Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1108

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1057 CHAP . 42 .-An Act To provide for the construction of works for the pro- tection and development of the Colorado River Basin, for the approval of the Colorado River co mpact, and for other purposes . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Boul der Canyon United States o f America in Congress assembled That for the pur- Project Act . pose of controlling the floods improving navigation and regulating Colorado River . controlling





n regulating Purpose declared for the flow of the Colorado River, providing for storage and for the constructing dam, etc ., delivery of the stored waters thereof for reclamation of public lands Canyon lackorBoulder and othe r benefic ial uses exclusive ly withi n the Uni ted State s, and fo r the generation of electrical energy as a means of making the project herein authorized a self-supporting and financially solvent under- subject to Colorado taking, the Secre tary of t he Interi or, subj ect to th e terms of the Col o- River compact, rado River compact hereinafter mentioned, is hereby authorized to constr uct, o perate , and mainta in a dam and i ncide ntal work s in the main stream of the Colorado River at Black Canyon or Boulder Canyon; adequate to create a storage reservoir of a capacity of not Capa city of r eser voir to be created . less than twenty million acre-feet of water and a main canal and appurtenant structures located entirely within the United States con- necting the Laguna Dam, or other suitable diversion dam, which the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to construct if deemed necessary or advisable by him upon engineering or economic con- siderations, with the Imperial and Coachella Valleys in California, the expenditures for said main canal and appurtenant structures to be reimbursable, as provided in the reclamation law, and shall not be paid out of revenues derived from the sale or disposal of water power or electric energy at the dam authorized to be constructed at said Black Canyon or Boulder Canyon, or for water for potable pur- poses outside of the Imperial and Coachella Valleys : Provided, how- ever, That no charge shall be made for water or for the use, storage, or del ivery of wat er for irrig ation or wate r for potabl e purp oses i n the Imperial or Coachella Valleys; also to construct and equip, operate, and maintain at or near said dam, or cause to be constructed, a complete plant and incidental structures suitable for the fullest economic development of electrical energy from the water discharged from said reservoir; and to acquire by proceedings in eminent domain, or otherwise, all lands, rights of way, and other property necessary for said purposes . SEC . 2 . (a) There is hereby established a special fund, to be known as the " Colorado River Dam fund " (hereinafter referred to as the " fund "), and to be available, as hereafter provided, only for carry- ing out the provisions of this Act . All revenues received in carry- ing out the provisions of this Act shall be paid into and expenditures shall be made out of the fund, under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior . (b) The Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to advance to the fund, from time to time and within the appropriations therefor, such amounts as the Secretary of the Interior deems necessary for carrying out the provisions of this Act, except that the aggregate amount of such advances shall not exceed the sum of $165,000,000 . Of this amount the sum of $25,000,000 shall be allocated to flood control and shall be repaid to the United States out of 621/ 2 per centum of revenues, if any, in excess of the amount necessary to meet periodical payments during the period of amortization, as provided in section 4 of this Act. If said sum of $25,000,000 is not repaid in full during the period of amortization, then 621/2 per centum of all net revenues shall be applied to payment of the re- mainder. Interest at the rate of 4 per centum per annum accruing during the year upon the amounts so advanced and remaining un- paid shall be paid annually out of the fund, except as herein other- wise provided . Dec ember 21, 1928 . [H .R . 5773 .] [Public, No. 642.] Canal connecting La- guna Dam with Impe- rial and Coachella Val- leys, Calif. Expenses reimbursa- ble, as under reclama- ti on law . Proviso. Water f or irrigation , or potable, to the val- leys, without charge . Plant for electrical energy to be construct- ed, etc., at dam. Nec essar y pr oper ty to be acquired. Col orado River Dam fund . Crea ted for e xecu ting the Act . Advances to fund authorized . Ma xim um 000,000. Sum allocated for flood control . Repayment from revenues . Deferred payments . Interest . of $165,-