Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/149

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss . I . CH. 57. 1928 . with rel ative ran k of ensi gn, and i ncluding officers retired in accord - Proviso .

ance with existing law, $490,000 : Provided That the Secretary of Assistant Director .




y Commerce may desi gnate one of the hyd rographic and geodet ic engineers to act as assistant director . Office personnel.

Office force : For personal services in the District of Columbia in accordance with the Classification Act of 1923, $446,520 . Office expenses. Office expenses : For purchase of new instruments (except survey- ing instruments), including their exchange, materials, equipment, and supplies required in the instrument shop, carpenter shop, and drawing division ; books, scientific and technical books, journals, books of reference, maps, charts and subscriptions ; copper plates, chart p aper, printe r's in k, cop per, z inc, an d chem icals for el ectro- typing and photographing ; engraving, printing, photographing, rubber gloves, and electrotyping supplies ; photolithographing charts and printing from stone and copper for immediate use ; stationery for office and field parties ; transportation of instruments and supplies when not charged to party expenses ; office wagon and horses or auto- mobile truck ; heating, lighting, and power ; telephones, including operation of switchboard ; telegrams, ice, and washing ; office furni- ture, r epairs , trav eling expens es of officer s and others emplo yed in the office sent on special duty in the service of the office ; miscella- neous expenses, contingencies of all kinds, not exceeding $90 for street-ca r fares, $64,500 . Sub sis ten ce avow- Appropriations herein made for the Coast and Geodetic Survey ance restrictedd shall not be available for allowance to civilian or other officers for subsistence while on duty at Washington (except as hereinbefore provided for officers of the field force ordered to Washington for short periods for consultation with the director), except as now provided by law. Fisheries Bureau .

BUREAU OF FISHERIES Commissioner, and Co mmissi oner's offic e : For the commissioner and other personal office personnel .

services in the District of Columbia in accordance with the Classi- fication Act of 1 923, $167 ,778 . Pay of fi eld em- For pay of employees in the field, as follows : Alaska service, ployees . $49,210 ; employees at large, $47,730 ; distribution (car) employees, $33,600 ; employees at fish-cultural stations, $266,900 ; employees at fish-rescue station, Mississippi River Valley, $19,600 ; employees at v essel emp loyee s . biological stations, $40,860 ; for pay of officers and employees for the vessels of the Atlantic coast, $42,800 ; for officers and crew of vessels for Alaska Fisheries Service, $78,870 ; in all, $579,570. Adm ini str at ion ex- pen ses .

Administration :: For expenses of the office of the commissioner, . including stationery, scientific and reference books, periodicals and newspap ers fo r libr ary, f urnitu re and equipm ent, t elegra ph and tele- phone service, street-car fares not exceeding $150, compensation of temporary employees, and all other necessary expenses connected therewith, $4,400 . Propagatio n ex- Pr opaga tion of f ood f ishes : For mainte nance, repai r, alt eratio n, penses'

impr oveme nt, e quipm ent, and opera tion of f ish-c ultu ral s tatio ns, including not to exceed $4,000 to be made immediately available for Yello wsto ne Park the cons truc tion of tro ut n urse ry p onds at Mam moth Spr ings in trout nursery. Yellowstone National Park, general propagation of food fishes and their dist ribut ion, incl uding mov ement , mai ntena nce, and repai rs of cars, purchase of equipment (including rubber boots and oilskins) and apparatus, contingent expenses, temporary labor, and not to exceed $10,000 for propagation and distribution of fresh-water mus- sels and the necessary expenses connected therewith, $503,000 . Leadville, Colo ., aux- The appropriation of $30,000 for the fiscal year 1928 for a fish- 'l'

p.i vis44, 2i5 .

cultural station as an aux iliary to the sta tion at L eadville, Colorado , is continued available for such purposes during the fiscal year 1929 .