Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1598

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3010 INDEX. Special Taxes, Title VII, Revenue Act of P¤8¤- Sponge Fisheries, Pill 1926-—C0utinued. appropriation for protecting, etc--- 364, 1216 levied after July 1, 1926, on designated Sponsler, Catharine (widow), foreign built pleasure water pension increased ................... 1949 craft ........................ 95 Spooner, Emma (daughter), basis of tax; measurement ......... 95 pension ............................ 1633 for part of a. year 011 new purchases- 96 Spooner, M in-n., exemption if used without profit by time extended for bridging Rainy River organization for aid to seamen, 96 from Rainy River, Ontario, e c .......................... to- ....................... 131, 1274 if owned January 1, 1926, by a. Spooner, William R., citizen, domestic partnership or pension increased ___________________ 1816 corporation .... - .............. 96 Spoor, Harriet C'. (widow), Narcotic Act provisions ........ - ..... 96 pension ___,_.__,___________________ 1578 coniiscaticn of narcotics seized from Spgigylvania Court House, Va,, violators of laws .............. 99 establishment of military park to com- dclivery f0r GOV¢!‘¤m€Dt USGS .... 99 memorate Civil War battles of- - 1091 seizures from unknown owners .... 99 Spragué, Archie 0,, destruction restricted ............ 99 payment to, for death of wife .... - ,___ 1842 Specimen. Lvdemw (widow), Spraker, Eliza A. (widow), pension ........ r ................... 1515 pension _,.._.__........____________ 1514 SW", M0"!} L- (w¥d0w}» Spring, Hannah (widow), pcnSi0u---,---r ....----.......---·- 1561 pension increased ..............._... 1543 Spevwrd, J Mw (www). Spring, Lucy J. (widow), pension mcreasedr .................. 1950 pension increased .,.....__....._.,,_ 1647 Spence, Elizabeth (wzdow), Spring, Mary H, (widow), pension increased ................... 1678 pension ____________________________ 1673 Spevwer, Almedia (widow). Spring Road NW., D. C., pension i11CX‘8&S€d- - -r .------.---.--- 1888 appropriation for grading, Tenth to Spencer, Caroline E. (widow) , Thirteenth Streets ____________ 1305 pension increased- r ---.........-.... 1972 Springer, Adazmg R, (widow), SPGYLCGQ', CGTT16 P. (w‘Ld0w), pension increased __,._ _ _.___.___._,_ 1522 pcnsn<>¤-r ......-- r .---------·------ 1935 Springer, Elizabeth (widow), Spencer, Eliza M . (vndvw), pension increased ........-.......... 1896 pension increased ....-.-.......-...- 1960 Springer, Julia A. (widow), Spencer, Maria (widow), pension ____________________________ 1543 p€11Sl01'l iHCI‘€8·B€d-_ ----------.--..--- 1553 Springer, Zulu A. (widow), Spencer, Mary E- (widow), pension increased ................... 1939 pension increased _ ........ . ...-..... 1572 Sppgngjuzd Armory, Mass., SI>¢'w€T» Wy L- (*md0w)» conveyance of parcels of reservation to pension increased .........---------- 1930 Springfield, rm- highways ,_____ 1374 SP¢M¢{`, Phew (w*d°w)» maintenance of highways by the pension mcreased- 1 ...----...--...-- 1577 city _________________________ 1377 SPm¤6'» Riidwl L- (widow) » boundary fences to be reconstructed- 1377 pension 1¤0¤‘6¤S€d-T -—-------·--—---- 1545 sale of part of, no longer needed for Spencer, Sorah F. (widow), military purpgggg _____________ 1417 pension mcreased ..................... 1530 Springfield, Mau, Swwer. Selden P-. Mw G S¢M¢<¤» parcels of Springfield Armory lend d¢H¤i6¤¤§;i ¤PPt¥`°PYi8·ti0¤ for Pay to 162 conveyed to, solely for public Wi OW 0 --—— T-= -—----------- hi wa u oses .....----.--. 1374 SP97'7`1/, Cathenne E- (w'¥d0'w)» dggcrip$,?on_}:g_1;Ii ________________ 1374 pension i¤¤I‘€$·¤€d— -- -----—-----—---- 1576 improvement and maintenance re- Spicer,_Ca£herine (widow), quired _______________________ 1377 S P€¤$I0¤ -----·----—------— - —-—-—-——- 1732 bounéiary fences to be reconstructed 1377 'ces cit -..-----.-.......--.-- pgppropriatidn for investigating plants rightsyof ¥vay for Armory utilities yielding- .------.. - ......... 509, 986 reserved _________________.... 1377 Spielman, Cora V. (widow), sale, or other use, forbidden .-.-....- 1378 pension ____________________________ 1855 t reverrxon air rronuser ..-.-....---.. 11;; 3 ' 8 a P_ widow erms 0 cou a. __.._______________ _ Sp;g,éj£;{_f!f___§ _____ ______________ 1533 Spurloekr W. Randall, Spiese,_Annie (widow), U §1‘6g1$&1:nQ9?§>;l1:‘c;-cunts of- -..-. , .-__ 1831 penswn increased .-.....-..-.....--- 1688 qu ” f» ,» , f ui , Spiuman Lucinda E. (widow), owner 0 , may lgrmg suit or co sum 1 30 pension; increased ................... 1523 Sq 6 ,g¤¤;,=~¤g,¤» m dmct ·=°¤** ——-—-— 8 uar , . ., 'Sp°k“"° 4v¢z·¤v· W‘”h‘¤ American National Red Cross may a.ppr0pr1a.t10u for support, etc., of oorrtrooo ooo of temporary Indians at ·-·· · ············· 475r 954 buildin 5 in _____.......______ 403 Spokane Indian Hosp·ital,_Wash., Squarg gg5, D_ 5%, ¤PPi'°Pi';9·ti0¤ f°I' m¤1¤t<>¤¤¤¤<->. €t°;i72 952 pipe line; for steam may be laid in alley 1369 O ----- - ---—------ — --—-- — - - 1 O ............ - .......------- Spokane Indians, Wash., Sqyare 254, D._C., _ _ _ appropriation for fulfilling treaty increased he1ght of buildmg permitted with _,,._,_. , _.______,_____ 473, 953 on lots 813, 814, and 820 ._,_ _-- 298