Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1606

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3018 INDEX. Sunderland, Sarah E. (widow), P•I¤· Supreme Court, D. C.—Continued. Ptv- pension increased .... - ..._.____.,... 1716 grand and petit jurors for, to be drawn Superintendenhoif Doczénfents, Government wmionthly ...... rg ..... BS .... 541, 892 `nting ce, in pa n appeals, wri may issue appropriation for salaries, oflice of-- 552, 1160 by, against adverse parties in allowance for night work, etc-- 552, 1160 foreign countries or diiferent for contingent eigxanses ......... 552, 1161 _ States .... _ - - -2 ............... 1394 bound copgestooge upgelrne Court Re- 678 service b%pubhcat1on, etc., in foreign 1394 po , so y ........... · coun nes- ........ - ........... price; hr; limit of copies to one pur- 678 in pa1;e;1tt;a1s?s, court of appeals sub- 1336 c er ___,__.....,........... s 1 u or ........ - .......... Superior, Wis., o location, plans, etc., of additional po- improvement of harbor, authorized .... 1013 lice court building subject to Supervising Architect, Treasury Depart- approval of chief justice of ..... 901 ment, powers of, in general term- ......... 234 appropriation for, and personnel in direction of special terms ........ 234 office of ................ -- 150, 1041 establish rules of procedure, notice, for additional compensation to- -- 152, 1043 etc .......... - ................ 234 deficiency appropriation for addition equity rules; restriction- .--..-... 234 to pay ---------.--. - -.---..- 875 appoint clerk; acting, in case of designs, etc., for buildings under Public vacancy .----.--....--------. 234 Buildings Act, to be prepared in other officers ...... - ...-..-...-. 234 Oliice of ------.---.- " -.-.....- 631 admissions to the bar, etc ----------- 234 additional technical, scientific, etc., hearing of causes in, not allowed ..-.. 234 assistance authorized ..--..--.. 632 assign more than one justice to a 234 Supplies, Postal Service, _ 81*601 P€1'm ----·- -- -----—----~ appropriation for Shipping ________ 156, 1047 salaries established of chief and asso- for stationery, etc -.--..-....-.- 159, 1050 mats Justices °f -—-·----·—----·- 919 for postmarking stamps; typewriters, Supreme Court of the United States, letter scales, etc ....---..-- 159, 1050 appropriation for Chief and Associate for miscellaneous, city delivery, etc.; Justices, and other personal serv- post route, etc., maps ..--.- 159, 1050 ices ...---..---..-.-...... 344, 1194 oHice equipment and furniture- 160, 1051 assignment of work ------.-.- 344, 1194 for twine and tying devices ..-.-.- 160, 1051 assistant to Reporter -....--.- 344, 1194 for expenses of shipping ---..-. -- 160, 1051 for printing and binding for ...-. 344, 1194 for cgnceling machines, labor savingo 1051 ger rizzugscellaneous .....-..-..- -- gig, evices --..--.----.-..--.. , or porter- --.-...--.- - ----- , deéiciengy appropriation for --.. 190, 193, deticiencyrtappro;}rial,1§ion éolr pugt and or s 'pping .---.---..-.-...-.-..- o rait 0 te ie ustice Supprm, ge,-,;,,,8, ang Trorgpwmgm, ignite, available for bracket, 175 uarter-master or s rm ——-——----——--·---—----—--- dsscaslgv appropriation io} .... ll .... ssa for me ¤f new }>¤i1<1i¤s for, - , ------ 1254 S,;pp;;,_,, @,,;;,4 5;,,;% (,*0,,,;,, acquirement of site for a building for, appropriation rm- ...--. - .-----... 347, 1197 ¤¤$1¤<>¤¤<=<1- - -, -- --, --....-. 631 de ciency gpprgprigtiou f0l·_ _______ __ CBSCS I`€Vl0W’8bl€ Ill Clfcllltv C0l1!'l} of Supply Committee (see General Supply 8PP6¤·1¤» 0¤S€8 1111d¢1’ R811W¤Y Committee, Treasury Depart- Labor Act ------ y-; --——--——-— 587 “‘°“*’· E‘i"’§£’ l"2‘l° °£’1"‘€“?&°“ °"’°'i" SS? Supply Division, Treasury De rtment, °' u I] I me ° { °r°°m°° ·· approprigtion mr Chiif of D1ii»1s1¤¤,s¤s 102 ¤¤1¤ry g¤&1>`1;E;¤§<1ce;>f Chwf ¤¤<1 Am- 919 o ce personne .-...------.--- 9 -------------- —-— transfer to, of detailed employees- 1029 salary of reporter; expenses -..--..--. 67 7 f°1` Pl'i“l*i¤S and binding ---·------· 1029 expenses from Supreme Court appro- ig? Zt$`$€€”‘ ‘‘°```°``‘``°°`````` iiiig t ;""i‘“°“""f ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ Y".; ‘;‘z;‘ 677 -——---------——-—------- _ cos o vo uma: o , reports or is ri u- Su eme Court, D. C., tion char ed to De artment of E;-propriation for salaries ----. ---- 441, 1321 Justice- -§ .--...-. F .-........ 677 ig; sic-: of Witnesses ----— -- sale of _boun&1 volirugs, etc., py Super- 7 for ¤=¤¤¤¤» ee ---·-----»------- ··41» 1322 .,0 ¤iZ.‘f€'I,f°$ is t§°$‘§'$°E Singin" STS for probation system ---------_- 441, 1322 P , . pp " for ooorthonso expenses _________ 441, 1322 transfer of appropriations, July 21, for lunacy writs expenses -_---__ 442, 1322 1926- · — - -——----—--—- —~ -—-·-—— 678 for miscellaneous expenses where S1¢PT6m6 C'<>ur¢_Rq1><>r¢S, _ _ _ United States ig a, party ____ 442, 1322 cost of furmshmg, for oflicial distribu- fm- printing and binding for ..... 442, 1322 twn, charged to Department of deficiency appropriation for jurors ,-_- 848 J�Bli1¤¢ ----- - ----------~---—- 677 for courthouse expenses .........-.. 848 sales to the public by Superintendent for miscellaneous expenses- -- ---- 848, 1256 of Documents .-.--.-.------.- 678 for witnesses ...-................. 1256 * no limit of copies to one applicant-- 678