Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1436

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2848 mnnx. Marine Corps-Continued. FB2- Marion, I nd.—Continued. Parc. oHicer’s promotion not delayed by tem- construction authorized of three cot- porary excess in grade or rank tages and hospital annex at causeld lay failure to 61.1 vacancy 888 au It/oluntgicr Sgldielrs Hgmgg EE 1421 in a ig er one ............... onora y isc ar e a e officers retired on or before June 30, members of Federaf forces, inca» 1922, toreceivepay cirankequal pable uf earning a living, ad- to those retired subsequently-- - 417 mitted to ..,..........__..... 1421 pay, etc., computed for members 0 the amount authorized for, etc- ........ 1422 band now on retired list- - -_ .... 565 Marital Community, strip of land; $1 fkrchersd (ioretigc, $[3., acceptalgcée ofJreturn ciflgégome from, acce or roa arris s- ore anua , .......-- 130 landp Reservation -.----.----.. 1095 Marie Colon lA. T. rx! ' C construction of brid e authorized reiniburserxfent to, ior filrizflgssggfi - - - 1612 across Archers (greek between Marka Lottie E. (widow), Perris and Port Royal Islands- - 1096 Mpegsion ---.--------...-.-. - --.-... 1867 warrant pay tclerktsgrade established; _ 725 arkeg, Mary (widow), 1542 appom men -.....-...-..--.. pens on --.-----.-.--.--------- ---- pay, etc., to be same as other warrant Markets Bureau, officers -... - ..... L; ....--...- p 725 deficiency appropriation for general rank of present pay clerks, when expenses -.-.----.-.---------- 186 , warranted ........... 4 ....... 725 Markets, D. C., commissigibeid hégnief warrant grades 725 appropriation for maintenance, repaiisig es is ................... e ---..-.----------.--. V- , 1299 warrant oiiicers to become, after six Markle, Catharine (widow), years’ service as .-.... L .-...-. 725 Mpension increased ,...-..-----.------ 1671 pay, rankf etc"-: ..·-.. ; ..... ---- 725 arklef Clyde V., , computat on of six years period of 725 Mpekn; onj .i - E ------...-.-.-.------ 1817 service .--..--.......-... 1--- ‘ ar y o n . no present pay, etc., reduced ...- r---- 725 Mpensidn increased .-.-.-.....-.-.-... 1561 present; numb:3 of warrant officers not 725 arksa Elgza A. (euéiliow), 938 ncreas .-....--...--.-...-. ns on ncreas -----.-.--.-.-.---. 1 service record corrected, David Barker- 1802 Mgfks, Josephine (widow), Iéred<%'icl§ S. Easter ............... Mpelpsicg; incrgasfd - - -3 ............-.. 1649 oy.aam ...................- _ars,ary.'w, Marine Corps Reserve nsi°° ‘‘‘'’‘‘‘ 1*** ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘‘ 1564 appropriation for expenses --..--.. 612, 1294 Zgiigncgg F' (°°°d&`lt_____________ 1971 M anne Hospitals, arlow, Sacrissa J. (widow), appropriation for Carville, La., im- ‘ Mpension increased- .-----.-.----.--.- 1961 1`provements .................. 150 arples, Elizabeth M. (widow), for ew Orleans La. improvements- 150 Mpension ..--.----.-----..---.--.--- 1641 for News Yorir, ll; ., improvfg-0 1041 arquarth Lieutenant Colonel Peter E., men -----.----.--.--.--- 1 rmy for San Francisco, Calif., repairs .-.- , 150 credit in accbunts .-..------.--.--.-- 1828 for Key West Fla., improvements-- 1041 Marquette Island, M ich., for Saint Louis, Mo., improvements- 1041 preliminary examination, etc., of chan- for` repairs and preservat on -.... 151, 1042 nel on northeasterly side of, to for mechanical equiipment .....-. 152, 1042 be made --.--.-..-.- ; --...--- 1020 deficiency appropriat on for magrétée-869 1259 Marr, Mary T. (ugidow), nance -........-...... , , pension incress ......-.-.----.---- 1929 Chicago, Ill.; additional buildings Marriages, Canal Zone, authorized ......-.........-.. 632 provisions governin ---.-.-. - --.-..- 927 Detroit, Mich.; facilities authorized-- 632 Married Women, D. Ci Savannah, Ga.; quarters for medical repeal of provision preventing, to con- oiiicer, authorized-:-- ..-..---. 632 tract as sure J, pr guarantor, or transfer of part of Detroit, Mich., to as accommo ation drawer, ao- Department of Commerce .--... 563 ceptor, maker, or endorser ..... 676 site for new building; acquired from Marsh, Abby J. (daughter), tgranzfers, at troit, and Key 564 ---(- -_. - -5 ----- - --.---..... 1630 es ...----..-------.----.-- ars ea w construction of hostpital at Windmill pengion increased- -: --------..---- .. - 1738 Point, Detroi , Mich -.--.. - 564 Marsh,_Esther E. (gridow), 632 MMM S¢!·~e*··· Sm . . MEI-’§‘»?‘?.§iJ.?§§°“i‘?. ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 1 ·"*¥’P’°P"““°° f°‘ "°""b“‘°‘"g New one os, opposite, Powder House Lot York' Ma'ssa'chumtts’ and Pemh Military Reservation authorized 205 M jmm :°’ ;"P°““°“ °‘ —·-- 59* 1277 Mmnozz, Einstein 0. (owooi, ¤"';°"·» 0*6 Mm » pension .-------..-.-----.....-..... 1576 p¤¤¤i¤¤ ----·-·-- - ----------------- 1685 Marsha: Frederick Marion, Ind., » naval record corrbcted ..--..- - ....-.. 1706 appropriation for expenses, Volunteer ° Marshall, Melvina (widow), So1diers’ Home ..---.------ 293, 1144 pension increased ----- - ---.---,..... 1670 deficiency appro riation for Volunteer Marshall, Nancy (widow), Soldiers’ §0me ............... 880 pension increased .........-... - ..... 1653