Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1103

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SEVENTIETH C ONGRESS . SEss. II . CH. 39. 1928 . For villa ge de liver y se rvice in t owns and villa ges havin g pos t offi ces of the s econd or thi rd cla ss, and in co mmunit ies ad jacent to cities having city delivery, $1,550,000 . For Detroit River postal service, $16,900. Car fare and bicycles . For car fare and bicycle allowance, including special-delivery car fare, $1,325,000 . City delivery car- tiers .

For pay of letter carriers, City Delivery Service, $127,500,000 . Special delivery fees .

For fees to special-delivery messengers, $9,000,000 . Pneumatic tubes' Ne w York and For the transmission of mail by pneumatic tubes or other similar Brooklyn . devices in the city of New York, including the Borough of Brooklyn of the city of New York, including power, labor, and all other operat- ing expenses, $530,000. For the rental of not exceeding two miles of pneumatic tubes, not including labor and power in operating the same, for the transmis- sion of mail in the city of Boston, Massachusetts, $24,000 : Provided, That the provisions not inconsistent herewith of the Acts of April 21, 1260. 1902 (U. S. C., pp. 1260-1261, sec. 423), and May 27, 1908 (U . S. C., pp . 1260-1261, sec . 423), relating to the transmission of mail by pneu- matic tubes or other similar devices shall be applicable hereto . Vehicle allowance t delivery For vehicle allowance, the hiring of drivers, the rental of vehi cle s, and the purchase and exchange and maintenance, including stable and garage facilities, of wagons or automobiles for, and the operation of, screen-wagon All

on and c ity deliv ery and c ollection service , $19,400 ,000 : Provisos

Provided 3 That the Postmaster General may, in his disbursement once for ga- rages .

of this appropriation, apply a part thereof to the leasing of quarters for the housing of Government-owned automobiles at a reasonable annual rental for a term not exceeding ten years : Provided further, tonariC .at washing That this a ppropr iation is av ailabl e for t he mai ntenan ce of the Go v- ernment-owned post-office garage at Washington, District of Colum- bia, including such changes and additions to the mechanical equip- Purchase of tractors ment as, in the o pinion of th e Post master Genera l, may be ne cessar y and trailer trucks . Prov ided furth er, That the Postm aster Gen eral, duri ng t he fi scal year 1930, may purchase and mainta in from the appropri ation " Vehicle service " such tractors and trailer trucks as may be required in the operation of the screen-wagon and city delivery and collection service . For travel and miscellaneous expenses in the Postal Service, office of the First Assistant Postmaster General, $1,000 . Villag e deliv ery . Detroit River . Boston, Mass. Rental . Proviso . Con tra cts . Vol. 32, p. 114; 35, p. 412. U. S. Code, p. Travel, etc. Vol. Second Assistant Postmaster General . Star routes, Alaska . Steamboat, etc ., routes . Railroad routes, and messenger service . Provisos. Freight train convey- ance . Messenger service ac- counting . Services in the Dis- trict. Vol. 39, p. 429; Vol. 43, p.1069. U .S. Code, pp . 1269, 128 6 . Railway Mail Serv- ice . Division superinten- dents, etc . OFFICE OF THE SE COND ASS ISTA NT P OST MAST ER G ENER AL For inl and tr anspor tation by st ar rou tes in Alaska , $165, 000 . For inland transportation by steamboat or other power-boat routes, including ship, steamboat, and way letters, $1 .415,000. For i nland tran spor tatio n by rail road route s and for mail -mes- senger service, $126,000,000 : Provided, That not to exceed $1,500,000 of this appropriation may be expended for pay of freight and inci- dental charges for the transportation of mails conveyed under special arrangement in freight trains or otherwise : Provided further, That separate accounts be kept of the amount expended for mail-messenger service : Provided further, That there may be expended from this appropriation for clerical and other assistance in the District of Columbia not exceeding the sum of $82,000 to carry out the pro- visions of section 5 of the Act of July 28, 1916 (U . S. C., p. 1269, sec . 562) (the space basis Act), and not exceeding the sum of $33,000 to carry out the provisions of section 214 of the Act of February 28, 1925 (U. S . C ., p . 1286, sec . 826) (cost ascertainment) . Railway Mail Service : For fifteen division superintendents, fifteen assist ant di vision super intend ents, two ass istant super intend ents a t large, one assistant superintendent in charge of car construction, one