Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1457

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INDEX. 2869 National Defense Act, 1916,Amendnu:nts-— P¤¤¢· National Forests-Continnied. P¤¢¢· Continued. · private forest lands within five miles of details of oiiicers and enlisted men to Black Hills, or Harney, may be educational institutions, indus- accepted in exchange for national trial plants, etc., for technical forest lands or timber-- ........ 1099 l¤5¢1’¤€ti9¤ ------------—------ 705 when accepted to be added to adja- expenses inmted; funds fer n11¤w— cent 02210221 forest-- .......... 1099 ’*“°°“¤ °t°·· °f °“11“1°°d mm du" proclamation diminishing area of Cleve- lng 'thé (1313811. ................ 705 land Calif 2585

 length of details of en- 705 Nebraékav Ngglf ``````````°``' 2582

s men ................... · ' '‘‘‘‘‘'’‘'‘‘’`‘' uniform outer clothing of enlisted man, °n18'r§;§ mea of Asmcy’ Utah and 2611

%;¤&<gg¤u2¤·;rs·=2 in b¤r¤¤¤i¤<->¢1f<>¤ g 891 glilchglai;.12.i1;)riIl&_il22.f1
:::;;;;:: 2573

National HFir; gnauranoe Company of Smgtzagk ````````'`'`'` art or onn. -' ’`' T '``°''' deficiency appropriation for reimburse- r3g§u:3{dC§l;% ' ' ment of, for fire losses, Hawaii W ' O ' '``“' 93 ¤¤¤¤¤1·= vlnsue ............... 864 22223322 'itggs ··············· gg20 reimbummnyg ¤{· goin ¤<;¤¤·=¤· gn Whitman, beg--iZZjZ1Z1iZi‘2é62, 2023 110:::11--?,--?-,T?-?.2¥ll?--!j 1002 =¤¤=*ig,*,¤;,¤ '¤¤¤¤<*¤¤¤¤ ¤f A¤¤¤¤¤¤· 258, National Forests (see also Forest Service), Chu ` ' BEL; '‘'‘'‘'‘'`'‘‘’‘‘ 2577 appropriation for restoring to public Flongachhn •‘··· · •········· 2628 ·*¤¤·¤*¤ ¤··¤·*· *¤ ---—----—--— *57, 937 1022312 2ee2‘222s22;;.‘1a‘2" 2609 for tloipographic surveys of lands in- 486, 961 Saut“’Bag,bm_a* Cam ° • °’ °· 2585

  • 0;,. m ¤§§,=·1*¤g;*~ --———--——-- 51 ¤· g§g 222222022, vn. »22.;w‘v.; ‘‘‘‘‘ 2633

for lEpl?;;'HS€B§"u:1lSl2-l:l1!.15- hidniinietrélz 989 %`§;°5,E§°& %x§°£6&·w£g,; ······· ion ....................... ’ ‘ ·······

02 fighting, etc., forest BYCS ...... sis} eso §{,‘;';1;';·c,f;é CW;gf¤·· Md Va ---— — $@2

emergency insect infestations in, 513, 989 San Bcmm_din0* Cam, _ ··,1:·{l· · :,5 ·§ ·· · for airplane patrol to prevent forest - Reserve Gcateg .:h9‘“ Z °‘m° 889 HICS c2, G20 ................ 513,990 . ° Wl lu —--— — ———- for Smitar d . timber lawfully out on, may be exported- 242 y an fire protection, . public camp grounds within-, 513, 990 N““°”°l Geller Qf 4*% , for lznds within, for homestead engw 990 »'·PPl`°P;$£;! fer ¤dm1¤1¤lP!'¤t10¤ Ggic 1080 nes .........-...........-. . ··-·- . ·····-········· for surveying, ctc., agricultural ’ deficiency appropriation for, ......... , 186 13HdB --.--.....-..---.----. 514, ooo National Game Refugee. for improving range conditions, etc- 514, 990 P¥'0<>1¤m8·1»¤0¤ ¤¢i·t·¤¤8 $81116 O¤¤Tk2 111 for purchase of seed, etc., for tree 0¤¤Fk Nnt1¤¤•1F¤re¤t. Ark- ---- 2601 planting; experiments, etc-, - , 514, 990 National Guard, for nioads, trails, etc., for developgu 991 appropriation for ay, omcers ..... - 257, 1109 ng ........................ or pay enlisted men .......... - 257 1109 deficiency appropriation for fighting, , for transportation of officers and en- ’ etc., forest fires---; ....-... 171, 1252 listed men on discharge ..--. 263, 1114 for roads, trails, etc ............. -- 171 for procuring locally, horse; fm- Om- for expensers, adjustment of bound- 851 cers 0;% gout? urieapencéed bal- arnes 0 .....................- ances a ns - acceptance of lands in New Mexico in priations, 1922 .... -,i8i,?RI1r.?. 263 exchange for other public lands, for arming, equipping, and training"- 281, and ad ed in ................. 747 1132 creation or additions of, in New Mexico for forage, etc., for animals ..... , 281, 1132 gndA .zl'1¥0él: forbidden, except 745 for care, etc., of animals, supplies, Y 9 0 ¤81'¢88 ------—---—- 617 ----- - ·---------------- 281, 11· 2 exchange oftgaxds aigthoéizizd for addi- 1378 for expfenses, instruction camps,- 281, 1132 ion ra a o o o ..--..,.- · · · · exchange of umd! Qhlioo Shel? QCP- for attending military service schools, gz? &',’;01·‘1'11t1‘i!:j'~? _ _ -?*§°}?? 248 for property and disbursing 0Hicers.,- buds iddeé ie Ali{¤¤1’0k¤ ¤·¤d G¤·U¤·ti1}. for equipment and instruction ex- 13:13 Df¢¤¢fV1¤82 ew-, Same unl- 656 pauses ,__,,____,__,_______ 281, 1132 CBISOD NC`1iié£f Z ZZZZZQZZZZZZZZZZ 304 1°'““"°1· R°$“1“'A"“ °m°°'°—- 28% 1*32 Colorado; from Rocky Mountain Na- amggg g)gn°m5°§°t§,;yW°r D°p°‘1`t" ’ "' ' ' “ ' ' ' ' 7 tional Park, Colo ..,,,..,.,,,, 714 . sr . 28* **32 Colville, wash ____________________ 1412 f01‘ ¢¤11¤P01'¢¤8 0q¤1P¤1¢11¢ and SUP- Rainier, Wash. from Mount Rainier pu"- ········-·- j ·-—·-·--- 2822 1132 National I;8,!'k ,_-,._,_,_______ 669 for expenses, Army enlisted men- 282, 1132 Santa Fe, N. Mex- .,.-.--..--,--., 304 for pay of (armory drills) .,--,., 282, 1132 Sh0Bh0H§, Wyo ................ , - - 1412 0Oll1p�t0d {01* Hscal, instead of cg]- Washakie, Wyo ..,. - .-.---..-,,.,, 742 endar, year ,,,, , .,..,,,,,,,,,, 282