Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/285

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SIXTY—NINTH CONGRESS. ¤S1:ss. I. Cn. 845. ‘ 1925.. 1717 The name- of Ettie H. French, widow of John . . French, late of ' E’“•H- ’¤¤°¤· Company D, One hundredeand seventeenth Re `ment New York Volunteer Infantry,. and pay her ra pension at tg; rate of $50 per month in lieu of that she IS now receiving. ., .- Y · — · . » · » Pmim The name of1Eliza-M. Inman, widow of William M. Inman, late mm u.‘r¤m¤¤. gffCompanyd C, hginety-seventh Reigiment York Vogunteer n antry,an a- era nsion att crate-o. 0 rmont`. The name otpriuiau Eiwsmatn, widow eornsvaacriii Smith, late or ”‘"'*””-°¤*“· Compsiniy A, Tenth Regiment, and Company K, Twenty·ninth Regi» xzegg, aine Vogunteer Infantry, and pay er a. pension at the rate 0 0 per mont . ~ A G The name of Alice G. Gnger widow of John P. Guyer alias John ‘°*°° °‘ °""" P. Guire, late of Company , Cne hundred and fortyiifth Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and pay her. a pension at the rate of $30 ger m·°nth· . · ` Pension increased. T e name of Martha A. Turner, widow of J osgsmh H. Turner, late Mm-¤¤ A- T*¤¤¤‘· of Company H, Fortyvoighth Regiment. . olunteer Infmtry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $50 per monthin lieu of that she is now receiving. C ’ A p,,,,,,,,,,_ The name of America Williamson, widow of Zechariah T. William- *¤¤°**°• W*“*¤¤•°¤· son, late of Company K, One hundred and thirtieth; Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry,. and pay her a pension. at the rateof $30Eer month- · ·. .· `· · ‘ ~ Pensionsincreascd. . ,T e name of Mai? E. Hollingsworth widow of William A. wgfggy E- H°m¤¤· Hollingsworth, late o _ Company E, Second Regiment Missouri Vol- ' ‘ unteer Cavalry, and pay her a pension at the rateof $50 per month inlieuofthatsheisnowreceivmg. . _ . . I , y , The Mme of Martha E. Schoo er, widow of Jeb Sohoolegéate of Mm E- S°‘*°°’°*· Company C,.Twenty-third Regiment,£gissou1·i Volunteer entry, and pay her.a pension at__the rate of _0 per month inlieu of that she is now receiving;} _ ` _ , , _ · rumen. Tg? 131:18 of_J<é __ MH1%ssiéead,_lgj·g,q;fE('_E1;;;pt1¥;;(§;,W1]uam B_, Jem H.Ml1stead. stea s m an , i_ y-_ Bn ' xi o _ ri nd CaptainPLegHenry’s Company G, Fifty-first hid ouri Militia, and pa him a ion at he rate 0 $50 per mouth, rsmemxumm. ...£h°.¤C..·»¤·° ··‘ $a·*·%`Y #s*·R...‘·ii·S ..a;‘··"~s*¤%oe WaAg*;¤#.§.2 “"“ " "‘“*‘*‘ . .°.9..°¤Y,, .. gm .»... Y ‘ Regiment, Murtia Volnxnteer Cavaiiiiaand pay her a pension at the rate of $50 per month in li,en.,of· _t she isnow The igame of.M, . 1?owellP,ivv1.doy of, John L. Powellh lateof M"' P°"°“· Company I, Fourthxgunent royxsioneg Enrolled Missouri Militia, and' pay her a pension at the rate of $5 per month. inlieu of that sheisnow receiving. ·,= ; M; , . . · . A . · ‘ C The namefrgohlilizabeth A. Richards, widowoflteuben R, Richards ,,§,‘i‘“b°"” ‘*‘ R'°"' late of Twel . Independent Battery, New York Vo1unteer,ILi§ht A1-til1ery,`and pay her`a_pens1on at the "rateof ${50 per month in eu ofthatsheisnowreeeiving.- " "_ , ._ , :3 _ The name of Eliza Hammond, widow .of`Charles Hammond, late Em H°·"°“”°°°· of Company Bi, Second Regiment Vermont Volnmteer Infantry and pay her a pension at the rate of $50 per month injlieu ofithat sihe is nowreceivmg, . ._ ,_ _. __;—.;, .  » · i Re neuie—ofgMarion L. Ross, widow of Jobnj); Ross,.1ate,°_.o£ M“"°°'“ “°°* Company H, One hundred and twenty-third ,:RBg'1I.1l6HlG; N8Wl_YOLk Volunteer `Infantry, and pay her a ’pe¤si¤¤_ at the rate of $50 per month in lien ofthat she is now receiying." “ V i tj ` . The name ,of.Mary‘L, Taylor, former. widowoflsaac N L'Morton, Mm I"T“"’°" late of Company A, Fourth Regiment`Verm0nt Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rateof $40 per montlrin lieirof, that she is now receiving. ‘ ` ‘ C