Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/388

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1820 SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sues. II. Cu. 428. 1927. °¤*• ’·D°¤¤¤· The name of Carie B. Dockery, late of Company I, Nineteenth `ment United States Infantr , ar Esta lis ment, and pa Y Y him_a_peusion at the rate of $40 per month in lieu of that he is now receivmg. . ’°’“‘ H- B'°"“"· Theé1a1:'e1o§JohnII1*{¥BmmmI;1l;1te of Comparay B, Eleventh Regi- ment ni tates antry ian wars, an pay im a nsion at the rate of $30 per month lieu of that he is now receiviln;. M°"“” A- B°Y°°· TrThe xiiame of gie vina A. Boyggévgdow xg Myirr;n{;d1Boyce, late og oop ' Reg1m' ent Uni tates ava `an wars, an pay her at pension at the rate of $20 per month in’l.ieu of that she is now receiving. Jem V. Duncan. UThedn§me ofCJezs1e Vigpngan, late Hog Troop-lg, Sixth Regimellit nite tates · av ry ` ian wars pay ` a pension at t e Pm,,,,,,,_ rate of $30 per month in lieu of that; he is now receiving. Km P¤·i¤¤¤· C0Tl1e nam§[ofFKateI1;ainter, wlipligxvagi J gh; G. Painter, latticgptain mpan irst egiment e a ant war wi pain and lpay her a pension at the rate of $20 per month: ’ mguiawm 0- K¤¤>· T e name of Clayton O. Hammond, late of Troop E, Seventh United States Cava ry· Troop K, Second United States Cavalry; Troop G, Fourth United States Cavalry; and Troo E, Third United tShtates Caygry, Regulaiéh Establishment, and pay a pension at erateo 12per mon . ` ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ M- 1’¤¤¤· The name of Catherine M. Paull, widow of Edward S. Paull, late of Company C, Fifteenth Regiment Pennsylvania Infantr , war with Spain, and pay her a pension at the rate of $15 per month. ¥·¤¤¤¤ 0- MMM The name of James O. Mousseau, Indian scout, Umted States Arm? Indian wars, and pay him a. pension at therate of $20 per mont . ‘ $y°,'{1"§“f ;§“,§{,,°‘,§°d‘ The name of Will B. Baccus, late of Battery) F, Fifteenth Regiment United States Field Artillery, Regular Esta lishment, and pay him a pension at the rate of $40 per month in lieu of that he is now _ e in . ¥°?$g¤;`- 8****- m(Tl1; ngme of Joseph F. Short, late of Battery B, Third Regiment United Statesgield Axktiélery, Regular Establishment, and pay him ension at t e rate o 8 per mont . Dedmek 'gmderrck a The name of Dederick Frederick Colldeveih, alias Frederick $i°¤??i:i>i1ii°i$v•a°1Z FM` Colldeveih, late_ of Company B, Seventh Regiment California Infantryéh war with Spain, an pay him a pension at the rate of $12 mma. r mon . ’I;°'*;?(}{1·D"Ti“°°Y°'· peThe name of Fred J. Driftmeyer, late of Company G, One hundred and fifty-seventh Regiment In iana Infantry, war with Spain, and pay him _a pension at the rate of $24 per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. °*““"°“ W- ““'°¥’** The name of Charles W. Shrope, late of Companies B and E, Sixth Regiment Umted States Infantry, Regular Establishment, and pay him_a_pension at the rate of $40 per month in lieu of that he is now receivmg. M"'? B‘”· The name of Mary Barr, dependent mother of William Barr, late of the Hospital Corps, United States Army, Regular Establishment, and pay her a pension at the rate of $20 per month in lieu of that she is now rewivin . “°”"M·°“"’*‘“· The name pig Sarah M. Gibbins, widow of William A. Gibbins, late of Captam John H. Settle’s Company D, First Regiment Oregon Lv;o$u;)ted olu1;tl:eersaiIndi¥1:;hwa1;·s; and pay her a pension at the rate 0 per mon in eu o at eis now receivin . . ¥Y’:·••?;·`·R¤¤¤— The name of Walter L. Ross,—late of One hundged and sixteenth Company, Umted States Coast Artillery Corps, Regular Establish- ment, and pay h1m_a pension at the rate of $12 per month. w““°‘“ E- Q“*"'* The name of William E. Quinn, late of the United States Na , war with Spain, and pay him a pension at the rate of $30 per month.