;--s---.----,;;431, 1312 Street NW .......,........... -1307 for Americanization yo;-1;, etc-.--, 431, 1313 fund restricted to specified im- community`_center,dc;:pa1‘t;i1ent.,,`432, 1313 provements ......... - ........ 1307 carepf b*11d1¤S*¢§F¤q,s;,a---._432, 1313 assessments in accordance with ~ temporary rooms-,;-,.,-.-,,.--,_-p 432, 1313 existingleyv- .... - - - - - ........ 1307 ]!1Dl1Q·q,,Q,·+;-,··~g- #32, 1313 priority to through thoroughfares- 1308 ~ _ manual training ¢x9ense•-..;-.. 432, 1313 for grading streets, etc- ......... 426, 1308 fuel,.light,-a,ndipower---,.,-s,---. 432, 1313 for condemnation of streets, alleys, furniture, supp ies, etc-------- 432, 1313 etc ............ - .......... 426, 1308 teachew 111 -¤¤1¥'1?§t¤dy, etc.; pay-. for small park areas .._......... 426, 1308 ments to b ..·- ---. 433, 1314 for opening streets, etc., under high- free tuition to _ ' of . Army, ways system, from District rev- _ Navy, etc., outsidei-of Dis-.. enues--- .................. 427, 1308 trict ...... - ,...,,.. --- .... 433, 1314 except Fourteenth Street NW., repairs, etc., to buildings- and extension ..... - ........... 427, 1308 grounds---- .... - ..........,.. 1314 awards, etc., in widening Harvard for buildings, construction, etc----- 433 Street, Erygable from .......... 1308 construction oggscapriations im- widening ' t Street NE ........ 427 ·_ mediately av ' b e ........... 433 for repairs, streets, etc .......... 427, 1308 for buildings, etc-, fromsurplus rev- changing widths of sidewalks, etc., enue fund- ......... V .....n ,--- 433 and roadways ............. 427, 1308 for sites, from surplus revenue fund-. » 434 for sidewalks and curbs, public reser- for rent -._--r ............. _ ........ 4 35 vations, etc .... - .......... 427, 1308 for repairs, improvements etc------ . , 435 for repairs, suburban roads; restric- for fireproof curtains, Cisntral and "°"° ‘··‘‘··‘‘ z ‘‘‘·‘ ` 2%* 1333 { “?.““}’“i.§,“"i‘°“L»‘L?““*"‘ ** 21ss 3*2 open competition or con rac .. , or sc oo_ p pun -.-- ..... `-. , 1 work at expense of contractors- 427, 1308 for remodeling for junior for District Esh wharf, improve- hligggiilschools- ...-.... ---, ..... .. 1315 ments .-... - ........ ., ........ 427 for b ' 'ngs and grounds- .... - .... . 1315 for bridges, construction andrropair, construction ap ropriations im- etc .--.............. --,---» 427, 1309 mediately a;r;ifsble_-,. ,----,--- 1315 for placindg highway guards on desig- amount chari ,,16 Spwial fund--- 1315 nate bridges --... - --...-..... 427 for - sites .for , uildings and rplay--. a for Highway Bridge, operation, · grounds.§.,..-;,;-,--- .-.-....... , 1316 . etc ........-.-............ 428, 1309 fonipolice degsgrtment- ......... - l 435, 1316 for Anacostia River Bridge, opera- ouse of. tention---.4 ....-. _ 436, 1317 tion, etc .-...-....-..- ..--- 428, 1309 harbor patrol- .,...-.. - --.-. ., -436, 1317 for Francis Scott K§iy Bridge .... 428, 1309 for policemen and firemen’s relief for Rock Creek at ilitary Road--- 1309 f Brian?-.-;E-.-T ..-..- ------ {318 for re lacin M Street Brid e over y OY ella Q6? - --------··-- . 18 Rgck Cgeek .--..-...-- F --.--- 1309 1017 11¢¤1t11_d¤P¤f1¤1¤B7!1$ -·-- T -.-- ·· . 1318 for trees and parking ___________ 428, 1309 P1'€V°”t1°¤v *11858. 1319 for public convenience stations--- 428, 1309 ,S:l:':?:§;£,?d';E;;€é1H‘§£&‘13;0vi_ ’ for sewers, cleaning, etc- .-....-. 428, 1309 dence Hg—,gpg{·,,,]g_;_,__ ____ ,____ 4,33, 1319 for city refuse disposal, personal for dispensaries for tuberculosis and services ..........-.. - ..... 428, 1310 venereal diseases- ---,------ 438, 1319 43892°—~27—-rr Z3;82