Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1069

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S EVEN TIET H CONGRESS . SESS. II. CBs. 13, 14, 18. 1928 . of said Main Street north forty-four degrees east one hundred and ninety-two and seven one-hundredths feet to granite monument at the land now or formerly of the heirs of Andrew Whitney ; thence by land of said heirs of Andrew Whitney, making an included angle of ninety degrees and bearing north forty-six degrees west four and twenty-five one-hundredths feet to land of grantee ; thence by land of said grantee, making an included angle of ninety degrees and bearing south forty-four degrees west one hundred and sixty-two and forty-eight one-hundredths feet ; thence tangent to the last described line on a curve to the right with a radius of thirty-three and seven one-hundredths feet a distance of forty-eight and seventy- three one hundredths feet to a point in the northeasterly line of said Merriam Avenue ; the tangent distance of this last described curve is thirty feet, and the central angle of the curve is eighty-four degrees tw ent y-s ix min ute s ; thence by said northe asterly line of Merriam Avenue, tangent to the last described curve and bearing south fifty- one degre es thirty-four minutes east thirty-four and twenty-sev en one-hundredths feet to the point of beginning. This last described line makes an included angle with the first described line of ninety- five degrees thirty-four minutes . Such easement shall continue so long as the land shall be used exclusively for street purposes . Approved, December 8, 1928 . Use restricted . December 8, 1928 . [a.R.12951.1

CHAP . 1 4 .-An Act Providing for the purchase of six hu ndred and forty [Public, No . 629 .1 acres of land, more or less, immediately adjoining Camp Clark, at Nevada, Mis sour i, and aut hori zing an app ropr iat ion ther efo r . Be it enacted by the Senate an d House of Representatives o f the da, Cam p Clark, Neva- United States o f America in Congress assembled, That a sum not to sum au th ori zed to exceed $70,000 is hereby authorized to be appropriated, out of any purchase land adjoin- ing the reservation . money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the purchase Post, p. 1665. of six hundred and forty acres of land, more or less, described as follows : The south half of section 12, township 35 north, range 31, and the south half of section 7, township 35 north, range 30, immediately adjoining and for use in connection with the present military reservation of Camp Clark, at Nevada, Missouri ; and the Secretary of War is hereby authorized to make such purchase . Approved, December 8, 1928. Decem ber 10, 1 928 .

[S . 4402.1 CHAP . 18 .-An Act Authorizing the Secretary of the Navy to assign to [Public, No . 630.] the Chief of Naval Operations the public quarters originally constructed for the Superintendent of th e Naval Observatory in the District of Co lumbia . Na vy .

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep rese ntat ives of the Assignment of quar . United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary tern for Chief of Naval Operations .

of the Navy, in his discretion, is hereby authorized to assign to the . Chief of Naval Operations the public quarters constructed under the Vol.26,p.806. authority of a provision contained in the Act of March 2, 1891 (Twe nty-eig hth St atutes at Larg e, pag e 806), for th e offi cial re sidence of the Super intendent of the Naval Obs ervatory in th e District of Columbia . Approved, December 10, 1928 .