Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1770

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Army-Continued. . Genera} .StaftCorpa, eligibility lequire- mentL_ ..: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~------------ graduates of Army &ervice iChoola' __ _ Ha~. Nati9ul Guard ofiicens·and, Filipiooeto be paf\lfor traiDiDg . ~ce 10.lIrU andl9ta6______ _ heavy aea-golng Air Cozpll noeiVenI .' :. - allthoriHd for, H.waii, ~h& Phll- , ippin4!l;~~'Zooae. _____·_.: hol'888 Mid ~!Jl_ler, liJuited to aetual needS 'ot.Dlounted eervice __ .. . :. __ purchao038 In open market: 8tandIrd . . reqlJtred_____ ._,,___ ~ _____ . ___ _ polo ponies for Military AcadeDly only, may be purchasecL.. _, . .. __ _ indebtedness of enlisted men, may be deducted, in monthly ~- menta, from pay rolL_________ _ joint tx.r\l of oflicelll Qf,and Navy to survey, etc., of stor",.., of·am- munition at places in dIiongerous ftTarmstroBot (talk):_00:57, 25 September 2010 (UTC)~_TarmstroBot (talk) 00:57, 25 September 2010 (UTC) report, recommeadatlons, etc., to be submitted to Congress by ~he Secretar.Y-------------------- appropriations availablefor expelllleL lands for addition to Cemp Bullis, Tex., to be acquired.. ______________ _ lease of New Orleooa Quartel'lIlUter .'. Intermediate Depot, authorized! to New Orleans Association or .. Commerce __________________ _ loan of Qota, etc., to national convention of American Legion at· San An~~ilA.Tex..--~ -.. --- - - -. - - - -- foTarmstroBot (talk) 00:57, 25 September 2010 (UTC)-Ol Ifrnit;d-coDi«i8"rate . Veter&D8 at Little Boot, Ark__ _ ten~ etc., authorized for encamp- ment of United Confederate Veterans, at Charlotte, N.• C __ _ oblolete aeronaticaJ., equipment au- . thorized to museums and educa- tional instituti.ons___ - - -- - - - - - - loans or gifta authorized of.condemned oriln.ance,· etc., to veteran 88BOCi- ationa, etc__________ .. _______ _ lots in 'Saint Paul, MinD., granted to the Qity"'"" _____ :.. ______ ~------- price: proceeds to post construction fund _______________________ _ medical ofli~aasigned to the President allowed temporary rank, etc., ~f Inileag:,ru:fe~-cii ofti~e;;ancFcitvma;; investIgating battle fields to be f:;~_00:57, 25 September 2010 (UTC):=00:57, 25 September 2010 (UTC)00:57, 25 September 2010 (UTC)~ Military Academy, completion Of Dew . Udet mess hall. dormitories, etc., authorized______ ~_~ __ __ __ __ _ _ additional bui1din~ authoriBed__ .., __ name of Ancon'J:J08pltal, Panama CaDal Zone, changed to Gorpa B08pi- tal_________________________ _ no deduction of pay, etc.t • ~f !"ti!ed warrant officers eD11SWC1 men, etc., aervingin Panama Canal- _ nonsectarian cha.pel authorized on grounda of Army medica.l center, in the District, at cost of Gray Ladies of the Red Cr088. __ __ __ _ _ 618 618 86li 1425 245 24S 246 698 35 35 1073 790 397 1142 61 1166 753 773 956 956 6'10 249 1071 1258 365 310 156 xix