Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/188

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1620 SIXTY·NINTH CONGRESS. Snss. I. Cns. 687-689. 1926. R°“"°“”°'°°° ¤mm‘,*°· hereby authorized te be appropriated out of an mone in the rubs M °$ otherwise appropriated; the sum bf $1,2g1.65,_ to !éB11Ilb}11§6 Liegtenatlnt {Juni? Grfzde) Thomas Elyan, Umteg an or peossoumrmsequipm othmgan

_<-dlyebts of himself, as a result Bt the earthquake and tire

_ 1- in Japan on.September 1, 1923. _ ‘ Approved, June 25, 1926. » Jmiggn CHAP. 888.--An Act For the relief of Mrs. M. McCollum, Margaret G. [Evate,N0.222.l Jackson, Dorothy M. Murphy. · , Be it enacted by the Senate and Home of Representatives of the ,,,dM{,’,3,,’,?,j M°°°“°"‘* United States of America in Oongreaa assembled, That the Secretary P•Y¤•¤**°·*°*¤¤¤=· of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to ay, °°°°' ` out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise agugpriatedi to Mrs. M, McCo1lom the sum of $1 000 to Margaret . ackson the sum of $1,500 to Dorothy M. Miirghy the sum _of $1,500 m full settlement of ag] fortgipancxal by them and greatpaman ermg ywere_orce___1meroasaresu1 ofétbe explosion of United States d.lI'1g'1bl6 balfoon C-8 at a point near Camp Holabird, Maryland, on the 1st da of Jul , 1919. Y Y . Approved, J imc 25, 1926.

 CHAP. 689.-An Act To confirm the right, title and interest of the Peoples

'•*°· N°· m-] Investment Company (incorporated), of the State oi Louisiana, in certain lands. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re entatioea of the oeP§£5. hmmt United States of America in 6'ongresa aasem.bled:"That the Peoples ·:.Z.Z.r:‘i·°¤·‘·‘”"’·’*-“*’ Emtt S.°;“‘é1?.H .}}¥IiiE.?.'§§°°2.;,‘;§?1’§1°L?§.i$§“°.%"°d Q.r.m‘"&""” ¤· y _ _ e m all the right, title,. and intered noir held ·or possessed by the United { State; todthli foll<min(it lands, nowfi:1 its ootcliupation, totowit Lots an»esouw q pro esou estqpar HMM section 1, township 19 north, range 3 east, meridliah, v¤laa‘s¤».. »¤·Louisiana:Provided ThatthisActshallon1ybeeonstruedtovest ‘°'°"°‘”’· in the said Peoples investment Company glncorporated) the right, title, and interest in said lands now held an possessed by the Umted States, and _shall not be construed ang way to impair the bona tide rights, mterests, or claims acquired y any other person imder a§1r;;ri·se irgnts, concessions, or purchases made prior to the passage o c . P°°°°°t° *”°°‘ _ Src. 2. That _a gptent b¢i,nand the same is hereby, directed to be issued to the said eop1es_. vestment Company (Incorporated) for Pm,m_ the lands described m tlus Act upon payment of $1.26 per acre: common. Prqvtded, That_the purchase money be paid to the Register of the Umted States district land office in Baton Bo e within ninety days

 ‘°“ °°’°°"" after the passasge of. this Act: Provided furlbier That if the Sllld

lands are pgtth owing nopralineral, thef I.uvestn;ent pany e sa a non o t t ` be the purchase authorized by this (kot is e1o{1s)umm?>.ted:ul:1lgd, atgrlit herem directed be issued shall contain a reservation to the Suited States of all oil and gas deposits in the land,. together with the nghgocg tlge Umted Staiss, 1tS permitties (pr lessees, to enter upon, pros _ or mme an remove suc `ts ' th prescribed bi law; dud in that event the cgmpdhl shzullifgvged W 41 D M1 preference r1ght_ to a permit to prospect said land ¥or oil or gas ‘ ’ ‘ ‘ pursuant to section 13 of the Act entitled "An Act to promote the