Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/235

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SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sms. I. C11. 732. 1926. 1667 and Sixth Bpahttery Volunteeuiio Light Artillery, and pay her

Fnsi nat erateo 0 rmon

a he ilame of Eveline Joegk, widow of Joehnk, alias Hans *'°“"°’°°’“'*· fgfnckts, lated of (ignpany 'léetnhth l¥:g1;n;§3 Iowa Ylplunteer an an ay ra ona era 0 permon . rmmmmm. The Inyalne ofp Annie K5, widow of William Kell, late of Company ·“““K°“· A, Second Battalion, Fifteenth Regiment United States Volunteer Infantry, and Company H, One hundred and ninety-fifth Regiment Ohio Volunteer In entry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $50 pe,1i`{;onth in ligupf thaazhmgs rigw f D _d H M mm“G_mm_ name e . oon, wi ow 0 am . oon late of Connliggny Fjrliightyythird Regiment New York Volunteer!

 _ pay her_a_pens1on at the rate of $50 per month in 11eu

e IS now 1‘6C61V1 . 0 The name of Anna El]§’rice widow of John W. Price, late of “‘“"P"°" Compgny I, Fourth Regiment New Jersey Volunteer Infantry, and gy rapensionat erateof$50permonthinlieuo that e is now receivin . P¤¤¤¤¤· The name of Mgary E. Hahn, widow of Paul T. Hahn late of “'”E’H°h°‘ Company B, One himdred and sirty-second Regiment Ohio Vol- unteer Infantry, and peg her a pension at the rate of $30 per month. mmmsmm. hTh<; réaéme 0 Slaralhhl . Sptalrrow, widow of E. %>ar;pw, B"‘“B·“""""· te o mpany 'rteen Regim' ent Il11n0' is o nmteer av ry

hnd_pay her apenhion at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that

e 18 now receiving. The name of Lucretia J. Cathcart, widow of Burt Cathcart late I"‘°'°'“’·°‘°‘°"`*‘ of Companyn-I, One hundred and ninety-third Regiment New York Volunteer antry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $50 per mophth in lieu of that she is now _ B mum e name of Susanna Winter, wndow of Burton Wmter late of Company D, S1xty-seventh Regiment Pennsylvama Vlolnnteer

 and pay her _a pension at the rate of $50 per month 111 lieu

0 e 18 now receiving. _ _ The name of Emma M. Sawdey, widow of John H. Sawdey late Emmu smh, of Company¤C, One hundred and fifty-seventh Regiment New York Vo11;1l;teerl_ fapt;1l;y,t?1d _pay her a_pension at the rate of $40 per mon m 1eu 0 a e is now receiving. ~ rum. The name of Ella Whitaker, hellpless and deggndent daughter of Em wm‘°"" Levi Whitaker, late of Companly , Fifteenth tgiment New York Volumteer Engineers, and pay er a pension at e rate of $20 per !¤°¤th· _ _ rummmmma. The name of Amanda M. Frothingham, widow of Thomas ,¤ih*¤_;‘_¤°• M- **°“*‘ Frothmlgham, late of Company B, Fifth Regiment Kentucky Vol- nmteer fantry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $40 per month in lieu of that she is now receiving. mu M Manu The name of Alice M. Fairch' d, widow of Samuel R. Fairchild, ° . late of Company B, Fifteenth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer Cpyglréyghand pay her a pension at t e rate of $50 per month in lieu 0 a e is now recei . fTge name o%M§·y L?15rl•;.v§L widow <% Chosgleg P. Crkgviar, late M""I"°’"" 0 om any meteent A 'ment nit tates 0 unteer Infantrgz and pay her _a pension aglthe rate of $50 per month in lieu of Rat she is now receiving. _ _ _ mm, A_BM_ e name of Hester A. Bmer, widow of George Bmer, late of Company B, One hundred and forty-second Regiment Pennsggama lY1ol1g1lt.eerrInfa;1t1l;y2alndip1:1y) hirgcaziwon at the rate of per on m xeu 0 a s e w . The mms or Adnam Maas, widow of William H. Addis, late *°·'*····*°°*·- of Company H, y Seventy-seventh Regiment Illinois Volunteer