Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1596

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3008 INDEX. Solicitor of Revenue, Pm South (`ar:li ina Eastern Jitiiciaé Districts, Plu- approprna on or-- .................. coun f constitut ' ‘ ' ' --- 773 0Ece agglishgldéag creistion of office of 12 I g0l1arlestonddix·i;l1¢gn--t .eg-fY{sf(i[j--- 773 ner unse -............. 6 lumbia ivision- ....___ , _____,__ 773 Solicitor of the Department of Commerce, Florence division ....______________ 773 approprigltion for, and oiiice persozpil 1192 teréngapf court, at Aiken ......_,__.__ 773 n ...................... lesmn ..,,_,_._______________ 773 Solicitor of the Department of Labor, ’ Columbia ,__,____________________ 773 appropriation for, and oiiice person- Florence ,,___,_,________________ _ 773 nel ....................... 341, 1192 trials of criminal .............. 773 Solicitor of the Department of State, South Carolina Western Judicial District, appropriation for ..........-.... -- 341, 1192 counties constituting · Anderson di- Solicitor of the Interior Department, vision ...,___ _ ________________ 773 approprigltion for, and 0Ece person;54 935 greenviggddgvigion ________________ 773 n .-...................... , ree w ‘v` ' -............._ 773 Solicitor of the Post Ojlce lggartment, RocknHi11 diwlisliilrll? _,______________ 773 appropriation for, and ce persopg3 1046 teSpart;;nbul1-tgdivifiqipin ______________ 773 ne .......-..--........... rmso cou at rso .......... 773 Solicitor of the Treasury Department, ’ Greenville-; .... il. fz---? .......... 773 appropriation for, and oiice person- Greenwood __________ _ ____________ 773 nel ....................... 341, 1192 Rock Hill ,_,_____________________ 773 Solomon’.:mhLoéige of Masons, Savan- triiparétanbur-%l _____________________ ·, 0 cr1m1n cases- ............... . minute bdok of "Savannal1 Masonic South Charleston, W. Va., (ligdge, 1ig7i; digi Lrgszroy of 237 appropriagzion for care, etc., school ag ngress ve ..-. o tat' .......... 6 2, 1285 Somerlott, Sarah J (widow), South Dakztaliance S mn DGDSIOD mcmased- ........-......... 1722 agreement of Wyoming and, for divi- - .................. e enne ivers, S°§"§’§§s0‘?.‘22,“§‘-a,sd" """"""" 1971 ‘i·—‘33m‘ifs ‘Z23°’oi“°"’ °irB°“° Somerset Hospital, Cape Town, Africa, etc., consented to.}; ........... 1247 appropriation for annual contribu- apportionment of seed grain, fertilizer, tion ............-..-...... 339, 1189 etc., loan appropriation to ..... 1245 Son, John, · South Haven, Mich., pension ........... - ................ 1679 preliminary examination, etc., of harbor, Soule, Harley (widow), to extend breakwater, to be S penismn mcreased ................... 1963 S made ________________________ 1020 oun outh Jersey Esc 't' , appropriation for_ applying principles coin stampingpggzggnto be loaned for of, to m1l1tary and lndustriéagg 1209 S h Megllzigbit agkgg Camden, N. J .... 661 purposes .................. out c ter, . Sour, Paulina (widow), ’ terms of court at- -: ................ 409 pension increased ................... 1954 South Platte River Compact, South almenba, Republics of, consent of Congress to, agreement by details aigzhciriized frog Armytb Navy,t Colorado and Nebraska, with an arine orps assis res tto te f S th Pl tt governments of, in and Ri»?::___Yi_f_(i__?tl _____ i _? 195 naval matters ................ 565 South River, N. J., South and Central America, preliminary examination, etc., of, to be appropriation for expenses promoting made ___,____________________ 1017 _ commerce with ............ 351, 1202 South Saint Paul, Minn., deiimency agzpropriation for {Expenses 885 bridge liiuthorized across Mississippi promo mg commerce W1 - ..... iver at ____________________ _ 305 South Brooklyn, N. Y., South Slough, Ill., lease authorized of railroad tracks of improvement of, at Milan, authorized- 1013 Army_ supply base at, to Bush South Welljleet, Mass., _ §;·lxp01:‘a1, and Long Island 380 dxsposaltaiauthcgizgd pf naval radio s- ................... s ion n ......._._,___ 700 South Carolina, _ _ Southard, Mary T. (ulidlow), apportionment of seed gram, fertilizer, pension increased .............._.... 1698 etc., appropriation, to drought- Sauthbri 8, Ma_,8_ stricken ¤¤¢’¢¤¤ me <>f ----- 1245 limit gl cost inéessea public building bridge authorized across Savannah 8_t_ ___________ I ______________ gag &‘§2ia?¤dBul’*·°¤¤ Ferry: by 893 public building authorization for ...... 632 ······· . ··········· h la K he ' S0ut,€°c'%$;_;l§fanyA §:dé_2;n·e;& 1273 Soggyemeggto, (zu 'ptgrzonal injuries- ..... 1847 Station, g P Southern SCat3f Ticka (see Cattle Ticks, amount authorized for cooperation Qu em · with, etc., in developing dairy- Southern Ffwlgi 6'r¢>z>·¤._ _ _ _ ing and livestock industries, 1397 ¤PP¤'°P;?t¤<;P Y0! 1¤V¤¤t¤88'¤1¤8 1¤¤0¢t§17 993 etc ......................... €¢ l¤S -·----------------- , service in developing agriculture of Southern Relief Society, D. C., Sand Hill region of the South- appropriation for a1d to Confederate east ......................... 1397 veterans, etc ............. 446, 1327