Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/567

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TREATY—CUBA—ISLE OF PINES. MARCH 2, 1904. 1999 and the ratifications shall be ex- paises las ratificaciones seran changed in the City_ of Washing- canjeadlis en la Ciudad de Wash- ton as soon as possible. mgtgei, tan pronto como sea _ POSI e. _ _ In witness whereof, We, the En testimomo de lo cual, No- °'“’“°“‘°" respective Plempotentiaries, have sotros, los respectivos Plenipoten- ged this treaty and hereimto ciarios, hemos iirmado este Tra- ed our seals. tado y hemos eeeiimpado en el mismo nuestros s os. Done at Washington, in duptlli- Hecho en Washington, por du- cate, xn English an Spamsh t s plicado en y en castellano second_ dai of March one thou- el dia dos de arzo de mil nove- sand nme undred and four. cientos cuatro. Jo11N HAY [snA1.] GONzALo nn Q1msAnA [SEAL] AND WHEREAS the said treaty has been duly ratified on both ,,,§,,’;f,f,f*°°**°°° °" parts, and the ratiiications of the two Governments were exchanged in the city_of Washington on the twenty-third day of March, one thousand nme hundre and twentggiive; N QW, THEREFQRE, be it own _that I, Calvin Coolidge, "'°°*°°”*“°’* President of the Umted States of America, have caused the said treaty to be made pubhc, to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof may be observed and fuliilled with good faith by the Umted States and the citizens thereof. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. DONE at the citi of Washington, this twenty-fourth day of March in t e year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred [s1¤;AL] and twentgliive, and of the Independence of the United States of erica the one hundre and forty-ninth., CALVIN Coommn By the Presige1§iE NK LLOGG Secretary of State. Smwra Rasowrxox Anv1srN¤.ANn Coxsmrrms ro RATIFICATION. Aczum of the Senate. In Executive Session, Senate of the United States. l MARCH 13, 1925. Rn (Tw third f th Se t t ‘ th ‘ ) That th R°°°"°“°‘¥ *" °°“' Senatzoslldgilse ando-conserltoto tlize ralltgilig;;iIdhci>€fDth(¢;0'!I‘i=·:arl:13;1§vitlll!Ch1ha signed at mths M mm°m°°‘ Washington, D. C., on the second day of March, 1904, for the adjustment of title to the ownership of the Isle of Pines, subject to the following reservation and understanding to be set forth in an exchange of notes between the High Con- tracting Parties so as to make it plain that this condition is understood and accepted by each of them: _ _ _ _ _ 1. That all the provisions of existing and future treaties, including the Perma- m·';g£§':,Q*g“Cu*§L ““ nent Treaty proclaimed J3-ly 2, 1904, between the Umted States of America and iigle Rgygiiblic of Cuba sh apply to the territory and the inhabitants of the e o nes. · 2. The term "other foreigners" appearing at the end of Article III shall be OW! f¤Ni&¤¤¤- elensgged to mieae g>r!e§ners who receive the most favorable treatment under e vermnen o u Attest: Gnonem A. SAHDERSON Secretary. By H. W. CnAvmN Chief Clerk.