Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1633

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INDEX. 3045 Washington, D. C'.—Continued. P¤¢¤- Washington Railway _ and Electric Com- P•¤•· lease of old Naval Hospital continued pany-TC0nt1nued. _ 15 years to managers of Tem- agreement with Cap1tal'1h·act1on Com- ggjrlary Home for Soldiers and 702 pany as_to remun;·>r;_t{1)ond;orAdis- ors ...._.....________ · ____ con mumg use 0 ri ve- use designated of authorizations for nue tracks- - -_ ................ 973 public building proéefts in ...... 630 plans for construction to be approved exceptions, Supreme urt building by Public Utilities Commission- 973 site ......................... 631 rights, etc., extended to connecting eu1ar$g site of Government Printing route ............. - .......... 973 ce ...........__.__....... 631 Washington-Wakejield Memorial Bridge, storage warehouses .............. 1- 631 Qeorge, _ acquiring sites south of Pennsylvania may bridge Potomac River, from Popes Avenue and west of Maryland o Creek, Md., to Dahlgren, Va--- 398 Avenue to Twining Lake, for Washington’s Birthplace, Wakejlcld, Va., oilice accommodations in the appropriation for watchman, etc--- 290, 1141 District ..................... 631 tor improvement and mamtenance- - 291 constructing buildings on such sites replica of house which he was born ‘ or on sites already owned in may·_be built at Wakeiield, Va., such section .................. 631 the site of- ............... --- - 699 providing suitable approaches Washington’s Last Will and Testament, thereto ...................... 631 printing ordered cf additional copies of- 1984 beautifying surroundings in har- Waste Products, _ _ _ _ mony with plan of Peter Charles appropriation for industrial utilization L’Enfant .................... 631 of, from the land .............. 1210 in utilizing of contiguous square as Water and Sewers, Army, -_ sites, vacating streets and alleys appropriation for mstallmg, etc., at lying between, authorized ...... 631 military posts ............. 265, 1116 in constructing building for the De- deficiency appropriation for ........ 190, 883 pgrtments of Commerce and Water De rtmont D. C'. (see also Water bor, employment authorized gigrvice, C.), V _ of architects successful in com- appropriation for Eersonal services, rev- petition for the proposed building enue, etc., ranches- ....... 450, 1331 for the Deggrtments of Com- for operating expenses .......... 451, 1331 merce and bor ............. 631 Water Service, D. C'.,_ _ _ sale authorized of part of lot 4, square appropriation for mcreasmg city water 377 .....,_.._...__,.._...... 205 supglga- - M ................. :553 W h' n D. C. Post Oficc P1'0j¢<> °P -; —---·----——---- for , f 0%.501 1331 °”‘€·· -f°' h°“t ““ "°"°' t° or tiiinsi nin-stizn plant etc 450 1331 buildmg .................. 155, 1046 .• . · ·· · . for Conduit Road, repairs, etc--- 450, 1331 W“8h°"'gt°l°¤ °ud°"’ Bush °f* for eme ncy fund ............ 450 1331 appropriation for rephca of, for 11all contrgvof Secretary of Wu, ove,. ’ guiylgmm °* P°° Am°”°°” 1,,,, Aqueduct, etc.,_.not arrested: 450, 1331 _ ·················· s": for revenue, mspection, and distribu- rephca of, to be secured for Pan Amen- 1,10,1 bm,,c1,°s_ _____________ 450, 1331 mn B“i1di¤$» W“hmKt°¤» D· C- 776 for water department maintenance- - 451, Washington Market Company, _ _ _ _ _ 1331 "°"“’“°‘“° if “1}?{'§Et°’°l‘."é,‘¥°“"“‘“ as ‘°' °‘“’“‘“““ ""”“'°“*‘°“ °"“£n 1331 across we ree ...... tem .-.................... , W h‘ngt¢m M t D. C. ` rates of assessment for laying giarlropriatioirnniiwlileiiliaimtenahce, etc., of, mains and sewers increased .-.. - 451 and ground; __________---- 315, 1079 scale of water rents increased- .... 451 Washington N. C., f0!' extendmg d1str1but10n system, mm, of égurt at ____ _ __.-.-..-...... was f _m?5¤lqn¤¤der£e¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤*¤- ---— E1 Washington Point, Norfolk, Va., fg; E; Bic ggggrargg ‘‘‘‘ ‘f '‘'‘’ 45]] 1331 sale of cemete lots, etc., at, no longer · ·» --·é·-·:·· · 1 QV · · for replacement of old, etc., mams-- 133 °°°d°d or military purpPs°s' ‘ ' 1417 for new main Alabama Avenue SE- 1331 Washington Railway and Electric Com- for main, Avenue to award pcguiiamages in opening street _,%°¥1erg% $;;I::?,1,.°¤(§·t??iiii`??_ 1331 {mm G°°é`§l“ AV°°u° t° Nmth part from District revennes --.-.- 1332 8***** N "° b° °°°°"°°d ” for water tower, Reno Reservoir .... 1332 bemits *8*m*t ·---·--········ ` 972 deiiciency appropriation for extending construction 0f tracks, GW-, by. i·h!'0¤8h mains -------...-.--.-.--.... 170 new street .........---- - ----— 973 water rates to be adjusted ---- -. ....... 850 time for, and operation of cars- ..... 973 Water Sunpzy cypra Sialges, t t . · d ‘ A - ro ria ion or mves nga g,e c. c tm(?k:ug2t§1l(;g12:a?11don(gd??t€li--Yf. 973 app pdetermine the; artesian wells,. 486, 962