Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/457

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_§?ZXT¥1NINTH.QONGRESS< z ($¤e¤— II- Ge;525-4: 1*327- J889 . _. The name of B¤th.,E. Herrick, ,widqv of H¤rd餧élj-_H¢rdck, *‘°“* ”·”·*"·* me ‘¤£ég<>mg/ger One 1¥¤¤d¤¤<1 ¤¤¤ eehw-eghth . mw? JYOI‘k gtii ~In antry, and pay her a P8!1S10h_`Q·]B,I$l8;QQ $30 m0I1__- _ , A ,»,; geuiousinueasnd.

 bf M¤zd¤1¤¤.0¤4r¤». wi¤<·w*s>f· Pew W~ Qedm late ¥‘“"’“°“ °“"°·

A $d¢°¥“[ P”·’}g1?`z e·§°‘$9P(laB;tt“11g9P¤, `B£·;5*;§*1°¤t 1- an can ay erapeswna era e_ phr month in lieu of llhatshe, is nowpreoeiving, t _ ply, eThe _name of Naney C.,Caster,,w1,dowof,,jl?01·ter_Caster,.late;pf N“‘°’ °·°“*°'· Company G,,E1ghteenth Regiment Pennsylvama Volunteer Cavalry, gid pay hertapension at the,ratp`[of $50 per month in lieu, of that eisnowreceivi . * A C The name of Leigh A widowof Samuel Leigh, late of ““°°°°L°""·

 ‘B, Tenth BBg1II1QIll7'g·6WT York Volunteer Caval1·y,,and

~ pay _e1f_a;pension _at the rate._of_$5Q per month in lieu, of. that she ISDOWTBGEIVIIIL W it _ · ,. .:,;,

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o ‘ y‘ ‘_en,;_o __",ent` enu ` ounteer - dfzinttiy, ?id pay ther a gension at ’t§eui·ate‘of $50 perjmonthjn lieu V at eie nowreceiving. 2 ` _,L f . ' The name of Annie Richardgformer widow of Alfred. Wilson, gtta$te;fVC(lmIt:;iyI(1llStc0Dd %“*°“”‘%”# S"*°°’**" ‘i°€“‘°“€ @**2% per montllhliln lieu ofagigrhhg ispiilgw ggogigiiiinslon an it 8 m 0 0 $ rum 00The nam}; ogguszn gqgedle, wid<iv;dof Layfid VVadd1i,1late of °““" E‘W°d‘l* an en ·t 'r ’ , `ment `ana o unteer an fandujgaylier h pensioli at the rag of $30 KS'; month. · . _ fry, renew mowed. The name 0 Rosalia`Elizabeth,Blanc id, widow of Charles B1§,§’§§B§_E "°°°"‘ Blanchard late of Company Bi One hund1·ed___ and ninety-third _ R€g1m6Ht New York Vo unteer nfantry and pay her a pension - at the rate of $50 Her month in lien of that she is now receiving. _ 'H1e name of Sa io F. Miller, w1dow of Geor? V. Miller, late S°“*°F·Mm°’· of Company K, Th1rty·e1ghth Regiment New ersey Volunteer %1;§ax(:try£aa:n;lhg>ag gf; alimpgnvion, at therate of $50,per month in 1 , _ vlglae nan? gg Elizabeztih Me;l§‘onal1d,§·;dow of.{o1;11es K_iTllfcDon- bxulggueu A. me ateo, man . enyesixt giment 'o'.o,teer°‘ T lnfizntry, and E&hth Independent Company, New Yoiili Voliihteer §horpshoottlor:, pay he; agperpsion at the rate of $50 per month mieuo va eisnowrceivi g. : ,_ -

fTgg`name o£_Sa'i1_1a§1r(§}.R§Bwagert, vgdow of JohnVAiSwagertI.i8g'1te S°”’“°·“‘""°"'·

m an _ giment ennsy vania o untee girtgleryii arid pity her_a_pension at the rate of $50 per montlh in ligi t t eisnowreceivm. . `— _ 0 Th:. same of Lillian W5lard, {widow of Edward P. Willard, late L*m¤¤Wi¤¤=¤· of Company VC, Eleventh Regiment Michigan Volunteer Infantry, alnd_pay her a pension. at the rate of $50, per month in. lieu of that recex gL ,`,_ A — ._. remm. S Thseliilgiie of hilary A, Drakeley, widow of Abiram.T. Drakeley, Mw "D""°“" late of Compaxgo I, Twenty·third Regiment Volunteer Infantry, and lmcpanyr L, ltegiment Wisconsin Volunteer HeavyVArt1llerB*, an pz.? her a pension atthe rate of, $30 per month. Am www The name 0 Anna atson,_w1dow of Ralph C. Watson, late of ' Company F, Twentzyglirst Ohio V$unteer Infantry, and pa erapensxona era o ,_,_rtmon , _ ,~ _ Theinametof Frandes, E. ,Wilcox, giadow-of Lorm-C. Wilcox, late *`¤¤°·= E·W¤°·¤· of Company. I, l,Twenty»eiizt1n New t York Volunteer Cavalry, an pamier a %IlS10l.1 at t e rate of $30 per month. p,,,,i,,,,, m,.,.d_ The name of _, 5ry. S. atkins widow of James E. Watkins, late M"? S·w***”· of Company F, Reg1ment ’Eastern Shore Maryland Volunteer 43892°—274r·r 3;% '