Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/169

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SIXTY~NINTH (DNGBESS. Sass; Ii Gi! 607. 71926. IGOI

 iiineywidowi  T ' u alias Que-an-nusie

I“f?·“F!'-Yu °P*Y • T- P•¤¤°¤ *!$" Nw ¢f $12 133;-* ’  :@.—>,£ni;‘ { .7*2 ei nf ,2i¤.=éY? j~ ir ..i af; `** A

 William E.     Edward<»W. Me ,, ` Wi1li¤mE.McE1r¤v.

na et comps? 121, emu;. 2£‘.:.?,{“'•'° W- “·* with-aSpain,an ` Ty h1m:2§nn at.the¢ateof$18 permon ‘; rueniwnna . '}.’henameu·bf.>miy of T d•1·;»widbw=of ’.mKlIB,E. r€1;DWd61', M•”°· °’°"°°'· late of Company ·1;~E:ghtee¤tlx Beghxenty Iniantry, Regular her $?P8Il$l0Il:8$i{l1G»!'8.lQB of·$25 per monthain·1ieue¢£fth•t is nowreeeiving. .. · " V·— . thTh6 nzge gf M&1'§.·J._H&I‘1D8, widow ¥o§;ThomaskZ&ddarms, of ¥*¤¤·'·H¤¤¤•- e -_ ,111 t•,tes‘ i¤ ar; hshment; -_ a pensionat the 1<ate·o£Yy$25¤per menthlin of isnow ‘

  • `°°°Nm8·· ‘· °‘ ‘ * ’¥ "` ` "I"T'T rmuem.

The name of John W. Payne, late of One hundred and sixty-fifth John W. Puma. Company United States Coast Establish- . ment, and payVhim·a·£enéon* at the rate of $1 epepmenth. a — The name of Isaac late of·.Tro0p I,»N‘mth -Regiment’Hnited 1********

 wa1·s,.and. payhmi Ta pension at the rate of
 r .v __ ile?}   t   i' `   K '_·: Q _    

L · inameof Frederick A. Eme1·y,._late of Twenty· F¤>¤¤¤¢¤·¤=¤¤¤v· third Regiment United States Infantry,~Indian wana, and him a 0

 atthe 1·atei0fe$3D Pé1*·H10!1¤1$iD»1l8uT of that-i is now

re°6xymg‘q_ - _ ·‘ .‘ ,. " _·" .,T;¥ =—»,»_;; q The name of Mattie Jackson, widowof ¤Richax:d“3'a Jackson, late M¤'=¤¤ ’·<=¤¤¤· of Gompainy C, Seeond'Begi.ment· United States ·Infantry,· Iucian wars, and·pay·her aepension attlze rate ofi$20 pen month m· lieu of thatsheisonowreceivingi V • ?-*“ T T * T rmm . The nameiof Leonia leg, widow of NoaheH.s Rice late of Com- I··¤¤i•B~*¤¤ suny K, eiemeyan T apensione- t errate o rmon wi per {month addgional on account of oFt:heisoldie1·¤under six>t6eu·yearsof4ag¤e.,» -· · r ’ The nameof Anton Mullen, late Gon1panies·A;.and D, Twelfth “’°°° Mm" Regiment United States=In1a:ltzy,‘§aeg¤11ar. t, and pay him-a.pension»at¢therateof$13pe¤men;h;·z » : i. s - S; PWM, _ » ` Thanameu u7£=Herbert Ee Po*y¤t“e1**¢lateof the United 2States'sub· Hem E- P¤Y¤¢¤· marine S-37, United States Navy, Iiegularo Establishment, and guy · himanpensionwat the rate·¤o£.$72 per-month an lieu oftthat he is n(yw`rgm¤g_ , , Ci 1,: `;_._L‘ . ;`; ` "  :» _ * Pansionl flfheiname of-Atwood P. Ilatham, steward, “"°°"·"“"”‘· Hospital- Goig-United States Army ·W81"Wl&: pains, and pay him e ‘o¤»•tg_ r¤¤¤d$2¤· .¤¤>¤¢l¤·T - ii > ’ · s , Piiitxeeine of William A: 1•w of Twengtsfgoné G¤mp•·¤y ”””°°*· ”°*°”~ United States C0ast·A;1·ti1lery Corps, Regular lishment, and pa himapensionatthenteof$6¥ermontl1."·#y1 ’.e~ " p,,¤,,,,i,,,,,,d_ The name of Albertffeong, o .·Company_·G,~ Thirteenthgllegi- Mm ¥·°¤¤· ’ ment United States Infantry, Regular hun a- pensionat‘the;rate bf=$18 permonth in ‘lie¤‘of“ y hsismow receiving. w; .» f; ._ V The Hate widow o£_ChafIe§ii•‘ie1d·fMason, Mmnmuauu. late brgadiev gemezgl, Medical Gowps, United States Army, and pay her of $50 pei: monthiin lieu jofthe eumpengsa- tion I tsl1e·$s‘no1{a·eeeiving. » . · i¢» P -10 P · Fr! mum s QThe ndmvef Richaaéd late of ’ Sixth Regiment B*°“'** B““*“”- ' United St».tm·ArtiDeay,‘fmr with Spainnnd pay apengien at the_17ateof$15§·lms>nth.. -> T T “ ¢— _,·¢ ·’* *<-Y T £w.mnm...¤· ~ >>T1;enamewt· fehael Keenan, ·1ateeo£‘T;¤ep‘A:,$ee¤nd·Regiment o ‘¤¤·¤·¤ United Swtes Oavalty, Indian-wars,‘ payhhniav pension •

rate of $30 per month m lieu offthatihe*isano·w’i·eeeiving.s  »= * r T

i ` 43892‘-—27—m·3——10