Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/569

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·TREATY—OUBA—-ISI.,`lB OF PINES. Macon 2, 1904. 2001 [Translation] [The Ambassador of Cuba to the Secretary of State] March 18, 1.925. '1`r¤-¤¤1¤¤¤¤ ¤f we Emasssr or Cons, Lf’:'§,_ Cum mm , ’Washing¢on, D. C'. *# # Excmmmscr: i I have the honor. toacknowledge the receipt of Your Exce1lency’s note dated March 17, 1925, in which you were pleased to inform me that on the 13th day of this month of ‘March the Senate advised andconsented to the ratification of the Treaty between the United Stateeand Cuba, signed on March 2, 1904, for the adjustment of title to the ownership of the Isle of Pines, subject to the res- ervation and interpretation which is set forth in your note, the translation of which follows herembelow. I take pleasure in informing Your Excellency that, being duly authorized there- to by the Senate of Cuba the Presidenthas empowered me to accept in· behalf of my Government, as I herebyydo, the following reservations to the above- mentioned Treaty, thus completing the exchange of notes required in this case, name y:— , 1. That~ all the provisions of the existing or future treaties, including the permanent Treaty proclaimed on July 2, 1904, between the United States of America and the Republic of Cuba shall apply to the territory and the inhabitantsof the Isle of Pines. » _» · 2. That the term "other foreigners" appearing at the end of Article III (of the said treaty concerning! the Isle of Pines) shall be construed to mean "foreigners who receive t e most favorable treatment under the Government of Cuba". ‘ ‘ ' I avail myself of the opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurances of my highest consideration. Cosms nn LA Tomuawrn His Excellency, Mn. Fnamt B. Knnnooo, _ Secretary of Sm. 43892°—27—-r1·3—--36