Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1351

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INDEX. 2763 Foreign Commerce Service—Continued. P¤¤¤· Foreign Decorations-Continued. PIN- limitation etc., of assignments to duty Walter Stanley Haas may accept, from in United States .............. 1395 Ecuador ..................... 1504 statutory leave of absence after three W. F. Halsey, jr., may accept, from · or more years of service abroad-- 1395 Chile ..... _ ................... 1802 allowance of transportation and sub- C. L. Hussey may accept, from Chile-- 1802 sistence to officers and families J. L. Jayne may accept, from Chile .... 1802 traveling home and returning to 1395 I%,LaL;ratbee may accep€,§rom(él;1iia- 183; posts ........................ . . u ze ma acce rom ' e-- 18 while in United States officers available J. L. McCrea ma; accegt: from Chile-- i 1802 _ for trade conferences, etc ...... 1395 J. S. McKean may accept, from Chile- 1802 civil service appointments, etc., of William B. McKinley may accept, from clerks, etc., for oflicers ........ 1395 France- ............,...._.... 1710 omcers abroad may be authorized to H. B. Mecleary may accept, from Chile- 1802 employ clerical etc., assistants-- 1395 Charles Beatty Moore ma accept, from officers of , to be attached to diplomatic France and Polandx ,-------..- 1786 gitistslons through Department of 396 tlVI1>)sesNmta1y iccept, from Chil?- - - 1802 ...-.....-.-............ 1 er . i cma accet rom arrangement for recognition if no China -.-....-- if --.-- P -1 ..--. 1801 mission in a country --..-----.. 1396 Archibald L. Parsons may accept, from rejection of assignments by Secretary Haiti ....-...----..------..-- 1801 of State, discretionary .---.---. 1396 W. V. Pratt may accept, from Chile--- 1802 not considered as a public minister-- 1396 J. B. Reinburg, jr., may accept, from travel and subsistence allowance to Chile ..---.-- - --.---..---.. - - 1802 officers, etc., of Bureau, on_duty Hugh Rodman may accept, from Chile- 1802 abrgad wlale away from assigned 1396 Williaua Sayles may accept, from 17 s --....-.--.--..--...---- e -...---....--....--.---. 85 subsigggnoe while attending trade Joseph K. Taussig may accept, ` from gatherings, etc.; time limitation- 1396 Chile -.-----.-----.-.--. - ..-. 1785 allowance for subsistence of clerical F. A. Traut may accept, from Den- assistants etc. abroad, may be mark .-.-.....-.----..--.-... 1502 fixed by the ofllcer ------.-.--- 1396 A. E. Weeks may accept, from China -- 1801 of such clerk, etc., while on duty in Clarence S. Williams may accept, from continental United States -.-.-. 1396 Chile ---.-..--.--..-..--..-.. 1802 designateduliipargzment approprigtggz Yanceycgh Williams may accept, from 7 ava'a e or purposeso ` 'e .-..--.--..--.---------- , 185 Act ~--—--·-----~---- - -—-- ·—- - 1396 Farsi n Governments ¤¤th0!'1¤€<1 ¤XP¤¤d1t¤¤’6¤ ¤P0<>€66d-·- - 1396 apgropriatf on for expenses of Secretary advance P¤Y!¤¢¤l>¤ for 1¢?·¤¤¤» 8*% of the Treasury, under loans and F Cabroad may be authorized ..--- 1396 . credits toy ______________ »__ 137 1028 oreign ounfries, 5 · n · · 0 · ' provision for wquirius oowog wd d° °`° c%¥.¥5L%2°5Z¤”LiTZ{.Yi€tYi?F.Y?Y on §Y°“¤d¤ 11% for USB Of *116 niwd for representing interests of War tates GOVBI'DID.6Dt-- ..... --..-- Gqrm8ny__________;_____ proclamation invitir-5I_‘_1>¤rti¤i1>¤ti¤¤ in - may be invited to conference on educa- I¤t<=r¤¤ti¤¤¤1 ado Exhibition. tion oro. at Hooomnu Hawaii- 915 Slgsew Orletzzns, La-E.l;1i)-Ei --..- E 2571 Foreign Langgage; ’ o in uicen nnial x ' i on a - f - . phi-d-ips., Pa -.........-... 2573 ¤¤¤y¤¤,§g,,g¢¤ggg*g>¤¤,,°<;·;,,6mgg¤g·_*;g,g* Foreign Dgbt_Commiaaion, World War, in ’ pp B 818 appropriation for expenses -..-..--..- 140 _ T ‘'‘‘‘‘‘'’‘"' _ ‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘ approval of settlement by, of indebt- F°"6"·0” }1(°*l§» POGW S°"W?°» _ §‘g‘°°° °° U“‘“’° S“°*°°· °‘ “*’*"°’§‘t2l£.‘L2»§‘{.' “‘3.‘&‘2%’£££‘“‘L‘i“ Sith? lgium ..... - ............... 376 _ v r cl" of zec vakia ....---.-.-.-.... 6 Wise -—·-—-------·---—-——-~ 158» 1049 of gsthggglati __________ _ __________ ggy allowance for aircraft service-- 158, 1049 of Italy ________ _ _________________ 329 sea post service-- 1 .-...-----. 159, 1049 0; [1*,,,4,,,;,,,1. _______________________ 378 for . %Sg;T8éli2y superintendent, N elvgg 1050 ll R18 ......-......... .- ..... · · ···········•·— 1 p,,,.,:é:, Dggmgomr 385 for balances due foreign countries- 159, 1050 E. . Bennett may accept, from Chile- 1802 d°6°1°¤°Y 9·PP}‘°P¤¤ ‘°¤_ f°!' b¤·18¤°¤¤ Paul P. Blackburn may accept, from due {0*9189 °°‘mt"°$ ·-—- 179. 191, 863 Chim, _______________________ 1801 for transportation -.------.- 1 .-.. 191, 884 °‘ W‘ 3sP‘”""°“ “"“’ "°°°"°* "°'“ 1802 °°“‘”°?3“X‘§.{Ls£2¥. of-2';‘$i’."I.’%3.'I.r°§; e ................-......- .

 Cole may. accept, from 1785 ggsrgge collected on mail trans- 900

8 _______ _ _ _ _ _ ______ _ ____ _ -——--— · ------——------- - walter g_ Gmsky my accept, from in foreign_vessel, at Postal Union sea Qhina _____________________ __ 1801 transit rates--._ -...-..---- _ --- 900 from Haiti _____________________ 1801 contract compensation not limited Lucius C. Dunn may accept, from Den- hereby --·---·—----— , —--—---——- 900 mark -.-.-....-----.-...----- *1764 designated mails payable from appro- D. C. Godwin may accept, from Chile-- 1802 priations for .-------------..-- 900