Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/151

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100 Spo nge fishe ries . Protecting . Vol . 38, p. 692. Alaska . Seal fisheries protec- tion, food to natives, etc. Vol . 36, p. 326. Amount immediately available . Mississippi wild life and fish refuge. Constru ction, equip - ment, etc., expenses . Vol . 43, p. 650. Patent Office . Commissioner, and office personnel . SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SESS. I . CH. 57. 1928 . nance, repair, and operation of motor-propelled passenger-carrying veh icles necess ary in the c onduct of th e field work of the Burea u of Fisheries, $55,000, of which $5,000 shall be available immediately . Sponge fisheries : For protecting the sponge fisheries, including employment of inspectors, watchmen, and temporary assistants, hire of boats, re ntal of o ffice and storage, care of seized sp onges and other property, travel, and all other expenses necessary to carry out the provisions of the Act of August 15, 1914, to regulate the sponge fisheries, $2,500 . Alaska, general service : For protecting the seal fisheries of Alaska, in cluding t he furnis hing of f ood, fuel , clothi ng, and o ther nece ssities of life to the natives of the Pribilof Islands, of Alaska ; not exceeding $ 47,00 0 for con struc tion, impr ovem ent, repai r, a nd al terat ion of buildings and roads, transportation of supplies to and from the islands, expenses of travel of agents and other employees and sub- sis tence while on sai d isla nds, h ire an d maint enance o l r vessels, pur- chase of sea otters, and for all expenses necessary to carry out the pr ovisions of the Ac t entitle d "An Act to prot ect the s eal fishe ries of Alaska, and for other purposes," approved April 21, 1910, and for th e prot ection of th e fish eries of Ala ska, in cludin g cont ract s teno- graphic reporting service, travel, subsistence (or per diem in lieu of subsistence) of employees while on duty in Alaska, hire of boats, employment of temporary labor, and all other necessary expenses connected therewith, $367,000, of which $100,000 shall be immediately available. MISSISSIPPI WILD LLU'E AND FISH REFUGE For construction of buildings, boats, and ponds, for purchase of equipment, including boats, for maintenance, operation, repair, and improvements, including expenditures for personal services at the seat of government and elsewhere as may be necessary, as authorized in the Act approved June 7, 1924, $25,000 . PATENT OFFICE For the Commi ssion er o f Pat ents and o ther pers onal serv ices in the District of Columbia in accordance with the Classification Act of 1923, $2,600,000 : Provided, That of the amount herein appropriated not to ex ceed $ 25,000 may b e used for s pecial and te mporar y serv ices of typists certified by the Civil Service Commission, who may be employed in such numbers, at $4 per diem, as may, in the judgment of the Commissioner of Patents, be necessary to keep current the work of furnishing manuscript copies of records . For purchase of law, professional, and other reference books and pu blica tion s and scie ntifi c bo oks, inclu ding thei r exc hange , an d expenses of transporting publications of patents issued by the Patent Of fice to f oreign go vernments , and dir ectories , $8,000 . For producing copies of weekly issue of drawings of patents and designs ; reproduction of copies of drawings and specifications of ex hauste d pate nts, d esins, trade -marks , and o ther p apers, such other papers when reproduced' for sale to be sold at not less than cost plus 10 per centum ; reproduction of foreign patent drawings ; photo prints of pending application drawings ; and photostat and photo- graphic supplies and dry mounts, $230,000 . Multigraphed head- The headings of the drawings for patented cases may be multi- ing s avowed .

gr aphed in the Paten t Offi ce for the p urpose of pho tolith ograph y . Investigating prior

For investigating the question of public use or sale of inventions use of inven tion s .

for two years or more prior to filing applications for patents, and such other questions arising in connection with applications for pat- Proviso. Tem pora ry etc. typ ist s, Reference books, etc . Copie s of weekly issue of patents, re- productions, etc .