Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/237

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SIXT Y QNINTH CONGRESS; I. 732; 1928. 1669 Infantz, and her a pension at therateof monthin ‘A° “ ‘ lienyof. e xy e. ' V p..,“.,_ Thename ofjlilla StmburKxdow·of·Wdham Swinbum, iateiof “"°"’”*’°'°· Cempeuy A,Yl*‘u§h{Ee¥ime¤t 'cuilolunteer Infantry, andpay 'her "*i‘i‘€“°““‘§““Sa..°·.X’."° "’*°”,w,,,““ he C,,,.,,,l ` ’ " m··········......·

 “  ¤   V?   ee »la|e`of ' ’· '

Cgany A,. Volamteei Infantry, ’ 8*,f,§ f|P€“?s?* **3, '*°°1°* “*•* The name qfiggs Buzzell, of Henry G. Bumwylate m"‘B“"‘°ui _ landaman, Ummd States Nayy, Cien1>War, and =pay» *hera» epmdon at the rate of‘$40 permonth mlhou ofthat sheois nowf ' ' . · The name of·Julia BlIl1C110`G’!i.“.ll,` widow of Thad , "‘"‘°"“°"°°'“””· late of Company C Twenty-third Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a at rate of $é0perumonth inlieu 0`t`th8tBhBIBDOWYGi3BlVl§g. · l 0, i~ * aw. The name of Amy M. eathe widow or ;Beath, hte of my u‘H°‘°" Company A, Sixth Regiment New VoIunteei·lIn£a¤t1·y,

hed_pay her v at the rate of , inlieu efithat

emnowreoeivmg.-’~*· " ·· ·’ · V ¤ Thename of Elisabeth Gegr, former widowYof¥Daiiz1?M. Garter, E“¤°•°* °•*¤*- late of Com(pany~K, Forti Regiment Maeeaeh1mette"Volunteer Infantry, an pay her a pension at the rate of month inlieu t '1’¤e*¤·m¤_¤f Bé¢h¢*A·. ¤¤d¤v’¤f we “‘°“‘·"""‘* of‘Company·H, Firgt Regiment Indiana md M ¤=¤¤> r¤z·¤e·>}*;*;**·¤ ¤~*· `<·* g*`¤¤¤¤*¥=‘1¤ ¤f‘*¥¤·* ,,...,.. dmc B gw th**°$, .‘?_9;9*!l-i£§*·h°! Mgammm ee, w'*"I;t‘€°g». e.’Z}?;‘Eaieei%*"’“ ·¤¤°£§..”,.e”g,.¤’ me we ee? ° ° 7 mqlggeemmez .4,.4 {wwwa in the event of me Mw ofjllachol A.—· h, the name ofvsaid Oscar E, Lo ahallbe placed-on the on~re11,~eubjeec*te-theiprdeieiom an ‘ of the 'on* the rate of$20per nioiith tfrom’and`a I the "“·§°#r.‘;{."...[..,°‘*" ‘;‘;§&§‘&h%A· "°“¤'&· me me 5 t``t t‘ " twin of”0ompan]§ D,‘0ne ’hundrzll$2and’Q‘_s1xteen”’“ °‘ th Regnnl _ Volunteer fantry,·and payher E of $50*per monthinlieu of that she is newireeeiving.1 ‘ ·_ ’ C . ‘ " rmm. The name of Mery K. Dellpw, mdowdof Dellow, M“’.K·D°“°'· of Company H, Frfueth Regiment New Volunteer and pay her a Pension at the rate of $30 per month. ‘ 4 { rum inueaaed, Thename o Palmetto Dodso widow of Char1esrM. Dodsou,'1ate P‘“"°“°°°“""· of cempmy A, `Fitty-second nkegknent Infantniy, and VB, One hundred and nin ‘-ninth Regiment Penney vania Volunteer Infantry, and- pay her apension at e rate of $50 per month in lieu ofithet she gs now ‘ ‘ _ l Mmwmn The name of _Mary lW1the1·e& wgdow of John of <><>¤a¤1>··¤· ,A· 0¤·= ¤¤¤·*¤··d ¤¤ Mw-W4 vama Volunteer Infantry, and pay here pension at the rate of permcnthin1ieuofthatsl1eisnow f`  »*"* ‘ ‘ rum.

 name of Reuben E. Kerns,_aliae uben  ,¤E,‘“g"§‘,;,,}K,E§

"‘e..*’@ ’M°.*‘”eu §· »%1'%$§“ %°“P“Lm“’ pmm"’”‘%"‘e ele g , R anpay_a on,,‘e C6 $50 ` mmgh, ~ ‘ ·· I " ‘ ‘ r¤¤¤¤emm•»¤_.

name of   B. Kerr widow of Samuel C. Kerr, lateof “""`°°°‘K"‘

Com anies D and , One hundred and twenty-sixth Re ' C Ohio P Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rate of month in lieu of that she is now t ‘»