Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1058

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss . I. CH. 909, 910 . 1928 .

1007 $10,000 per a nnum a nd the salar y of t he Depu ty Pub lic Pr inter shall be $7,500 per annum . Approved, May 29, 1928 . CHAP. 910 .-An Act To authorize

and publica tion of su le-

May s9 ' ls~. preparation


MR. 13628 ments to the Code of Laws of the United States with perfecting amendments, [Pub lic, No .620.1 printing of bills to codify the laws relating to the District of Columbia and of such code and of supplements thereto, and for distribution . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That there be of Stpe lemen t to Cod e prepa red a nd pu blis hed u nder the super visio n of the Commi ttee on unite d States . Pr epar ation

and Revision of -the Laws of the House of Representatives a supplement publication of. author- . d to the Code of Laws of the United States in one volume, in the style iz Contents . and form of said code, to contain the general and permanent laws of Posy p. 1540. the U nited Stat es e nacte d dur ing the S ixty- ninth Con gress and in force December 5, 1927, a restatement of such statutes or parts of statutes as were inaccurately set forth in the code, and statutes of a gener al an d per mane nt na ture in f orce Decem ber, 6, 1 925, omitt ed from the code, and other perfecting amendments to the code, together with preface, table of contents, parallel reference tables, table of statutes repealed since December 6, 1925, and indexes on durable paper and bound in buckram with thumb inserts and other devices to distinguish the parts, and with such explanatory and advertising slips as seem suit able . SEC . 2. That in addition there be prepared and published under the era Supplementsand

of gen- permanent supervision of said committee a supplement containing the general laws of 70th and suc- ceeding Congresses, to and per manent laws of eac h sess ion of the Se ventie th and succe eding be prepared in add - Congresses, cumulatively embracing the legislation and ancillaries of " Post,p. 1541. the preceding supplement or supplements . SEC . 3 . That said committee is hereby authorized to print bills to general Bills to and permanent etc ., codify, revise, and reenact the general and permanent laws relating to laws of Dis tri ct the District of Columbia and cumulative supplements thereto, similar to be printed . in style, respectively, to the Code of Laws of the United States, and supplements thereto, and to so continue until final enactment thereof in both House s of t he Con gress of the United State s .

Laws in the Code SEC . 4. That in all courts, tribunals, and public offices of the United and supplements prima States , at h ome or abroa d, of the Di strict of Col umbia, and o f each facie evidence of the State, Territory, or insular possession of the United States, the laws Statesor the United set forth in the supplements provided for by sections 1 and 2 of this Act shall, together with the Code of Laws of the United States, so amended and supplemented, establish prima facie the laws of the United States, general and permanent in their nature . SEC . 5 . That copies of the Code of Laws relating to the District of Copie s of the Code of re lating

Laws of District of Columb ia, wh en and if co mplete d, and copies of th e supp lement s pro- Columbia, and sup- plements, co nclusive vided for by this Act, printed at the Government Printing Office and evidence of the orig i- bearing its imprint ., shall be conclusive evidence of the original of nags' such code and supplements in the custody of the Secretary of State . Distribution of the SEC . 6 . That copies of the Code of Laws relating to the District District Code and sup- of Columbia, when and if completed, and of the supplements pro- plements. vided for by this Act sh all be distr ibuted by the Super intend ent of Documents in the same manner as bound volumes of the Statutes at Large : Provided, That no slip or pamphlet copies of the Code of ro sl p copies, etc., Laws relating to the District of Columbia, when and if completed, to be printed. and of the supplements provided for by this Act need be printed or distributed : And provided further, That the Code of Laws relating ofsta utseparate p e.~ts to the Distr ict of Colum bia, w hen an d if co mplete d, and the s upple- ments provided for by this Act shall, upon enactment, be published as separate parts of the Statutes at Large .