Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/998

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2428 EASTf·AFRIGAzMANDATE++GREAT BRITAIN:. Fmnnvanr 10, 1925. M•°°•°•·°°°“*- b°"T§1ence ftlijis lgundary to its junction with the eastern im o run · L;(Tl'i§iiyce thekekastxlrn and southern boundary of Urundi to "'l`he line dlescribed above is shown on the attached British

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p ’W‘;` ,.i_; M ._ ,“A¤·¢}i駢i`s1t`_, ff ?‘_Bounda, Commissioners. shall be appointed by His Britan- nié Ma$féstyr{i1d'Hi‘s Majestic the King of the `Belgians to trace on the spot the linegdesqri Q article l above. “ In case any dispute should arise in connection with the work _ _ __ J te ofi.t}ieseco,%1nissionex•s, the guestion sliallpbe referred to the V. ‘ ‘ f _G0¤1i¢`1l‘0ft eliéagime of Nat1¤n$,,`yVli0se`d•c1sign_shal1‘be25nal. ` " “Tli¤—;§i¤¤IL,i‘¢PQ1j¢,bY·ih¤'_,B°T¤¤§l*¤‘! ,G°mm*$S1°¤ SMH g*Y°

 I »,,.i ¤ mtgzeis descr p¢1¢>nief·thi$jbQ¤¤d¤;H ¤»¤‘¤is=¢1;¢TIy,d¤mer¤¤f¤d

= V°?l»- if-di l?i*RmS’??s,S*‘*YsP?* is Sh". bs *‘*mi?¥¢€l,l?h¤¥‘§l° wd { Y- i 1.%*9 , 9°{¤!¤·*1§S*°;:*?i`$:? ', its i`°§°I¥i*»‘;qWg?l¥ , ¤§§w3¤P°¤;%$» n·..»n LS;} ;· i ; ` . Lf- ¤¤¤, use _ ¤1¤¤ ¤ m ¤ ” 'archiwies Iggamiie I3eé%l§*of’Nat1:1?d:yone` shall be _kept bg the .. .. __ Government of His aestythe the Bolsmw an one 5 ’,lv" V by me wvemezgraais ¤¤s>¤*v· a ~ ‘ 1 e ‘· .“ArHcZ‘c‘3L“· “ The Mandatory shall ;be· responsible for the peace, order and good government of the territory, and shall undertake to pro-

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soéialipmgness ofeaita inhabitants; _ __e Mandatory __a1I,_have

 oflegislation and administration. e l, ,,
 J y y     wiigazze 4. ‘

“The‘M£ndatory shall not establish any-military or naval bases, ner erect any fortilications, nor organise any native

 military force in“the‘ territory except for local police purposes

_ · U andgfor the-defence er the territory. ° -  »“Ar¢·iek§. i “ The Mandatory: . s “L ’ShalI. provide for the eventual-·em.ancipation‘ of all ‘ zslaves and for as speedy an elimination of domestic

  • V » ·and·other* slavery as socialeconditions will allow;
 “2;»Shall suppiessalliforms ef»slave trade; e ' — ' 1

2- H “3, Shall prohibit all forms of forced or compulsory labour, . · · except for¤essentia1@c<.works an services, and ¤» . ~ · L then only<in~return· or adequate remuneration; ~ V $4. Shall protect the natives from abuseand measures of fraud and force by the careful supervision of labour V ‘ 5 e¤¤m¤e¤¤¤a»¢aem¤»¤a¢a¤,$ of labour; , ,_ @25. Shall exercise a strict contro over the trallic in arms ,— . r V and ammunition and the sale of spirituous liquors. " _ _` samzzaié, M `A `’‘i “ " p “Ii1ithe‘frarning of laws relating to the holding or transfer , ,,». e Qfép-93, l}l1§rM§Dd&t6l'Y shalltake into eonsideration native laws " ‘ "an ' 'ms, and shall the ,.rights andsafeguard the interests of the native popu ation; ‘· " ` “