Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/351

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s1x*rY-N1NT11 oomnnss. sm. II. os. 158. 1927. 1783 The name of Joseph L. Baxter, late a scout with the United States }’&j,‘g“,j· Bum Army, and pay him %pension at the rate of $20 ger month. ` The name of Cad . Sava e, late of United tates Navy, and pay C°" W· S“'°°°· him a pensionat the_rate of §12.per month. . The name_of Wilhe G., Johnson, late of head<*1}arte1·s detachment W““° °*· '°"”“°‘* Combat Train, First_ Battery, Fifth Company, nited States Field Artillery, and him a pension at the rate of $12 per month. _ The name o . harles Oakley, late of Company G, Second Regi- §§’,’§",§‘Q§{,°§k,"§?d· ment United States Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate of $61per month in lieu of that he-is now. receivin .~ he name of Rosa Kemp, widow of Willie E. Kemp, United States §$,'§§“}2,;m,,_ Navy, Regular Establishment, and pay her a pension at the rate of. $12 per month, and an additional $2 a month for each minor child until they attain the age of sixteen iyears. . I _ The name of Charles A. Bills, ate of Company K, Nineteenth g‘{,'§S,g§,L'{°§,°i‘{1s§d‘ Regiment Kansas Volunteer Cavalry, and pay him a pension at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. Pmim The name of John Albert Fritz, late of United States Navy, and John Anim Fritz. pai: him a pension at the rate of $10 per month. _ he name of Henry Schlaefer, late of Company I Twenty-first Hm'? S°m°°‘°’· Regiment Upiéed States Vcflunteer Infantry, and pay a pension at t e rate 0 20 per mont . The name of Charles Diesron, late of Troop K, Eighth Regiment C’”“’l°“ D*°"°“· United Sltates Cavalry, and pay him a pension at t e rate of $12 rmon . · ,. t P6The name of Charles C. Chandler, late of Company B, Four- ‘~"‘”‘°S°·C"°°'“°'- teenth Regiment Minnesota Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate of $20 r month. P . . d The name of Emma Creme, widow of John Creme, late of nZ°i$.i°i°di1'Zi$e°ii?¤.` Troop L,»Third United States Cavalry, and payrher a pension at the rate of $20 ,per month in lieu of that she is now receiving. Pmm The name of John Mack, late of Company D, Sixth Regiment John Mick. United, wtes Cavalry, and pay him a pension. at the rate of $30 r mon . . . ~ P€The name of Charles W. Coleman, late of Ninth Company United, i:>i£iiZ§`€v°?t:°€i"$’1§ States Coast Artillery and pay him a pension at the rate o $24 per month in lieu of that he is now receiving., . ; . ¢ P i The name of John Rose, late of Batte1·y.F, Fourth Regiment Jéiiii °iz°§é». United States Artillery, and,.later of Compan 22_of·»the recruiting service, andpay him a paxsion at the rate of.g12.per month. The name o Julius sch, late of Captain A. C. Laird’s Com- Julius Roan. pany F, Third Re " ent.New Mexico M1 itia, and pay hima pen- sion at the grate of gill; ger month. -. · ~ The name of Lula . Winans widow of Jeremisiy A. Winans, Lu1aE. wana. late of United States ship Brooklyn, United States- avy, and pay her a pension at the rate of $12_per month. A _ . The name of Lawrence Holford, late of the United States Navy, Lawrence Hama. and pay him a sion at the rate of $12 per month. . The name ofpzline Phillips, late a nurse in the Medical Depart- Anas rams. rneplt, United ggtgtes Armyél war with Spain, and pay her a pension a e ra e o . r mon . { _ The name of Clgsence E. Car nter, late of Troop F,'Fifth Regi- ,,,E“'°°°° E· C“"’°°‘ {gent 0States,Vo%1nteer Cavalry, and pay him a pension at e ra o r mont . B _ The name nin McKinley Cook, late of Company L, Nineteenth M°K*¤*¤Y Cm- Igegazgent Uniteilll States Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate 0 r mont ` · Thegiime of Oliver C. Sell, late of Company B, First Regiment °“"°’C· S°“· Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate of $12 per month.