Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1714

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1663 thereon for post office and other Government offices under a total estimated limit of cost of $335,000, is hereby amended so as to authorize the Secretary of the Treasury, in his discretion, to acquire additional land and extend, remodel, and enlarge the present build- ing at a total estimated limit of cost of $185,000; and the appropria- tions heretofore made shall be available for either purpose . West Warwick (Rhode Island) post office, and so forth : For acqui- West Warwick, R . I. sition of site and commencement of construction, $30,000, under an estimated total cost of $140,000 . Total appropriation for projects under section 5, Act of May 25, 1926, as am ended, $11,2 70,500 . Any appropriation he rein made toward the combined purpose Appropriation for sites and construction of acquiring land and starting construction shall not be construed may exceed site limit if total amount suffi- to prevent the Secretary of the Treasury from contracting for the cient for building . necessary land in an amount in excess of such appropriation if, in his judgment, a balance will remain in the limit of cost sufficient to co ver co mplete const ructio n of t he buil ding . ACQUISITION OF TRIANGLE PROPER'I"S, WASHINGTON, DISTRICT OF COLU MBIA The unencumbered balance on June 30, 1929, of the appropriation tiiBalpaa ailable un- "Acquisition of triangle properties, Washington, District of Colum- Ante, p . 925. bia, 1929, " is h ereby contin ued an d made availa ble fo r such purpo ses until expended . International Street, NOGALES, AR IZO NA, IN TER NAT ION AL STR EET

Nogales,Aria . For grading and paving of the Federal strip of land known as International Street belonging to the United States, along the inter- national boundary line between Mexico and the United States and adjac ent to the c ity of Nogal es, Ar izona, said p aving to ext end fr om the east side of Nelson Avenue to the top of the hill beyond West Stree t, wit h the necess ary fe nce, r etainin g wall s, sto rm sew ers, t he installation of an ornamental lighting system, and other items nec- essary in connection therewith, $30,000, and in addition the unex- pended balance of the appropriation of $40,000 under this heading in the Second Deficiency Act, fiscal year 1928, approved May 29, 1928, is continued and made available until June 30, 1930, for the purposes of this paragraph . PUBLIC BUI LDI NGS , REP AIR S, EQUIPMENT, AND GEN ERA L EXP ENS ES

Repairs, equipment, et c. Outside professional services : For an additional amount for archi- outside professional tectural services, including the same objects specified under this head services . i n the Act making appropriations for the Treasury Department for the fisc al year 1 929, $194 ,000 . PU BLIC B UILDING S, OPER ATING EXPENSE S Operating force for public buildings : For additional amounts for such per sonal serv ices as t he Se creta ry of the Trea sury may deem necessary in connection with the care, maintenance, and repair of all public buildings under the control of the Treasury Department, and so forth, including the same objects specified under this head in the Acts making appropriations for the Treasury Department for the followin g fiscal years : For 1929, $25,000; For 193 0, $75 ,000 . Triangle pro pe rti es D. C. Grading and paving . Ante, p. 1405. Balance available . Ante, p. 925. Operating force .