Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1677

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1626 Emplo yees ' C o m- pensation Commission . Paym ents from com - pensation fund. Fed era l Boa rd for Vocational Education. Vocational ed ucation in agric ulture and home econ omic s . Ante, p .1151. Reh abi li tat ion of Distr ict of C olumb ia residents . Ante, p. 1260 . Sal ari es t and ex- penses . Ante, p. 1151 . Federal Oil Conser- vation Board . Expenses for, reap- propriated . Ante, p. 887. Federal Radio Co m- mis sion . Ste nographic re port- ing . Gener al A ccou nting Office . Personal services . George Rogers Clark Sesquicentennial Com- mis sion . Pla ns, etc. Ante, p. 724. All owance for a rchi- tectural services, etc. SEVENTI ETH C ONG RES S . SESS . II. CH. 707 . 1929 . E MPLO YEES ' CO MPEN SATI ON C OMMI SSIO N E mployees' compensation fund : For an additional amount for the payment of compensation for the fiscal year 1929 and prior fiscal years, including the same objects specified under this head in the Independent Offices Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1929 , $350,000 . FEDERAL BOARD FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION Cooperative vocational education in agriculture and home econom- ics : For carrying out the provisions of section 1 of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the further development of vocational educa- tion in the several State s and Territo ries," approve d February 5, 1929, fiscal year 1930, $500,000 . Cooperative vocational rehabilitation of disabled residents of the District of Columbia : For per sona l se rvic es, prin ting and bin ding , travel and subsistence, and payment of expenses of training, place- ment and oth er phases of rehabilitatin g disabled res idents of the District of Columbia unde r the provisi ons of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the vocational rehabilitation of disabled residents of the District of Columbia," approved February 23, 1929, fiscal year 1930, $15,000 . Salaries and expenses : For carrying out the provisions of section 2 of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the further development of vocational education in the several States and Territories," approved February 5, 1929, fiscal year 1930, $95,000, of which amount not to exceed $68,500 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia . FEDERAL OIL CONSERVATION BOARD The unexpended balance of the appropriation of $50 ,000 made in the First Deficiency Act, fiscal year 19 25, for the Federa l Oil Con- servation Board, shall remain available until June 30, 1930 . FEDERAL RADIO COMMISSION Not exceeding $3,432 .7 7 of the appropriation " Salaries a nd expenses, Federal Radio Commission, 1 927- 1929 ," is hereby made available fo r payment of obligations i ncurred in the fiscal years 1927 and 1928 for contract stenographic reporting service . GENER AL ACCOUNTING OFFICE Salaries : For an additional amount for personal services in the District of Columbia, in accordance with the Classification Act of 1923, as amended, fiscal years 1929 and 1930, $10,800 . GEORGE ROGERS CLARK SESQUICENTENNIAL COMM ISSI ON Notwithstanding the provisions of section 6 of the public resolu- tion approved May 23, 1928 (45 Stat., p . 724), not to exceed $50,000 of the appropriation " George Rogers Clark Sesquicentennial Com- missio n, 19 28-1 931, " may be dis bursed for expens es nec essari ly incurred for architectural services and traveling expenses and for such other expenses as may be necessary to be incurred in the prepara- tion of plans and designs t o be submitte d for the appr oval of the National Commission on Fine Arts .