Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/315

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SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sass. I. Cue. ,853-856. H1926. 1747 CRAP. $58.-j-An Act For the relief of the Nabruka Buick Company. "{{1;%*;, · e u w ¢ed' ab` are >sma'a»a11e¤ae,e.224 1 we of ¢a"

 States ars·§/mma in Uongre 8 a'assem'bledFlY'hat the Secretary ¤£l§K§§Yk' B°i°k

of the United States Treasury be, and he is herebiy, authcr1zed_to P•'¤•¤"°· pay to the Nebraska Buick Company, from fun snot otherwise a pro riated, the sum of $258, sai sum being moneys covered into tge Tgeasury of the United States through error, and to which said Nebraska Buick Company had and still has a valid-1ien.~ Approved, July 3, 1926. `OHAP An Act "ior the relief of Archie Eggleston an Indian of the lT§1¥'g~m· former Reservation, Michigan. » ° lPfiv¤¢¢. No- R3-1 Beitenactedb theSenateamdHmae0fRe y entatwes of the vases ~s¢m efysmm at- cmgmg asmtierg The there is $t';..'2".$}mx.., authorized to be appropriated the sum of $2,000, or so much thereof ',§},§§" °§"°*g£ as ma be necessary, from any fnmds in the.United States Treasury ¤¤¤· not otherwise appropriated to enable the Secretary of the Interior to purchase for the use of Archie Eggleston, of Isabella Counfg Michigan, a tract of land not to exceed forty acres, in l compensation to said Eggleston for the tract allotted and patented to his deceased father, aniel Joseph Eggleston, pursuant to the v,,,_ 1,, ,,_,,,,_ treat of October 18, 1864 (Fourteenth tatutes at Lartgle, 657), · which tract was awarded to Allen Hart by decree of e court October 29, 1925, in the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Michigan, Northern Division, in equity Case No. 60:.Pro·vided, That the title be acquired by Archie {,':_f•¤;,° aww Egtgleston for any land that may be purchased for his benefit under ' "' au ority of this Act shall be of the form prescribed by the treaty of October 18, 1864 supra, and contain restrictions against alienation nmless with the consent of the Secretary of the Interior. Approved, July 3, 1926. _ myaim. CHAP. `855.—An Act For the relief of P. H. Donlon. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Umgress assembled, That the Secretary §;g;b1i.,?,;",$,'?;,, w, of the Treasury be, and he is ereby, authorized and directed to '¤**°•¤°'¤°¤°¤* '¤¤"¤- pay, out of ancyomoneys in the Treasuig not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $2 .34, to compensate P. . Donlon, of Ruthven, Iowa, for actual financial loss sustained by him, without negligence on his part, thrgggh refund already made to the Post Omce epartment, wherein po funds for which he was reqonsible as postmaster of Emmetsburg, Iowa, were on deposit in the Emmetsbuzég National Bauaof Emmetsburg, Iowa, where said bank failed unl er date of Ma 2, 1921, and was Igiuidated, none of said sum being repaid from the assets of said b . _ Approved, July 3, 1926. . . {§¥'i{·é.°3i CHAP. 866.-An Act For the relief of Geraldine Kester. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of Ameraba in Oongress assembled, That the Secretary $,°"m,§*€§f$§$'g,,,. of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to a_y, ¤°¤•*,*I:;***•¤· out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated: in