Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/563

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ARBITRATION CONVENTION—SWEDEN. JUNE 24, 1924. 1995 vention, it continue binding efiets, la Convention denreurera until the expiration of six months obhgato11·e_ jusqu’a l’exp1rat1on from_the day when either Con- de six mois a partir du your ou tract?5 _Party shall have de- Pune ou l’autre des Parties con- noun it. _ _ tractantes l’aura dénoncée. S Done 1111 duphcate at the cgi Fait Washington, en double l“°“°“'°“" of Washington, in the Engl _ exemplaire, en langue anglaise et and French languagies, this francaise, ce_v1ngt-quatrieme jour twenty-fourth day of une, one de jum, mille neuf cent vmgt thousand nme hundred and quatre. twenty-four. [sur.] Cimmmzs Evans Hucmcs [1] Ax. WALLENBERG AND WHEREAS the said _convention has been duly ratified on ,,,§,°,,‘},2{l°°°'°°“ °" both parts, and the ratifications of the two Governments were exchanged in the city of Washington on the eighteenth day of March, one thousand nine himdred and twenty-five; _ _ _ NCW, THEREFQRE, be it known _that I, Calvin Coolidge h°°1°m°°‘°°‘ President of the United States of America, have caused the said convention to be made public, to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good faith lay the United States and the citizens thereof. _ IN ESTIMON Y WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Umted States to be afhxed. DONE at the city of Washington, this eighteenth day of March [SEAL] m the year of our Lord one thousand nme hundred and twenty—iive, and of the Indeipendence of the Umted States of America the one hundre and forty-nmth. Canvm Coounon By the President: FRANK B Knmooe I Secretary of State. [Exc¤.mon or Norns] E¤¤¤¤s¤<>!¤<>¢¤¤— [The Secretary of State to the Swedish Minister] Danarunur or- Smra, s1•`rom secretary of S_ Washington, June 24, 1994. t“°°‘ lllh connection with the signing today of a Convention of Arbitration between the United States and Sweden providing for the submission of differences of cer- tain classes which may arise between the two Governments to the Permanent Court of Arbitration established at The Hague under the Conventions for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes concluded in 1899 and 1907, I have the honor to state the following understanding which I shall be glad to have you confirm on behalf of your Government. On February 24, 1923, the President proposed to the Senate that it consent under certain stated conditions to the adhesion by the United States to the Pro- tocol of December 16, 1920 under which the Permanent Court of International Justice was created at The Hague. In the event that the Senate gives its assent to the proposal, I understand that the Government of Sweden will not be averse to considering a modification of the Convention of Arbitration which we are con- cluding, or the making of a separate agreement, under which the disputes men- tioned in the Convention could be re erred to the Permanent Court of Inter- national Justice. Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration. Cnaanns E. HUGHES Captain Axm. F. Wannnuamao, Minister of Sweden.