Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1432

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SEVE NTIET H C ONGRESS . SESS. II . CH. 366. 1929 . MUSCLE SHOALS For operating, maintaining, and keeping in repair the works at Dam Numbered 2, Tennessee River, including the hydroelectrical development, $270,000, to remain available until June 30, 1930, and to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of War and the supervision of the Chief of Engineers . FLO OD CONTROL Flood c ontrol , Miss issipp i Rive r and tributa ries : For pros ecut ing work of flood control in accordance with the provisions of the Flood Control Act, approved May 15, 1928 (45 Stat., p . 534), $30,000,000 . Emer gency fund for floo d con trol on t ribut aries of Missi ssipp i River : For rescue work and for repair or maintenance of any flood- control work on any tributaries of the Mississippi River threatened or destroyed by flood, in accordance with section 7 of Flood Control Act, approved May 15, 1928 (45 Stat., p . 534), $800,000 . Flood control, Sacramento River, California : For prosecuting work of flood control in accordance with the provisions of the Flood Control Act approved March 1, 1917 (U . S . C., p . 1090, sec . 703), as modified by the Flood Control Act approved May 15, 1928 (45 Stat., p . 534), $1,000,000 . Return of funds contributed for flood control, Sacramento River, California : For return to the State of California of funds contrib- uted by the State for flood control in the Sacramento River, under the provisions of section 2 of the Flood Control Act approved March 1, 1917 (U. S . C ., p . 1090, sec . 703), as authorized by section 13 of the Flood Control A ct approve d May 15, 1928 (45 Stat., p. 534) , $4 ,370, 000 . ORDNA NCE D EPART MENT Upon th e fili ng wit h the Comptr oller General of th e Unit ed Sta tes of evidence establishing to his satisfaction that John W . Stockett has been released by the other party thereto of all claims and demands whatsoever under a certain agreement dated April 11, 1927, and expressly released of the obligation as therein stipulated for the payment of 40 per centum of the amount involved for assistance and expenses in securing compensation from the United States, the sum of $50,000 is hereby appropriated for the payment as herein- after speci fied i n full settl ement of all claims and d emands whats o- ever arising out of the use by the United States of the Stockett prim ing devic e and /or the S tocke tt br eech mech anism on guns, and thereupon there shall be paid under this appropriation the sum of $45,000 to the said John W . Stockett, and the sum of $5,000 shall be paid to and retained by the other party to said agreement as com- pensation for his services : Provided, That if the evidence of release aforesaid is not filed with the Comptroller General of the United States upon his request within the time specified by him this appro- priation shall lapse and revert back to the Treasury and be as if no appropriation had been made . For the relief of the following States as a reimbursement or con- tribution in aid from the United States, induced by the extraordinary conditions of necessity and emergency resulting from the unusually seriou s financi al loss t o such St ates thro ugh the d amage to or destru c- tion of roads and bridges by the floods of 1927, imposing a public charge against the property of said States beyond their reasonable capacity to bear, and without acknowledgement of any liability on the part of the United States in connection with the restoration of such local improvements, namely : Mis so uri , $2 58 ,4 18 ; Mississippi, Operating, etc ., works at Dam No.2, Tennessee River . Flood control. Mi ssi ssi ppi River, et c. Ante, p. 534. Emergency fund for tributaries . Ante, p. 537. Sac ramen to R iver . Vol.39,p.949. U.S. Code, p. 1090. Ante, p. 539. Return to California of funds contributed for flood control . Vol.39,p.948. U.S. Code, p. 1090. Ante, p. 539 . Ordnance Depart . ment . John W . Stockett . Payment for Govern- ment use of gun inven . tion of . Pr oei so . Condition . Relief of States for lo ss of r oads and bridges by floods of 1927. States specified. 1381 Muscle Shoals.