Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/978

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2408 CONVENTION—CU'BA. Manor: 11, 1926. oiiicial records or documents shall toda la premura posible, y. las be certified- £romptly by the ap- copies de actuaciones y documen- prolpriate o cials in accordance tos oficiales se certiiicaran lo mas wit the provisions of the laws pronto que se pueda or los fun- of the respective coimtries. cionarios corr ongientes, de . · acuerdo con lasesgisposiciones le- gales de los respectivospaises Armonn VIH Aixrictmo VIII _n¤em¤ge ot mmm- This Convention shall be rati- Este Convenio sera ratificado y °‘°'“‘ lied, and the ratiiications shall be las ratilicaciones se canjearan en exchanged in the City of Havana la Ciudad de la Habana, tan duE§§*§g§f° dm °°" as soon aspossible. — he Conven- pronto como sea posible. El Con- tion shall come into effect at the venio empezarai. a regir a los diez expiration of ten days from the dias de la fecha del canje de las date of the exchange of ratifica- ratiiicaciones y permanecera en tions, and it shall remain in force vigor durante un aiio. Si des- for one year. If upon the expire.- pués de transcurrido el aiio nin- tion of one year no notice is guns de las partes notiiicare a given by either party of a desire a otra su deseo de terminarlo, to terminate the same, it shall continuara en vigor hasta treinta continue in force until thirty days dias después de la fecha en que after either party shall have cualquiera deilas partes notitique given notice to the other of a a la otra su deseo de terminarlo. esire to terminate it.

  • ““"‘“'°‘· In witness whereof, the Pleni— En testimonio de lo cual, los

Kgtentiaries above mentioned Plenipotenciarios arriba mencio- ve signed the two originals nados, han firmado los dos ori- ‘ of the present Convention and ginales del ipresente Convenio y have ailixed their rewective seals jado en el os sus sellos respec- thereto. y tivos. . Done in two copies of the same Hecho en dos ejemplares del text and lgal force in the En- mismo texto y fuerza legal en glish and Iganish languages in los idiomas inglés y espaiiol, en the City of abana, this eleventh la Ciudad de la Habana a once de day o March in the year one Marzo de mil novecientos veinte thousand nine hundred and y seis. twenty-six. Eivocu H. Cnownmz [ann.] [san.] Cmnos MANUEL nm Cxisrnnns °h§¤*;gj,f*°¤*'°¤’ W AND WHEREAS the said Convention has been duly ratified on both parts, and the ratiiications of the two Governments were ex- changed in the city of Habana on the eighteenth day of June, one thousand nine hundred and twenty—six; P'°°’¤m¤“°¤· NOW, THEREFORE, be it known that I, Calvin Coolidge, President of the United States of America, have caused the said Convention to be made public, to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof mag be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States an the citizens thereof. IN ESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be aiiixed. DONE at the city of Washington this nineteenth day of Jnme in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and [san.] twenty-six, and of the Inde dence of the United States of America the one hundrediliid liftieth. » CALVIN Coonmon By the President: Fmxx B Knnnooe Secretary of State.