Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/538

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1970 SIXTY·NINTH CONGRESS. Sass. II. C11. 525. 1927. E“°°·‘-·"`°“•· The name of _Ellen A. Toale, widow of Patrick P. Toale, late of Company G, Sixty-lifth·Reg1ment New York Volunteer Infantry, Pm aInd_ pay her a_pens1on at the rate of $50 per month m heu of that <>¤¤- s e IS now reoeivi . E“"°°°°° E‘B"]‘°" The name of Eligzabeth E. Ba§?y, widow of William L. Bagley, late of Company I, Sixteenth giment United States Volunteer M", M,,,,,,, Infantry, an pay her aiipfnsion at the rate of $30 per month. While _The name 0 Mary vina White, former widow of_ Hardy C. U - Dixon, late of Company A, First Regiment North Carolina Volun- §%z£:t¤%i%?:•a:¢ teers, and pay her a pens1on at the rate of $$§0_per month. ‘ The name of Robert Wood, son of William P. Wood, late of Company F, Second Regiment Missouri Volunteer Cavalry, and pay him_a_pens1on at the rate ofi$20 per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. smh E` °v°"”°° The name of Sarah E. Overman, widow of Christian Overman, late of Company K,_ Sixth Regiment Missouri State Militia Cavalry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $40 per month m lieu of that she .u1¤¤1.1<sny. IS Eigw "°°°“’mg· . . e name of Ahce I. Kelly, widow of Joseph K. Kelly, late of Company F, Ninth Regiment Illinois Volunteer Cavalry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that she is now receiving. » Emm°J`C°”` The name of Emma J . Carr, widow of Charles L. Carr, late of Company G, Thirty-fourth Regiment New Jersey Volunteer Infan- try, ?1d pay her a pension at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that e 1S now receiving. Km R‘M°"‘ The name of Kate R. Mott, widow of Captain Frank Mott, late of Company C, Forty-fifth Regiment Kentuc y Volunteer Infantry, glndpay her a pension at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that e IS now receiving. ""’°" E" “°“"°°'· The name of Albert E. Alexander, late of Captain Nelson Miner’s Company A, Dakota Volunteers, _Indian wars, and pay him a pension at the rate of $3gdper month in l1eu of that he IS now receiving. M·¤H·*·¤°*·¤*· The mma oi ful? _gg1rg1mee;»p;,lw1n;w og A. G5ant,l1ate a ma r genera o n1 o un rs IV ar an pay er a pexlgion at the rate of $75 per month in,lieu of that she is now Pensions. C6lVl11g‘. . M”°°'°°L‘°°°°' mThe name of Margaret L. Coon, widow of James M. Coon, late °f °§‘?P“Zn§?a¤S£ZiKZh.}}§%‘?§é}}° i.‘Z·”.{Z.lQ‘£}“°t°°” °“'“l"’ and a e a . C°u° R'Mm°` P The naige of Celia R. Miller, wid)ow of Abel T. Miller, late of Company I, Forty—eigll;th Regiigigng Indiana Vlolunteer Infantry, and _ e apension at erateo 5 rmont . vx¤mo.wm. pa'¥‘he Iiéame of Vicgego G. Wilt,é1e%I;sshan<(§rd?1pend1e1J;it;‘S<%aughter of Rfus iltlteo many neunean Reg1m' en Pe1nnsylvaniaaV0lunteer Infantry, and pay her a pension at the um, te of $20 per month. gggzgslk- ¤¤¤&- mThe name of Frances M. Gushee, widow of Frank A. Gushee, late of Company D, Fifth Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that h ' ` . E¤¤¤¤¥·°¤· S ?I`l1:a1ii)avm;B§f1‘E1Ii1%1;1a Case, wIiTdowYgf1S<{Tr1aelius R.IC;1se, late og Co I N` t` t ` ent ew` or 0 unteer n antry, an paynhgipa pensilgnlzt theilgie of $50 per month in lieu of that she I’B¢€lV1 . M¤’Yl·B¤¤°‘”· ls Tl); name o1fgMary J. Barrows, widow of Frank Barrows, late of Company D, Seventy-seeond Regiment New York Volunteer Infan- try, and pay her a pension at t e rate of $40 per month 1n lieu of that she is now rece1v1ng.