Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/680

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21 12 TREATY——GREAT BRITAIN —LAKE OF THE WOODS. Fm:. 24, 1925. Protocol; PROTOCOL ACCOMPANYING CONVENTION T0 BEGULATE THE — LEVELOFLAKEOFTHEWOODS. Q A¤¤¤¤¤¢¤u>¤¤i· At the ‘¤’ ‘ t or signing-th ~`Co tf Obettvee th UnitedStates of ¤°°°'*““‘*°'· America, :4% Majmty t e Iging gtvgge ·K1:gdo$n of Great Britain and Ireland and of the British Dominions be ond the Seas, Emperor of India in respect of the Dominion of the regulation of the level of Hm hr hfeghthaxwgzi the f tgotentiaries hiv? iagreedtas followsgt . e _ o enmsssr wor or eenlarggzn o eou owcspaci y $§'§,'g,,""$,,,,‘;,§,f’,,',§,'j ottnsoetizsuuxsmsutus {wm prowess rms evu or»mc¤¤vs¤uo¤, nomuoinmm, as ellyeftho OO och ddsmsto " d; th M, ,. mt °“· WH0.? to »L.;§¤ tt th¤.l;urm°é.u°�‘¤:€tie O »1'L‘.e‘¥Oo'““?» O ood: n orane repo u n, osu; r seiency F" 3.3*** ,.,,,0.} 2 ¥°...,·A*;t.Q.*“*?‘*— ¤}%n‘tb..2°? ` td or e o e c n~ O ousan cubic fgetzof water •eoo§n?(67,w0 ic. oft s.)·when the Ievel' of the lake *is at 6,.%. .O 0 O GO. O * . _ O em! use

g¤Y;$iQ;x * b•tween£:h;1£mam*;bt<;rs of
 lie I   by the“Board tot _é International Joint

W. M It °°:“é‘}.‘;{;‘;.i*’;'t““‘°.Q..,;“”" ,;..,......,°**~°“‘“’°:;,*‘“‘é“’ " ’“'i;¤;;...I.» an ‘ - .· 1 IDE 86 Qlyi It 2 G¤ $°¤?$:}°s¤°:Q stgtbgi 8% ` '¢iQ¤ &th§>¤¢!Y!6° on-eemebtlin the .United‘Si¤¤hte‘:li1¤ovided for mwm umm: in in Oc eOYI. uggthe nventtggrtge Govergnentof _ ,be,£orded °¤**·=¤¤*·*··~ eniopmitunrty to beuggrmp *1: erocnzv ·· uma triceps: pom; ed by ·***· P- ’¤°· nnsssor htggebzmij hn p:>€1eum·s0fm· tus Gfllrernment or s given ep vege represen rom = N coms on th 'tn. O g I _ _ mfmrg '·"é°,f,°°“}': gcgilnce Canada is incurring ektensive Hiintiil obligations in connection with xdhgtaltes totem $0 protgctlgw? woglas avxéd rgvided Qor in the United gtates a1on%§l§ orcs ,__e- O¤‘. ?VO,.¢¤‘. QJ °‘j,“,f§‘§°;,'&‘ ol, the glonvegtgm, the plans?ptogether,nv£,H th t§'olI§cost, ot al1 such ’ ,.(m..*’*°********t:,*.,...°*m$¤·°···*:#i:.·,s· **.s*z·:."’*·:.;..,.*·=°..m:,·t··*·* i on or · veyean · e , oroe ot vontion to tl1e‘Il1¢¤¤¤ti¢¤AlOIAke jof the OWoods CotroI;E>si=df` ‘ O neermg' ]rt' thtir uitabilits dsuf5' forlthe purpose ot?-tz: mtion ogg: leggogt th: lalae u¤derytl:elC0nve‘;:tBI:>‘;¥; Any disagreement between the members of the International Lake of the Woods Control osrd in regard to the matters so referred shall be immediately sub-

by the Board to the International Joint Commission whose decision shall

¤•¤•¤*•¤ ¤¤¤*r¤¤ 4.OI°orderto fullest ` fcoo“°tionbetiw th Ite- }},°;**,;,,,*;,*,,”•g; f,,,§,°j mtmzx me or-t;:?wooss°co¤oo1 gyiifng the rangers? tnswgods sauces: mud. Control Board provided for in Article III of thesflonvention; the Government Am, p. mv. or Canada will sppointone member of the Canadian Board as its representative Lum it °”z¥"‘i:‘“éa°‘°¤§‘°“Z"t-£°¤‘¥“L.rt‘s 1 its www .-1.. · be · im ` .1 ¤e¤ {n ‘o eO e nO `wcorance §§g'gk': "•°°” "°m with .trtiele<VII ot thevonvention, the of the rangé: the ,4.4;, p, aim. levels of thelake provided for in Article I Oo! the;Convenilon be — tion 1060.5 sea the,International Lake of the Woods Control Board may advise the ` n Lake of the Woods Control Board in respect of the rate of total disoharg of water from the lake which magtbe permitted. · n£%"2..X% s.2.§‘{I1’W..,.¥..m°°‘ ‘°‘°""’°*°"..s¤.""*°“ '° “"'*°“ ‘“° "'°°°““ I e . O i - Done in duplicate at Washington he 24th day of February, 1925. ` ‘ Assn. Cuannms Evans Huons