Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/868

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2298; UNIVERSAL ·P0STA.L1UNI0N—Au¤ver.28, JW-!} 1emot€fExp1·hs.’.’= .Les.Admiuis-» word »*‘Ex:p1·ée" deliv- trations·éont~tonte§ois eutorieéee ery); The ere, h. rempiecer cetteétiquette jper however, suthonzed to_ replace 1?6QRIlIlt?;d{`lD 1 up- such label by`;the’1mpnnt;od1 e pcentmn-dune: stamp or. by _e ·p¤et•§e..stemB o1ussemmtr;¤perizeat—x�e .ment1on  ;.tl;e~— .wo1·d~» of Exprés ; "Exprés". _ by- ( e 1>¤¤v¤¤·¤¢- 2.-Les envom portent la. men- 2. Artxcles _ the jvord tion»§fZE1x%'~et§»qui dureient NT? ‘v·, ;(speom1 Adehvegg ét§ pe1·1e`§gree1§;1;o;$e: wlu. give jul sun  ; e o&ee_ mngancaoeqrdmg; .0

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