Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1591

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mmzx. 3003 Shipping Board, United States-Con. P•8 ‘ Shoshone Agency, Wyo., PMB- sppropristion for rent in District of appropriation for support, etc., of In- Columbia restricted ........ 318, 1083 dians at ................... 475, 954 Emergency F1eetC0rp0r•ti0n here- Shoshone Indian Reservation, Idaho and after known as Merchant Fleet Nev., Western, Corporation ................. 1083 appropriation forirrigationproject on- 462, 943 deficiency srgxoropristion for judg- Shoshone Indian Reservation, Wyo., ments, urtof Claims under--- 881 appropriation for constructing roads construction 105,11 fund to be set aside and bridges within diminished; out of revenues from sales etc., ‘ Indian le or- ................. 477 until amount aggregates $125,- Shoshone Indians, Wyo., V 000,000 ...................... 1451 appropriation for supgort, etc ....1. 474, 953 loans from, to citizens for ship con- all claims of, against nited States, not struction in United States of — heretofore determined, to be ad- best type, equipment, etc ...... 1451 judicsted by Court of Clsims--- 1349 · outiitting in American yards of procedure, etc ,....... _ ............ 1350 engines, etc., for vessels already amount recovered to be deposited to V built ................,.... ‘--- 1451 credit. of, in the Treasury ....... 1350 · to be a revolving fund; all repay— Shoshone Irrigation Project, Wyo., ments on loans to be credited to appropriation for operation, etc ...... - 484 it .................... ;---`.--_ 1451 limitation on use, etc., for Frannie interest on loans to be peidinto divisiom. .................... 484 the Treasury ............. ·--e- 1451 investigation of feasibility of dis- proceeds from sales of vessels installed contmuing operation of e portion with internal-combustion engines » V of, and removing water users toibecreditod to .............. 1451 _ elsewhere .................... 484 preference rates on vessels of, to alien unexpended balance available .... — 484 veterans and their families o0m· for maintenance, etc., of; reappro- · ing to United States with visas · priation for divisions and power in excess of quota"-; ..... ;--- 837 p1nnt.-;-e--; ..-...--......-. 960 Shipping Commissioners, — · lands 1n, grantedjo Punk County in aptpropristion for salaries- -o- - -1-;- 355, 1206 , -'Powe1l townsite, ifpr county or clerk hire .--.-..---.--. — -... 355, 1206 f5ir·grou.nds;sQ--,j-;--,_;--,;. 235 for contingent expenses -.-....-- 355, 1206 reversion for nonuser;`. -- ; .-..-... 285 Shipping Laws, ~ sums deducted from total costwof ...-.. 644 not applicable to seaplenes, or other ( . suspension of · speeiied construction aircraft ...-,.-_.............- 572 ` charges .-.-.- _-'-; ......... ;,_‘_ 644 Shipping Service, - Shoahone·,Na¢sonal ForesI,*Wyo.,‘ ‘ proclamation extending time for estab- lands added to .---.-. ; .--.. ; ..-..... 1412 lishing, Virgin Islands to De- Shranger, Mary J. (widow), ' cember 31, 1925 ..........--.- 2575 pension increased- ..-. ; -.-..-..--... 1720 to September 30, 1926 ..........,.. ’*2692 Shreve, Celia (widow), o _ · to September 30, 1927 .--- ‘ ....---.- _ 2620 pension increased --..---.- Q ---..- '-- -‘ 1626 Shipwrecked American Seamen, · ‘· ‘Sh·r~ewsbmfy, Milley (widow), · appropriation for life saving testimo- pension increased -.-.--.....--..-.-- 1655 nials in rescuing, etc- ....... 335, 1184 Shrewsbury River, N. J., _ ` Shively, Jennie (widow), pneliminari examination, etc., of, at pension increased ..--.-.-..-....--.. 1952 Hig lands, t0‘be made .-.....-- 1017 Shiswits Indian Reservation, Utah, Shriner, Teressa K. (widow), appropriation for irrigation project _ pension-; ....--.- Q .-.....--.....-.. 1582 on .-...----..---.---...-- s 462, 943 Shropc, Charles W., · ’ Shmitten, William (son), , pension increased --.--.. e ..--..-....- 1820 pension .-.... Q ...-..---..--..-.-... 1649 Shrubs, p Shock, Willehm W., appropriation for study of diseases of · pensi9n.--.. .,...-...-.--..-..--.... 1519 ornamental --.--. - --... ; .... 509, 985 Shoemaker, Martha A. (widow), Shuler,,Loda (widow), · pension .--.............--.-..---.-- 1666 pension increased .-.--.....-. 4 ..-... 1553 Shoemaker, Martha L. H. (widow), .Shuman, 'Calisla A. (widow), · pension increased --..-.......-.-.... 1536 pension increased -....-............- 1867 Shoemaker, Ophelia (widow), Shuman, Lizzie (widow), pension increased- .---.-.-....-..-.. 1720 pension increased .......---.....-.-. 1666 Shomo, Cora E'. (widow), Shumard, Sarah S. (widow), pension increased- ..-...--......-. ;- 1551 _ pension increased -........--.--..... 1923 Shooting Galleries and Ranges, Army, -Sh‘U7IL¢1»¢6, Alice L. (mother), appropriation for expenses ----.--. 265, 11 16 pension ..--..-.-..-.-.............. 1596 deficiency appropriation for Fort Ethan Shumate, Charles W., Allen, Vt ._.,,...,........... 878 payment to, for death of daughter .... 1810 for expenses ...................... 883 Shumway, J can (widow), Shores, Mary E. (widow), pension increased ................... 1739 pension increased ................... 1884 Shun, Isabel (widow), Short, Joseph F., pension increased ................... 1522 pension ............................ 1820 Shuster, Sarah E. (widow), Shoshone Agency, Nev., Western, pension increased ................... 1736 appropriation for support, etc., of In- Shula, Martha A. (widow), diane at ................... 474, 953 pension increased .... . ............... 1899