Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1368

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2780 INDEX. Government Employees-Continued. P•¢•- Government Radio Stations (see also Radio Pure. civilians in iield service under executive Act of 1927), departments, etc., to be paid provisions igoverning ................ 1165 adjusted compensation from ap- Government ransportation Requests, propriatggéize for lil?- %.BS.f.-- 1051 punishment for counted<£·ing,l:¢:·tt;ce§..f. - 917 quarters, su nee e_ ., ur- possessing, making, e ., p or nished; appropriations for 1928 Lfrinting such counterfeits, etc-- 918 available--- ..... T .... _ ........ 1 052 Gowen, ary (widow), valu; of, considered in Hung salary 1052 Gopensi¢Elinc?·eased$ .................. 1925 ra ......................... wm, en w , compensation for injuries while in serv- 086 Grpensign increase?)-3 ................. 1545 ice, inc ................. 1 ace, arriet wi w , extended leave allowed ex-service men pension increased ................... 1964 and women to attend American Grade Crossings, D. C., Legion Convention in Paris, elimination of, b§ viaduct at Michigan France; limitations, etc- ..... 587, 892 Avenue E. over tracks of provisions for actualexpenses of, and per Baltimore and Ohio Railroad--- 1351 diem allowance to, when travehng by viaducts, etc., at Fern and Varnum on public business away from 689 Strleegslpver tracks of Baltimore 1352 post ......................... an xo ............ retirement of, in classified civil serv- at Eastern Avenue over tracks,etc., ice, fgr age or disability, on 904 of lBaltimome angdghio and Penn- 1352 annui 1es .... - ................ sy vama Railro ............ provisions relating to injuries to ...... 772 amount authorized for .......... - 1353 Government Fuel Yards, D. C., by subways or viaducts, over any “""’°*’¥r‘;i‘°t‘t1r.f.‘§§t ”é‘tf“°§°tn°£t.'“°l’ *“i°'§d t’“‘¥%t °’°i"i """°“ nrt n , .; n re- ju g y e mmissioners- - appropriated .............. 368, 1219 on completion of viaducts at Fern and joint use of, garage with Interior De- arnum Streets and Eastern partment, repealed ............ 173 Avenue crossings at Chestnut Government Hotel D. C., Street, Bates Road and Quarles G appropriation {gr gperating, etc- -'i_. 312, 1076 Street forever closed to trailic- -- 1354 overnment in t erritories see erri- Gmdy New, L_ (,;,1,,,,;,;,,.) t°!`i°¤)· pension - , 1512 Govmmct Oifws. amy Elizabet `'`` rl`(`ot1o`· `E ```````````````` aflidavits to be filed hereafter with ’ · ' Comptroller General by all, G,-E?;!$i°!1irini:>lQ°}r°:s°g;w 56,3, ```````````` 1935 am"' $PP°i¤tm°¤t thot ¤° °°“° bridge authorised across Red River of ggdéoergmgk zltgrsgg b<>¤¤ sivgrig 1346 the North in Walsh County, by- 132 no 8818.2 to be faid until filing of --- 919 G'°°#‘"i• Vgmnw $d°l°°d° ("”d°w)* 1690 Government fees ppointioe, Grxnsmxk . "5 ‘‘‘•‘‘ ‘ ‘"‘‘‘‘‘‘· payment, etc., to another for influence °'?’n &“°d°"d°w ’ . 1573 to procure, unlawful ,...,...... cis GfP°h:° ° H J (M5) -----·----·-— soliciting or receiving any consider- ° 'Tu ° ‘ ’ 1858 ation for induence in obtaining, GrP°h’;” ° j --—- E -—~--·---—--—-------- for any person, unlawful ....... 918 ° m' gw of 1503 punislulnentf for violating provisions 918 G’_g°hg'$°'5{0n,°° ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘*’ ereo ....................... .’ · " inconsistent laws repealed ............ 918 pgmwn m°r°“°d ''''''''’'‘ 1814 Government Printing Ofioe, (see also Public Grow. _ _ _ _ Printing and Binding), appropriation for preventing admission appropriation sor Public Printer, Dep- <>f¤d¤1t¤r¤t¢d,f¤r¤ocd¤¤s.¤t¤- 510, 986 uty, and oiiice personnel .... 550, 1159 Grain and Seeds for Seeding, _ for public printing and binding-- 550, 1159 importing specified adulterated, pro- for three postal card presses ....... 552 hi ited ...................... 325 for Supetrgnxendeintmof Documingéz 1160 “red tog stricken oumfgmgr Aclt, assns , an o ce personne , an roomcorn e an ear y night, overtime, work, etc ..... 552, 1160 fortune mil1et" inserted ....... 325 purchases for, authorized without prohibition against importing alfalfa or referenoeto Supply Committee- red cllover seedssedete., unless 3 5 ‘ co ore as rescri .--..----- 2 for reimbursing, for heat, etc., to city publication by Slecretary of Agricul- d E _ post oiHce----£i---E--.{---b0155, 1046 ture, stef hearingéstl}at alfalfa e ciency appropria on or wo n- or re c over see rom any Sggigsional Record gvresses .....- 163 foreign country are not adapted for uel Robinson, illiam Mad- for agricultural use- -..--...-.. 325 den, Joseph De Fontes, and importation thereof prohibited there- Preston L. George .---.-...-.- 843 after, unless 10 per cent in con- payment to executrix of Charles C. tainer stained red ............. 325 Allen ------.--.--.----.--.--- 843 regulations by Secretaries of Treasury for acquiring land and constructing and Agriculture to prevent im- building for; contracts ..-- - .... 874 porting prohibited seeds, to be specified employees rated as mechanics prescribed .-.--.-----.-...... 325 in Retirement Act ..--..-- --- - 905 effective in 30 days --..-.....-.-.-.. 325