Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/122

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 57. 1928 . treaty aforesaid, to be disbursed under the direction of the Secretary of State, $24,750, of which sum $5,000 shall be immediately available Provided, That when the commissioner, or the engineer to the com- missioner, shall be absent from Washington or their regular place of residence on official business they shall be allowed actual and necessary expenses of subsistence not to exceed $8 per day each . INTERNATIONAL PRISON COMMISSION For subscription of the United States as an adhering member of the International Prison Commission, and the expenses of a com- mission, including preparation of reports, $2,550 . PAN AMERICAN UNION For t he pay ment o f the quota of the United State s for the su pport of the Pan American Union, $132,256, and for printing and binding of the union, $20,000 ; in all, $152,256 : Provided, That any moneys received from the other American Republics for the support of the union shall be paid into the Treasury as a credit, in addition to the appropriation, and may be drawn therefrom upon requisitions of the chairman of the governing board of the union for the purpose of meeting the expenses of the union and of carrying out the orders of the said governing board . INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF THE PERMANENT COURT OF ARBITRATION To meet the share of the United States in the expenses for the calendar year 1927 of the International Bureau of the Permanent Co urt o f Ar bitra tion, crea ted under arti cle 43 of the conve ntio n con cluded at Th e Hagu e, Oct ober 1 8, 190 7, for the pa cific settle ment of international disputes, $2,000 . PUBLIS HING ASCE RTAINMEN T OF ELE CTORS To pay the expenses of publishing, in compliance with the require- ments of the Act of February 3, 1887, the certified copies of the final ascertainment of the electors for President and Vice President of the United States, as transmitted by the executive of each State to the Secretary of State, $2,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary. BUREAU OF IN TERP ARL IAME NTAR Y U NION FOR PR OMO TION OF INT ER- NATIONAL ARBITRATION For the contribution of the United States toward the maintenance of the Bureau of the Interparliamentary Union for the promotion of international arbitration, $6,000 . INTERN ATIONAL COMM ISSION ON A NNUAL TABLES OF CONSTAN TS, AND SO FORTH To the International Commission on Annual Tables of Constants and Numerical Data, Chemical, Physical, and Technological, as established by the Seventh International Congress of Applied Chemistry in London and as continued by the eighth congress in New York, as a contribution by the United States to ward the publication of annual tables of constants, chemical, physical, and technological, $500 . 71 Proviso . Subsistence to com- m issio ner and e ngine er, absent on official busi- ness. International Prison commission. Pan American Union. Qu ota for supp ort, and p rinting . Proviso. Use of money fr om other republics. Inte rnational Bu- reau, Permanent Court of Arbitration . Vol. 36, p . 2222. Ascertainment

of electoral vote . Publishing certified copies of. Vol. 24, p . 373. Post, p. 945 . Interparliamentary Union for promot ing interna tional arbitra- ti on . Int erna tion al Co m- mis sion on Table s of Constants.